自家製ラーメン 麺屋ラッキー JIKASEI RAMEN MENYA LUCKY - Maebashi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 自家製ラーメン 麺屋ラッキー JIKASEI RAMEN MENYA LUCKY

住所 :

76 Higashizenmachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2132, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 379-2132
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/menyalucky2325%3Fs%3D09

76 Higashizenmachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2132, Japan
黄昏のもへじ on Google

Hatsujiro system. For a limited time, "Kyabeton" is specified for 850 yen, vegetables, ginger, garlic, and a small amount of backfat. The char siu is roasted and has a savory and chewy thickness, but it can be loosened in the mouth with torotoro meat. The sweetness and crispy texture are so sweet that it was a pity that we reduced the amount of cabbage! It was just right with a little lard. If you're not good at greasy, it's a little! The soup is probably for more people, so I wonder if it can be a little salty. However, it was rich and went very well with garlic chip ginger. The exterior is old, so women may falter, but the interior is clean so there is no problem. It was delicious! It was a treat!
トラ on Google

ラッキー(店長)が唐揚げをやると聞いていたので、今日やっと来ました♫ 想像以上に大きくてジューシーです♫ まぜそばは確か270だったと思います♫ (私のラーメンは170) お腹いっぱいで夕飯要らないぐらいです、、が、、テイクアウトでまぜそばと唐揚げ(⌒-⌒; ) ご馳走様でした(о´∀`о)
I heard that Lucky (the store manager) will do fried chicken, so I finally came today ♫ It's bigger and juicy than you can imagine ♫ I think the mixed soba was 270 ♫ (My ramen is 170) I'm full and don't need supper, but ... Take out mixed soba and fried chicken (⌒-⌒;) It was a treat (о´∀`о)
ラん on Google

ぜそばを食べたくて行きました 野菜、油、ニンニク増し生姜少なめですがペロリと完食 炙りチャーシューで美味しくて旦那に一枚もっていかれました もやしはあのタヌキキャラのもやしブランドを使用 かさましで利用してるとは思えないくらいの食感と風味 脂はかたまりがあったのでそれは残しましたが麺が細めなので食べてくうちにいろんな具材が組み合って食べやすい! ラーメンのほうはインパクトないです 焼き飯はしっとりしていて肉がジューシーてす 混ぜそばのほうがオススメですね 店員の謙虚な接客も新鮮です 入り口にはオーナーと思われる人と撮影した写真があり人脈の良さが感じられます 持ち帰りに関しては鍋を持っていくとスープと麺を分けてくれるそう 後日持ち帰りを注文しました30分ほど待つので予約したほうが良かったかも 持参した鍋にたっぶり入ってます
I wanted to eat zesoba. Vegetables, oil, garlic and ginger were a little, but it was a complete meal with pelori. It was delicious with roasted charcoal and was taken to my husband. Moyashi uses that Tanuki Chara's Moyashi brand. The texture and flavor are so hard to think that it is used upside down. I left it because there was a lump of fat, but since the noodles are thin, it is easy to eat with various ingredients combined as I eat it! Ramen has no impact The grilled rice is moist and the meat is juicy Mixed soba is recommended The humble customer service of the clerk is also fresh. At the entrance, there is a picture taken with a person who seems to be the owner, and you can feel the good network of people. As for take-out, if you bring a pot, it will separate the soup and noodles. I ordered a take-out at a later date. I'll wait for about 30 minutes, so maybe I should have made a reservation.

少し遅めの昼食のためラーメン屋さんを探していたら、たまたま見つけたため入りました。 いわゆる二郎系スタイルのラーメンで、野菜・背脂・ニンニク・生姜を、多め・少なめ・なしで注文時にリクエストします。 写真は野菜と生姜多め、背脂・ニンニク少なめの、煮卵追加(+100円でウズラの卵が7~8個位入っている)状態です。 チャーシューは厚み約1cm/直径約10cmが2枚入っていました。 このチャーシューは箸で簡単に崩れるくらいホロホロに柔らかくて美味しかった。 麺はコシのある極太麺です。 久々に二郎スタイルのラーメンを食べて、とても美味しかったのですが、背脂を少な目にして生姜をたはずなのに歳のせいか後半効いてきて、残念ながらきスープは飲み干せませんでした。(刻み生姜がてんごか) 今度入ったら、つけ麺にチャレンジしてみたいと思います。 ごちそうさまでした!
When I was looking for a ramen shop for a little late lunch, I came in because I happened to find it. It is a so-called Jiro style ramen, and you can request vegetables, backfat, garlic, and ginger at the time of ordering with more, less, or no. The photo shows a state with a large amount of vegetables and ginger, a small amount of backfat and garlic, and an additional boiled egg (+100 yen contains about 7 to 8 quail eggs). The char siu contained two pieces with a thickness of about 1 cm and a diameter of about 10 cm. This char siu was so soft and delicious that it could easily be crumbled with chopsticks. The noodles are very thick and chewy. I ate Jiro-style ramen after a long time and it was very delicious, but unfortunately I couldn't drink the soup because it worked in the second half because I should have ginger with less backfat. (Is chopped ginger a tengo?) Next time, I would like to try Tsukemen. Thank you for the meal!
T Y on Google

休日昼間に来店。 券売機にて「幸せラーメン(税込800円)」を購入。 席に着き、赤ペンでトッピングの増減を記入して、店員さんに渡す。 野菜普通、脂普通、ニンニク少なめ、生姜少なめ 星3の理由 ・チャーシューが美味しい。柔らかく煮込んである。 ・スープが美味しい。 ・冷水機の水が冷たい。 ・店内にラーメンと幸せラーメンの違いの掲示がある。 星4にならなかった理由 ・麺の啜り心地がイマイチ。やや硬め、やや縮れ。 ・もやしが生っぽくて量が多いので食べるのがキツい。 ・コスパは普通。同じ値段で美味しいラーメンなら他の店でも食べられる。 ・店内の音楽(JPOPのカバー)がうるさい。今まで行った飲食店の中でダントツにうるさい。食事に集中できない。 ・店内の外装、内装に清潔感が無い。 ・駐車場が狭い。店前に5台、空き地に5台停められるが、普通車でも厳しい。 いわゆるアットホームな店。常連客は良いかもしれないが、初見の客には向かない店。
Visit the store during the daytime on holidays. Purchase "Happy Ramen (800 yen including tax)" at the ticket vending machine. Take a seat, write down the increase or decrease of toppings with a red pen, and give it to the clerk. Normal vegetables, normal fat, less garlic, less ginger Reason for 3 stars ・ The char siu is delicious. It is simmered softly. ・ The soup is delicious. ・ The water in the water cooler is cold. ・ There is a notice in the store about the difference between ramen and happy ramen. Why it didn't become 4 stars ・ The noodles are not very comfortable to sip. Slightly stiff and slightly curly. ・ Bean sprouts are raw and large in quantity, so it is hard to eat. ・ Cospa is normal. You can eat delicious ramen at the same price at other restaurants. ・ The music in the store (JPOP cover) is noisy. It's by far the most noisy restaurant I've ever been to. I can't concentrate on eating. ・ There is no sense of cleanliness in the exterior and interior of the store. ・ The parking lot is small. Five cars can be parked in front of the store and five cars can be parked in a vacant lot, but even ordinary cars are tough. A so-called homely shop. Regular customers may be good, but the store is not suitable for first-time customers.
BunBun丸 on Google

日本語が流暢な外国人の店主&店員さんの二郎インスパイアのラーメン屋?さんです。 元々は中華料理屋さん?の居抜き店舗でカウンター5・テーブル2・小上がり2 と広めですが 駐車?️が狭い…です。 システムは券売機でラーメン券購入して好み&無料トッピングを赤ペン?️で記入するスタイル 勿論!水?はセルフです。豊富なトッピングは¥100券購入して店員さんに伝えてくださいねっ!? 味玉まぜそば頂きました。普通に旨しっす?(チーズ良い)でしたよ‼️ (味玉の玉子…まさかのうずらの卵5個でした? トッピングうずら卵したので計10個…どういうこと?w) そんなにうずら好きではないよ?! 麺は中太オーション麺 /チャーシューは炙り (焼肉系)これはgood?です(個人的に) ごちそうさまでした。
This is a ramen shop ? inspired by Jiro, a foreign shopkeeper and clerk who is fluent in Japanese. Originally a Chinese restaurant? It's wide with 5 counters, 2 tables, and 2 small rises, but the parking ?️ is small ... The system is a style of purchasing ramen tickets at a ticket vending machine and filling in your favorite & free toppings with a red pen ?️ Of course! Water ? is self. Please purchase a ¥ 100 ticket for abundant toppings and tell the clerk! ? I had Ajitama mixed soba. It was normal ? (cheese is good)! ️ (Ajitama no Tamago ... It was 5 quail eggs ? Toppings I had quail eggs so a total of 10 ... What do you mean? W) I don't like quail so much ?! Noodles are medium-thick ausion noodles / Char siu is roasted (grilled meat) This is good ? (personally) Thank you for the meal.
タカダアキオ on Google

アットホームな二郎系のお店です。学生が集団で来たり、家族で訪れてもゆっくり食べられると思います。 Twitterやインスタ等でこまめに情報を更新してくれるのが個人的にありがたいです。テイクアウトもできるみたいです。 味もめちゃくちゃうまいです!
It is a homely Jiro shop. I think that students can eat slowly even if they come in groups or with their families. I personally appreciate that the information is updated frequently on Twitter and Instagram. It seems that you can also take out. The taste is also messed up!
Hiro S on Google

今日のお昼は仲間3人で前橋にあるラーメン店[麺屋ラッキー]です。 二郎系となります。 注文は特製ラーメンにしてみました。 標準で麺の量は250g[量は多いです],鶉玉子5個、 炙りチャーシュー3枚でとくに チャーシューは柔らかくて最高。 今迄いろいろと二郎系のラーメンを 食べた中では一番の柔らかさ、おいしい味です。 最後に調理されていたのは外国人の方でした。
Today's lunch is a ramen shop [Menya Lucky] in Maebashi with three friends. It will be Jiro system. I ordered a special ramen. As standard, the amount of noodles is 250g [the amount is large], 5 quail eggs, Especially with 3 roasted char siu The char siu is soft and the best. Until now, various Jiro ramen It is the softest and most delicious taste I have ever eaten. The last person to cook was a foreigner.

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