
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社Jent

住所 :

Asakusabashi, Taito City, 〒111-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.jent.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Asakusabashi, Taito City, 〒111-0053 Tokyo,Japan
natsuko yoshida on Google

We have responded to this request in detail on the line. It was difficult to find a rental property with children, but thanks to your cooperation, we made a successful contract.
吉田卓 on Google

LINEでのやり取りが本当にスムーズでここ最近では一番の体験でした。 また引っ越しをする際はぜひ使いたいです! 今回はありがとうございました!
The communication on LINE was really smooth and it was the best experience these days. I definitely want to use it when I move! Thank you for this time!
kiyo karata on Google

過去何度も引越し経験ありますが、今までで1番レスポンスが早くスムーズに引越しできました。 またご利用させていただきます。
I have moved many times in the past, but I was able to move smoothly and quickly with the fastest response so far. I will use it again.
T Y on Google

The exchange of LINE was quick, and I was able to quickly find a property between work! Personally, I'm not good at the mediator Oniden, so it was very helpful to be able to respond with LINE. I am very satisfied that the person in charge introduced me to a good property and I was able to make a contract. Thank you, continue!
chiaki fukunaga on Google

部屋探しから引越しまでのスピードが早く、困っていることや分からないことをLINEで質問した際にも迅速に対応して下さいました! 対応もとても丁寧で、利用して良かったなと思いました!
The speed from finding a room to moving is fast, and when I asked a question on LINE about something I was having trouble with or didn't understand, he responded promptly! The correspondence was very polite and I was glad to use it!
H T on Google

I used it as an intermediary for rent. The response of Mr. Shida in charge was quick and very helpful! I would like to ask if there is anything else (^^)
Soshi Yamaguchi on Google

I heard that you can search for a room for rent by chat, so I tried using it. As a result, it was good to use it in terms of speed and cost! It may be a long time ago, but I will use it again.
kaori on Google

初めて利用したので不安でしたがとても丁寧に対応していただきました。 迅速に動いていただいたのでお陰様でスムーズに契約することができました。ありがとうございました! また引越しする際には是非利用したいと思います!
I was worried because I used it for the first time, but he responded very politely. Thanks to you for moving quickly, I was able to make a smooth contract. thank you! I would definitely like to use it when I move!

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