濃厚とんこつラーメン 大源家

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 濃厚とんこつラーメン 大源家

住所 :

Komagatamachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2122 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878979
Webサイト : https://prs7.shimazu-yoshihiro.net/gunma/index.html
街 : Gunma

Komagatamachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2122 Gunma,Japan
yoshida ken on Google

夜お店の前の道路を通ると車がよく止まっているので気になっていたところです。食券制でお店の入口で購入します。他の家系ラーメンと同様麺の固さ、味の濃さ、油の量が選べます。醤油豚骨を頂きましたが、家系にしては自分はややあっさり目に感じました。ただ味自体は良かったので完全に好みの問題であると思います。ランチタイムはご飯が無料でいただけるようです。 なお、駐車場ですが10台ほど停められますが一台あたりのスペースがすごく狭いので、大きい車で行くと駐車に苦労します。
I was worried because the car often stopped when I went along the road in front of the shop. We purchase at entrance of shop by meal ticket system. You can choose the firmness of the noodles, the thickness of the taste, and the amount of oil, as with other family ramen. I got soy sauce pork bones, but in the case of family, I felt a little light. But the taste itself is good, so I think it is a matter of taste completely. It seems that you can have free rice at lunchtime. In addition, although it is a parking lot, about 10 cars can be parked, but the space per car is very small, so it will be difficult to park when going by a large car.
ちゅらかふう on Google

ずっと気になっていて、初めて行きました。 店員さんが外国の方でメニューについての質問をしたのですが、通じず注文したものと違うものが来ました。 ラーメンなのに猫舌の私が食べてもぬるく味も私には合わず残念でした。
I've been interested in it for a long time and went there for the first time. The clerk asked a foreigner about the menu, but I couldn't get it and the one I ordered was different. Even though it was ramen, I was disappointed that the slimy taste did not suit me even if I ate it.
detto raizinngu on Google

何度か通っています。 家系の中ではさっぱりしている方です。 薄いと感じる人もいると思いますが、これはこれで好きなのでなんとも言えません。 変に癖があるよりは全然食べやすいと思っています。 麺は太麺です。コシもちゃんとあり満足です。 チャーシューが分厚いです。めちゃ美味いです。 駐車場は入りずらいし狭いので頑張ってください。
I have been there several times. He is a refreshing person in the family. Some people may find it thin, but I can't say anything because I like it. I think it's easier to eat than weird habits. The noodles are thick noodles. I am satisfied with the elasticity. The char siu is thick. It's really delicious. The parking lot is difficult to enter and is small, so please do your best.
ばたーたらこ on Google

It was really delicious! The clerk was a foreigner, and he was cold and chilled, and as soon as the cold was gone, he exchanged it for a new one. I will come again ??
やまもとまさ on Google

交差点にある少し狭い駐車場のお店。 外の看板にはスープに凝ってるとの謳い文句。 食券制で目につくところに売れ筋ランキングが表示されていました。 麺は太麺でスープにからみ、またスープはクセがなく非常に美味しかったです。 難点はスープがぬるかったこと。
A shop with a small parking lot at the intersection. The sign outside says that the soup is enthusiastic. The best-selling ranking was displayed in a conspicuous place with a meal ticket system. The noodles were thick and entwined in the soup, and the soup was very delicious with no habit. The difficulty is that the soup was lukewarm.
のら on Google

家系ラーメンのお店です。初来訪にも嬉しいメニューの人気ランキングあるので無難な選択が出来そう 濃厚でまろやかなスープのラーメンを頂けました。自分はレモンを絞って食べる麺だったのですが美味しかったです。
Iekei Ramen shop. There is a popular ranking of menus that are nice for the first visit, so it seems that you can make a safe choice I got a rich and mellow soup ramen. I used to squeeze the lemon and eat it, but it was delicious.
スダチ on Google

First visit for lunch on weekdays! It feels refreshing for a family! Order at the ticket machine and bring the chopped onions verbally! There are 12 parking lots, but if it's light! An ordinary delicious ramen shop!


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