大福 - Toyota

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大福

住所 :

Jinnakacho, Toyota, 〒471-0079 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 471-0079
街 : Aichi

Jinnakacho, Toyota, 〒471-0079 Aichi,Japan
さんしゅう丸 on Google

Miso boiled udon is the most delicious in Toyota City, because the tender natural soy sauce is used, the taste changes slightly on that day
2603ホクト on Google

昔から釜揚げうどんは此処が一番ですね 麺の腰がしっかりしており食感が最高です また、素材の表示を提示しているので安心して食べられます
Kamaage udon has always been the best here The noodles have a firm waist and the texture is the best. In addition, you can eat with confidence because the display of the material is presented.
yuichis s (yuichi) on Google

麺めちゃ美味い!流石、自家製麺、こんな美味しい麺食べたの初めて! エビ天も伸ばして無くてそのままのえびが楽しめる。 伸ばして感触無くすより、そのままがいいな。 次は鍋焼きうどん食べに来よう。 こんな店は無くなって欲しくない。 チェーンでは出せない味。 久しぶりに来ました。 メニューが変わっていました。 やっぱ、愛知県は鍋焼きで無いのか?無くなってた残念。 増税でちょっと値上げ!これは仕方ない。 久しぶりに味噌煮込み食べましたが、絶品でした。 これからも、頑張って欲しい店舗。
Noodles are so delicious! This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious noodle! You can enjoy the shrimp as it is without stretching the shrimp heaven. It's better than just stretching it out of touch. Next time I'll come to eat Nabeyaki udon. I don't want this store to disappear. A taste that cannot be served with a chain. I came after a long time. The menu has changed. After all, isn't Aichi Prefecture a hot pot? Sorry for the loss. Raise the price with a tax increase! as for this, it cant be helped. I ate miso stewed after a long time, but it was excellent. A store I want you to work hard from now on.
hr23 mss on Google

昼時で混雑覚悟で行ってみたがすぐには入れて良かった。(帰る頃に増えはじめたが) 味噌煮込みうどんはもちろん美味しかったし、おばちゃんが気さくな感じで良いお昼になりました。
I tried to go there at noon with the intention of being crowded, but it was good to put it in immediately. (Although it started to increase by the time I returned) Of course, the miso nikomi udon was delicious, and the aunt had a friendly feeling and had a good lunch.
koji tomoda on Google

Because Toyota has udon noodles! Mr. Daifuku who took me with that. The one I ordered was a miso simmered (fortune) tendon bowl, which is delicious! It was a very satisfying lunch with plenty of vegetable heaven including shrimp. Miso nikomi udon is made with red miso like Mikawa, but it is made from raw noodles. The hot and hot udon noodles are so steamy that even if you take a picture, the camera lens becomes cloudy. Everyone should definitely go there once!
岩田牧子 on Google

ここの味噌煮込みが大好きで、芋天味噌を毎回頼みます。もう通って、20年以上になりますが、変わらないお味で美味しいです。 みそにこみうどんといえば、もう、ここ!です。 久しぶりにまた芋天味噌を頼みましたが、やっぱり大満足。 味噌煮込みの麺がしっかりとしていて、大盛りしたいぐらいです。 もちろん、コロナ対策もされています。 やっている時間が短いのが残念ですが、大将の体力に合わせ無理しないで続けていただきたいですね。
I love the miso simmered here, so I always order Imoten miso. It's been over 20 years now, but it tastes the same and is delicious. Speaking of miso ni komi udon, it's already here! is. I ordered potato miso again for the first time in a long time, but I am still very satisfied. The noodles stewed in miso are firm and I want to serve them in large quantities. Of course, corona measures are also taken. It's a pity that I'm doing it for a short time, but I'd like you to continue without overdoing it according to the general's physical strength.
uni ikura on Google

味噌煮込みうどんと海老天(1尾)1150円を注文。 鍋が煮立った状態で配膳され食欲をそそります。 熱いので椀に移して食べていました。 麺は少し芯のある感じ。 柔らかめも出来るようなので次回来るとしたら柔らかめかな。 麺の太さはノーマル。 太くもなく細くもなく。 出汁は赤味噌の味噌汁のような味。 他の方も書かれていますがもう少し出汁が効いている方が私は好みです。 これが三河の味のようなので、好みの問題だと思います。 天丼の海老天はしっかりと太めの海老天。 長くはないがしっかりとした食べ応えがあり、私としてはもっと食べたかった。 セットで+350円は少し高めですが、こちらはかなり満足。 牛丼一杯分の値段なので相応なのかもしれませんが、これは頼む方がいい。 香川に近い他県から来ているので麺に違和感を感じますが、丁寧な接客をされ、落ち着いて食べられました。 駐車場は店前に2台、店向かって右一戸飛びで4台あります。 お店の前は少し狭いかな。
I ordered miso nikomi udon and shrimp tempura (1 fish) for 1150 yen. The pot is served in a boiled state and is appetizing. It was so hot that I moved it to a bowl and ate it. The noodles have a little core. It seems that it can be softened, so it will be softer next time. The thickness of the noodles is normal. Neither thick nor thin. The soup stock tastes like red miso miso soup. Others have written it, but I prefer the soup stock to be a little more effective. This is like the taste of Mikawa, so I think it's a matter of taste. The shrimp tempura in the bowl is a thick shrimp tempura. It wasn't long, but it had a solid response, and I wanted to eat more. +350 yen is a little expensive as a set, but I'm quite satisfied with this. It may be reasonable because it is the price of a bowl of beef, but it is better to ask for this. Since I am from another prefecture near Kagawa, I feel uncomfortable with the noodles, but I was able to serve them politely and eat calmly. There are 2 parking lots in front of the store and 4 parking lots on the right side of the store. Is it a little small in front of the shop?
Hitesh Giri on Google

Very old udon shop. Owners are very warm and welcoming. Food is really tasty. Though the menu is only in Japanese.

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