Josenji - Chiba

3.9/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Josenji

住所 :

260 Nakanishicho, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 266-0024
Webサイト :

260 Nakanishicho, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0024, Japan
Jack Amano on Google

ララ on Google

永野元靖 on Google

Tangoh Tangoh on Google

Nichiren Buddhist temple.
やーすー on Google

The personalities of the temple people were very good.
千箇寺裕之 on Google

1590年代創建の、日蓮宗寺院です。 茂原市藻原寺末寺です。 田園地帯にありますが、赤門が目印です。 小さなお寺さんですが、寺族の方々が良い方 です。
Nichiren Buddhist temple built in the 1590s. It is Sueoji, Mobara-shi. Although it is in the countryside, Akamon is a landmark. A small temple, but the people of the temple are good is.
鉄十字 on Google

千葉市緑区中西町にある日蓮宗の寺院です。 通称「中西の淡島さま」 旧本山は常在山藻原寺(茂原市茂原)。 女性の守り神「淡島尊天(淡島神)」を祀るお寺として古くから知られ、お産を控えた女性が安産祈願に訪れ、平穏無事に出産を終えると腹帯を納めるという風習があります。 参詣の折、副住職様より快く御首題を戴きました。
It is a temple of the Nichiren sect in Nakanishi-cho, Midori-ku, Chiba. Known as "Mr. Awashima of Nakanishi" The old main mountain is Jozaiyamasogen Temple (Mobara, Mobara City). It has long been known as a temple dedicated to the female guardian deity "Awashima no kami", and it is customary for women who are about to give birth to come to pray for a safe delivery and pay their girths when they finish giving birth safely. At the time of my visit, I was happy to receive the title from the deputy chief priest.

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