
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 円空の森水

住所 :

Minamicho Takasago, Gujo, 〒501-4102 Gifu,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Gifu

Minamicho Takasago, Gujo, 〒501-4102 Gifu,Japan
ヒゼヨ on Google

There are no people! The amount of water is abundant and the roof is very beautiful.
長良川自然学校NPO法人 on Google

This is healed. Recommended (^ o ^)
忍SHINΦBU on Google

美味しい水がいただける穴場的スポット 駐車場も広く清潔で静かな所で癒されます。
A little-known spot where you can enjoy delicious water The parking lot is large, clean and quiet.
fuhgetsu on Google

内緒にしたいくらいの美味しい水。 同じ高賀山でも、反対側の高賀神社麓にある高賀神水より、こちらの方が断然おすすめです!
Delicious water that you want to keep secret. Even on the same Mt. Koka, this one is definitely recommended over the Koga Shinsui at the foot of the Koga Shrine on the other side!
アルマ on Google

静かで涼しくていいところです。 夏に訪れたいですね。 水の味はよくわからないですが、水道水よりは美味しいと思います!
It is quiet and cool. I want to visit in summer. I do not know the taste of water, but I think it is more delicious than tap water!
greendol skyforest on Google

駐車場も舗装されていて広い。 自由に水汲みする事が出来る。 環境維持の為、貯金箱が設置されている。
The parking lot is also paved and wide. You can freely drink water. Piggy banks are set up to maintain the environment.
River Land (マップ道楽) on Google

久しぶりに訪れた「円空の森水」は、施設がリニューアルされ、以前にも増して綺麗で清潔になった印象を受けました。 今から6~7年前に、真冬の❄️雪道をバイクで水を汲みに来た思い出もあります。 あの時は寒かった~ぁ?⛄??? この名水は背後の山、「瓢ヶ岳」の反対側に当たる関市洞戸地区の「高賀の神水」に位置的に近いせいか、よく似たほのかな甘味のある風味を感じます。 ま、これは個人差の範疇ですがね? 両者の違いは「高賀の神水」は地下60Mから汲み上げた地下水で有料。 「円空の森水」は沢、または湧き水が水源地だと言う話で、こちらは無料。 いずれにしても飲料水です。 水場の近くに駐車して、水場に排気ガスを浴びせるなど「言語道断」です。 そういう社会性の乏しいKYがいるから水場前に「車止め」が設けられるのです。 マナーを守って正しく利用しましょう☝️
I visited "Enku no Morimizu" for the first time in a long time, and I got the impression that the facility was renewed and it became more beautiful and clean than before. I remember coming to fetch water on a motorcycle on a ❄️ snowy road in the middle of winter 6 to 7 years ago. It was cold at that time ?⛄??? This famous water has a similar faint sweet flavor, probably because it is located close to "Koka no Kamisui" in the Horado district of Seki City, which is on the opposite side of the mountain behind "Hyogatake". Well, this is a category of individual differences ? The difference between the two is that "Koka no Kamisui" is charged for groundwater pumped from 60 meters underground. "Enku no Morimizu" is a story that the water source is a swamp or spring water, and this is free. In any case, it is drinking water. It is "outrageous" such as parking near the water place and exposing the water place to exhaust gas. Because there is such a poorly social KY, a "buffer stop" is set up in front of the water place. Follow your etiquette and use it correctly ☝️
Hiking Gifu on Google

Decent natural spring water is available from the Enku statue replicas for free (although a small donation in the nearby money box, also an Enku statue replica, is appreciated). Hoshinomiya shrine and a nearby waterfall are also worth viewing. There are some short hikes nearby, to Enku rock and Enku cave. And also the trail head for Mt Fukubegatake is a little further up the road from here.

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