
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 高円寺コルシカ

住所 :

Koenjiminami, Suginami City, 〒166-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://ichigo200712158.wix.com/k-corsica
街 : Tokyo

Koenjiminami, Suginami City, 〒166-0003 Tokyo,Japan
Kazu N on Google

masumi on Google

Calm down in an adult atmosphere. It's delicious no matter what you eat, but the dumplings and beef nigiri, sangria and bread are delicious!
Mit K on Google

The owner is working alone and calms down in a hideaway atmosphere. All the dishes are excellent!
manabu sato on Google

Daikon steak is the best!
バシ式動画 on Google

高円寺ではあまり見ない感じのお店。 メインの通りから路地に入った所にあり、 騒がしくなく落ち着いた雰囲気が良い。 料理も美味しいモノたちばかり! 良い時間を過ごせると思います!!
A shop that you don't often see in Koenji. Located in the alley from the main street, The atmosphere is calm and not noisy. Only delicious food! I think you can have a good time! !!
Suzuki Morito on Google

Delicious rustic Italian food at an affordable price. The master is chopping up alone and it seems to be difficult at the time of congestion, but it is a very kind and friendly person who can wait happily. You can make a lot of regulars. I want to go again.
トミー on Google

おしゃれで落ち着いた雰囲気のお店。自分へのご褒美にうってつけ。 優しい店主の人柄に、ついつい長居したくなるような、そんなお店です。 ゴルゴンゾーラのペンネ、絶品です。他にもアンティパスト、パスタ、肉料理などがありますが、どれも美味しいですよ。 カウンター、テーブル席があります。
Shop of stylish, calm atmosphere. Perfect for your reward. It is such a shop that you want to stay for a while in the friendly storekeeper's personality. Gorgonzola's Penne is an excellent item. Other than that there are antipasto, pasta and meat dishes, but they are all delicious. There are counter and table seats.
Naoto Tanaka on Google

一軒目ではなく二軒目以降にお勧めしたいお店です。 常連さんが多そうなお店でした。 テーブル席もあるので、4名ぐらいならグループでも入れます。 料理は美味しかったです。
It is a shop that I would like to recommend after the second one, not the first one. It was a shop with many regular customers. There are table seats, so if you have about 4 people, you can have a group. The food was delicious.

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