
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JA産直ふれあい市場「よりん菜」

住所 :

Jigozen, Hatsukaichi, 〒738-0042 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/JA%25E4%25BD%2590%25E4%25BC%25AF%25E4%25B8%25AD%25E5%25A4%25AE-877135899118277/
街 : Hiroshima

Jigozen, Hatsukaichi, 〒738-0042 Hiroshima,Japan
楠田瑞穂 on Google

月に二~三回浜田港から新鮮なお魚が来る日は大人気で駐車場が埋まってますが 新鮮な地元の野菜を中心に、普段見かけることがない廿日市産の鶏肉まで とても 味がある物が列んでいます
On days when fresh fish come from Hamada Port two or three times a month, it is very popular and the parking lot is full. There are a lot of delicious local vegetables, including chicken from Hatsukaichi, which you don't usually see.
大野木一志 on Google

For the first time ? I went for lunch! There are few items to buy No things to buy Disappointing If you go in the morning, maybe there is one?
Sasaki Akira on Google

Local vegetables are sold at reasonable prices. Not only vegetables, but also meat, bento boxes, jams and honey.
farming studio on Google

店舗も店員さんもほのぼのしてます。 土地のものが安い。みやげ物屋より優秀かも シイタケの木が1,000円で売ってました。
Both the store and the clerk are heartwarming. The land is cheap. Maybe better than a souvenir shop Shiitake tree was sold for 1,000 yen.
保田英 on Google

いつ行っても、新鮮な地元の野菜がいっぱいです 花・魚・肉なんかも地元の物が多くて、安心できます 総菜も店頭の野菜を使ってると聞きました とても、いいですね♪
Whenever you go, there are lots of fresh local vegetables There are many local products such as flowers, fish and meat, so you can rest assured. I heard that delicatessen also uses over-the-counter vegetables Very nice ♪
星絵馬 on Google

In addition to agricultural products, flowers, processed products, handmade miscellaneous goods, etc. are sold. The parking lot seems to be charged after 30 minutes. The passage is wide. There is also a toilet. There was a credit display at the cash register, but there was no pey display, so it seems that it is not handled.
遠山敦子 on Google

私の陶芸作品写真が出ていたので 手前みそで、一言申します 頑張って作品を出しております 是非見に来て下さ〜い! ここは 新鮮な野菜や手作り惣菜や近くの有名ホテルの弁当や海がすぐなので、魚介類などがあります その他 お好み焼きの実演販売や 美味しいスウィーツ パンなど 色々です! 一般の人の野菜などもたくさん出ていますので、とても季節を感じる事が出来ますね 我が家もたくさん出来た野菜を出させて頂いています 主人が張り切って作っていますね
Saka Geen (SakaGeeen) on Google

産直の野菜を買いに行ったのですが、宮島口桟橋の「海辺の手作りパン屋 エッフェル」さんのパンが置いてありました。佐伯の二重焼きが有名?な津保美堂のメロンパン(クリーム入り)と揚げパンも置いてました。こういうものが置いてあるとありがたい。
I went to buy vegetables directly from the farm, but there was bread from "Eiffel, a handmade bakery by the sea" at Miyajimaguchi Pier. Is Saiki's double-grilled famous? I also put melon bread (with cream) and fried bread from Natsuhomido. I would be grateful if such a thing was placed.

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