JA Hiroshima General Hospital - Hatsukaichi

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JA Hiroshima General Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-3-3 Jigozen, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 738-8503, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 738-8503
Webサイト : http://www.hirobyo.jp/

1 Chome-3-3 Jigozen, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 738-8503, Japan

産婦人科にて、死産と予定帝王切開でお世話になりましたが、 どちらの時もスタッフの皆さんは親切でよく寄り添って頂いた。 他の科は利用してないので分かりませんが産婦人科はとても良いと思います。 ちなみに予定帝王切開の料金は、問題なく予定通り退院した場合33万円ほどでした(2021年時点)
At the obstetrics and gynecology department, I was taken care of by stillbirth and scheduled Caesarean section. At both times, the staff were kind and friendly. I don't know because I don't use other departments, but I think the obstetrics and gynecology department is very good. By the way, the fee for the planned Caesarean section was about 330,000 yen if the patient was discharged as scheduled without any problems (as of 2021).
電気うに on Google

廿日市市の代表的な総合病院。すぐ裏に広島電鉄JA広島総合病院前駅があり便利。駐車場は病棟前の他、駐車場専用棟かなりのスペースあり。病棟南西部1階にコンビニのローソンが入居している。1階中央部付近にレストラン、インターネット、図書コーナーあり。 全てが最新鋭というわけではないが、設備がよく整っている。 高層階からの眺めはよい。南に面した病室では、宮島の他、瀬戸内の島々と青い海を眺めることができる。 北側は緑の山並みがよく見えるが、JR山陽本線と広電宮島線が並走しているので、音が気になる入院患者さんは耳栓を用意されたし(それ程うるさくないが、神経が過敏となっているときには気になることもあろう)。しかし、鉄道好きの御仁には、貨物列車が特殊な荷物、例えば、全長200m位の1本モノの鉄製レールを積載し、コーナーを曲がるときレールもしなって曲がる様子を上から眺め感動したり、豪華客室車両が走り去るのを拝めたり、普段見ることが難しい光景に出くわすこともあるので、案外楽しめるかもしれない。 入院用パジャマのレンタルあり。病室のTV視聴には専用カードを購入しなくてはならない。 さて、筆者の家族は何度かこちらに入院させていただいた。非常に珍しい心臓病の難手術を無事執刀いただき、術後もスタッフの皆様の介護のお陰様で以来10年、何不自由なく生活させていただいている事例もある。感謝、多謝。
A representative general hospital in Hatsukaichi City. There is Hiroshima Electric Railway JA Hiroshima General Hospital-mae Station right behind. There is a lot of parking space in front of the ward, as well as a dedicated parking lot. There is a convenience store Lawson on the 1st floor of the ward southwest. There is a restaurant, the Internet, and a library corner near the center of the first floor. Not all are state-of-the-art, but well-equipped. The view from the higher floors is good. In the hospital room facing the south, you can see Miyajima, the islands of Setouchi and the blue sea. On the north side, you can see the green mountain range well, but the JR Sanyo Main Line and the Hiroden Miyajima Line run side by side, so the inpatient who was worried about the sound was prepared with earplugs (but not so noisy, but the nerves You may be worried when you are sensitive.) However, for the train enthusiast Mijin, the freight train is loaded with special luggage, for example, a single iron rail with a total length of about 200 m, and when you turn around the corner you can see the rail turning and seeing it bend from the top, Worshiping the luxury cabin vehicle running away, and sometimes encountering scenes that are difficult to see, may be unexpectedly enjoyable. Rental pajama for hospitalization. A special card must be purchased to watch the TV in the hospital room. Now, my family has been hospitalized here several times. There have been cases where we have been able to safely operate a rare heart disease and have been able to live without any inconvenience for 10 years since the operation thanks to the care of our staff. Thank you, thank you.
29 yosh on Google

身内ががん治療でお世話になっています。 術後の縫合は雑で、抜糸後も縫合糸がポロポロ出てきますし縫合跡も大変痛々しいです。 ササダという先生が主治医ですが治療方針について不明点を質問しても「貴方は知る必要がありません」などと言い放ち患者に寄り添う姿勢が見られません。がん患者というのはナイーブになりがちです。にも関わらず趣味のランニングだかマラソンだかにうつつを抜かし患者を蔑ろにする姿勢に疑念と不快感を覚えました。
My relatives are indebted to me for cancer treatment. The suture after the operation is rough, and the suture comes out even after the suture is removed, and the suture mark is also very painful. A doctor named Sasada is the attending physician, but even if he asks questions about the treatment policy, he says, "You don't need to know," and he doesn't seem to be close to the patient. Cancer patients tend to be naive. Despite this, I was skeptical and uncomfortable with the attitude of despising the patient by skipping the hobby of running or marathon.
ネルフくん(Mr.T.H) on Google

乳腺外科で手術入院時、退院日にドレンと抜糸を同時に行われたが、処置が悪く翌日土曜日に縫合口が開き救急窓口で「何!この処置状態!」と呆れられて消毒と処置のやり直しをしてもらった。 しかし、再診日を待たずにまた水が溜まりだして息苦しくなったので救急車で同じく救急対応をしてもらったが手術後に水が溜まったことによる息苦しさは救急対応外で翌日外来で対応してもらうよう指導されて処置できず、翌日外来に診察を申し入れたが予約がないのでと受付忌避された。 次第を話して受け付けてもらったものの処置は最後で後回し。 予約優先は理解できるが自院のひどい処置不全が原因で苦しんでいる患者を後回しにすることが固定ルールの病院は、対応が逼迫しているとはいえ受付窓口を含めて患者視点を持たない信頼できない乳腺外科の病院。
Surgery in breast surgery When admitted to the hospital, drainage and suture removal were performed at the same time on the day of discharge, but the procedure was poor and the suture opening opened on Saturday the next day. I had it done. However, without waiting for the day of re-examination, the water began to accumulate and I became suffocated, so I had the same emergency response with an ambulance. I was instructed to receive treatment and could not treat it, so I applied for an outpatient examination the next day, but the reception was avoided because there was no reservation. Although I talked about it and received it, the treatment was postponed at the end. Hospitals with a fixed rule that it is understandable to prioritize reservations but to postpone patients suffering from severe treatment failure at their own hospital do not have a patient perspective, including the reception desk, even though the response is tight. Unreliable Breast Surgery Hospital.
P助 S on Google

泌尿器科にいつもお世話になっており、とても良い先生にあたり良かったです。 中にはちょっと質問しずらいな…って思う先生もいるみたいですが、私の担当医は良かったです。 手術前後も説明とかきちんとして下さり良かったです。 入院では看護婦さんも普通に良かったです。 産婦人科も良いとよく聞きます。 他の科は分かりませんが、評価が低い割には私には好印象でした。 でも薬や診察はけっこう待ちます。総合病院だから仕方ないかな。
I am always indebted to the urology department, and I am glad that I was a very good teacher. It seems that some teachers find it difficult to ask questions, but my doctor was good. It was good that the explanation was neat before and after the surgery. The nurses were usually good at hospitalization. I often hear that obstetrics and gynecology is also good. I don't know about other departments, but I was impressed by the low evaluation. But I will wait a long time for medicine and medical examination. I wonder if it can't be helped because it's a general hospital.
内原侑里 on Google

産婦人科の女の医者がダメ。 いろんな理由で、いろんな手術をしないといけない患者もたくさんいるのに、自分の都合だけで動いて、判断して患者を適当に扱う。 入院、手術もここでしたが、ここ女の産婦人科医だけは嫌いです。
A female doctor in obstetrics and gynecology is no good. There are many patients who have to undergo various operations for various reasons, but they move only for their own convenience, make judgments, and treat patients appropriately. I was hospitalized and operated here, but I hate only the female obstetrician and gynecologist.
梶上政人 on Google

RCCTVゲンキの時間にJA広島総合病院すい臓の新技術として紹介されました。全国放送です 2022/04/03
Introduced as a new technology for pancreas at JA Hiroshima General Hospital during RCCTV Genki time. It is a national broadcast 2022/04/03
谷本良子 on Google

I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time, had surgery for the first time, and received radiation therapy for the first time. As a patient, I have no choice but to believe in the teacher. The teacher conveys his desire to treat with all his might. Now I have returned to normal life. Thank you to each engineer and nurse for their kindness and warmth. Thank you, sensei. Thank you.

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