
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 広島北部農協ベジパーク安芸高田

住所 :

Yoshidacho Yamate, Akitakata, 〒731-0523 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://life.ja-group.jp/farm/market/detail%3Fid%3D152
街 : Hiroshima

Yoshidacho Yamate, Akitakata, 〒731-0523 Hiroshima,Japan
ひろゆき on Google

沢山の野菜や今が旬の松茸がリーブナブルで買えるのでいいと思う! 安芸高田名産の赤鬼青鬼の焼肉のタレもあるよ!あとえびす茶もここで買えます!
I think it's good because you can buy a lot of vegetables and matsutake mushrooms that are in season now at a affordable price! There is also a sauce of grilled meat of Akitakata's famous red demon and blue demon! You can also buy Ebisu tea here!
よしよし on Google

旬の野菜と安芸高田市の名産品が集まる県内屈指の産直市です。 スーパーでは出会うことが出来ない新鮮で珍しい商品が魅力。 価格も相応でとても良いです。 毎月お買い得なイベントもあるようです。
It is one of the best direct production cities in the prefecture where seasonal vegetables and Akitakata's specialty products are gathered. Fresh and rare products that you can't meet at supermarkets are attractive. The price is reasonable and very good. There seems to be a bargain event every month.
Yokko M on Google

こちらで○○○○堂のどら焼きを購入致しました。 あんこの量が非常に少なく、1番の問題として粒あんが良く無い。古い物を使用しているのか砂糖を早く入れたのか硬くて食感は最悪で、これをお店に出して販売されるのはチョットと思います。 しかも、価格は170円もします。 お店の方は試食して店に出しているのだろうか?疑問が残ります。 お客様に提案できる商品構成に努めて下さい。
I bought Dorayaki from ○○○○ doo here. The amount of bean paste is very small, and the number one problem is that the bean paste is not good. Whether you are using an old one or adding sugar early, it is hard and has the worst texture, so I think it is a chot to put this out in the store and sell it. Moreover, the price is 170 yen. Is the shop tasting and putting it out in the shop? The question remains. Please strive for a product structure that can be proposed to customers.
のうくりおじさん on Google

色々道の駅いくけど、値段は手頃だしとにかく野菜がきれい。特に地元産は眼を見張るほど。 通路は広いが来客が多いので少し混み合ってる感じがする。お客さんが野菜を雑に扱わないのも好感持てる
I go to various roadside stations, but the price is reasonable and the vegetables are beautiful. Especially the local products are amazing. The aisle is wide, but there are many visitors, so it feels a little crowded. I also like the fact that customers don't handle vegetables roughly.
夢見心地 on Google

良かったね、沢山の人で賑やかでした。野菜が沢山で春は、こごみとか竹の子が人気でした。 トイレ休憩にも、きれいでした。 車椅子の方もOKです。 電気自動車の充電もOK!
It was good, it was lively with many people. There are a lot of vegetables, and in the spring, garbage and bamboo shoots were popular. It was also beautiful for restroom breaks. Wheelchair users are also welcome. Charging of electric cars is also OK!
Mayパパ on Google

I visited here for a sauce of grilled meat called "Ao no Ao Oni". When I visited, I bought some vegetables and went home, but I got the impression that there weren't as many local products as I expected, although it may be timely. The worst of all was that the watermelon for 1000 yen per ball was not sweet at all and was just a vegetable.
ozzyオジー on Google

安芸高田市の旬で美味しいものが集まる産直市。中でも「れんこん」は人気で横山さんが出荷されるれんこんは人気❗️これが実に旨い‼️ 早い時間に売り切れるので早めに。 地元の人気パン店の「レーズンパンのクリームサンド」も逸品です?
Akitakata City is a direct market where you can find delicious seasonal foods. Among them, "lotus root" is popular and the lotus root shipped by Mr. Yokoyama is popular ❗️ This is really delicious‼ ️ It sells out early, so be quick. The popular local bakery "Raisin Bread Cream Sandwich" is also a gem ?
mm on Google

休日の2時ごろ伺いました。 道の駅に併設されている野菜直売所です。 伺った時はじゃがいもの種類が豊富でした。 食べてみたかったシャドークイーンやデストロイヤーなどのじゃがいもがありましたので購入させていただきました。 持ち帰って電子レンジで加熱して食べてみたところとてもおいしかったです! ネギやサツマイモ、ナスなどいろいろなものがお安い印象でした。 お餅屋さんがありましたが、伺ったときにはもう完売していました。 とうもろこしも完売でした( ; ; ) お餅やとうもろこしが目当てであれば、早い時間に行ったほうがいいと思います。 新しそうな建物で、とてもきれいでした^ ^
I visited around 2 o'clock on a holiday. It is a vegetable shop attached to the roadside station. When I visited, there were a lot of potatoes. I had some potatoes such as shadow queen and destroyer that I wanted to eat, so I bought them. When I took it home, heated it in the microwave and ate it, it was very delicious! I had the impression that various things such as green onions, sweet potatoes, and eggplants were cheap. There was a rice cake shop, but when I visited it was already sold out. The corn was also sold out (;;) If you are looking for rice cakes and corn, you should go early. It was a new building and it was very beautiful ^ ^

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