Izumi Hospital - Sendai

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izumi Hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-1-1 Chomeigaoka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3212, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 981-3212
Webサイト : http://www.m-kousei.com/izumi/

2 Chome-1-1 Chomeigaoka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3212, Japan
Kazuhide Takahashi on Google

ここの医師は技術的にはどうか知りませんが人間的に言えば最低ですね。 認知症の父親が弱ってしまい、食事も取れなくなって連れて行ったら、ここの医師曰く「精神的だろうが内科的だろうが、食事を取れないなんてのはうちの病院には関係ない!誰だこんな面倒な紹介状書いたのは?」と一言追い返された。
The doctor here does not know about it technically, but it is the lowest personally. If the father of dementia weakened and I took me with meal disappearing, my doctor says "Although it is mental or internal medicine, it is irrelevant to our hospital that I can not eat! Who is it that wrote such troublesome introduction letter? "A word was repelled.
いまわのきよしろう on Google

共産党の活動拠点に病院が併設している感じですね。 喘息の発作で息も絶え絶え、駆けつけましたが、医者が昼休みだからと、ネブライザーを処置してもらえず、数十分待たされた挙句、他に行ってくれと言われ、他に行こうとしたら、今度は今来るから、やっぱりまってくれと引き留められ、漸く医師が出てきました。その間40分以上は経っていました。 付き添いの嫁は、顔は赤からみるみる青くなりだし、酸欠なのは目に見えてわかる程危険なものだったそうです。死にかけました。
It feels like a hospital is attached to the base of activities of the Communist Party. My asthma attack stopped my breath and rushed, but because the doctor had lunch break, I couldn't treat the nebulizer, and after waiting for a few minutes, I was told to go to another place and I tried to go elsewhere. This time, I'm coming now, so I was held back and asked for a doctor. During that time, more than 40 minutes have passed. It seems that the escort's wife started to look blue from red, and her lack of oxygen was visibly dangerous. I'm dying.
ぐでままちゃんねる on Google

脳神経外科の長谷部先生は、良い人ですが… 急患で見てもらった医師は、最悪でした。 土曜から高熱で日曜急患受診。 インフル検査、綿棒をあまり突っ込まず。陰性。 これだけ時間経ってるのでインフルでは無いですねと言われる。 物凄く咳がひどい事を伝えたが、抗生剤、咳止めなし。 解熱剤も通常3錠飲ん出る薬を1錠のみ処方。 診察では、ブラを開けられ診察。 気分がすごく悪かった。 治るわけがなく、翌日かかりつけ医へ。 インフルB陽性。 処置が遅れた為、熱が40℃越え解熱まで6日かかった。2度と行きたくない。
Dr. Hasebe of Neurosurgery is a good person ... The doctor who saw me in an emergency was the worst. From Saturday, I had a high fever and had an emergency consultation on Sunday. Flu check, don't push the cotton swab too much. negative. It is said that it is not flu because it has passed this much time. He told me that he had a really bad cough, but he had no antibiotics or cough. As for the antipyretic drug, we usually prescribe only 1 tablet for 3 tablets. In the medical examination, the bra is opened and the medical examination is performed. I felt very sick. There is no cure and the next day, go to the family doctor. Flu B positive. Because the treatment was delayed, the fever exceeded 40 ° C and it took 6 days to release the heat. I don't want to go again.
有栖川有明 on Google

医師の腕はわからんけど、とにかく環境が悪い。ゴチャゴチャ狭いうえに汚い。人が多いのは仕方ないけど環境改善してほしい。 看護師や事務の方々は良い人。
I don't know the doctor's skill, but the environment is bad. It's messy and dirty. It is unavoidable that there are many people, but I would like you to improve the environment. Nurses and clerical people are good people.
左和 on Google

病院がふるすぎて売店や自販機めないまた、リハビリ病院なに、リハ室以外は歩ける場所も無い 別病院からリハビリだからといって強引に転院せられ、来てみたらベットから動くこともできずリハビリのはずの体力いじなども一日の歩行数が六分の一にらげんしょう。そのせいで歩くとふらつく状態にリハビリのガイドラインを盾に不要な入院を増やしてかねをととっているのではと思わずにはいれなかった。リハビリ施設やリハビリ担当の職員は経験値もあり優秀
The hospital is too busy to buy shops and vending machines. Also, there is no place to walk other than the rehabilitation room at the rehabilitation hospital. Even if you are rehabilitated from another hospital, you will be forcibly transferred to another hospital, and when you come to the hospital, you will not be able to move from your bed, and you will be able to reduce the number of walks per day to one-sixth of the physical fitness that should be rehabilitated. Because of that, I couldn't help but think that the rehabilitation guidelines were used as a shield to increase unnecessary hospitalizations and make me sway when I walked. Rehabilitation facilities and staff in charge of rehabilitation are excellent with experience
Yukon on Google

古くて汚くて狭くてごちゃごちゃ雑然としていて、付き添いでいるだけでもイライラします。 病院としての清潔さは皆無。変なオーラ、雰囲気の病院です。受付レディも愛想無し。 星は1以下。
It's old, dirty, narrow and cluttered, and it's frustrating just to be with you. There is no cleanliness as a hospital. It is a hospital with a strange aura and atmosphere. The reception lady is also unfriendly. Stars are 1 or less.
。。 on Google

親身とはかけ離れた診察。コロナのことも忙しいことも理解はできるが、それでお金をもらってる身としての立ち振る舞いを考え直すべきではないでしょうか。 水曜の午前、脳神経の診察は外れくじをお求めの方のみお勧めいたします。
Caring and far from medical examination. But also understanding can corona of it is also busy it, so I think we should reconsider the falling behavior of as a body that has got the money. Wednesday morning, cranial nerve of the medical examination will be recommended only those who ask for a lottery out.
ノリ on Google

患者ではなく患者家族としての立場で書かせてもらいます。 【病院施設について】 何より建物が古く清掃が行き届いていないために不衛生な印象です。 床や診察室・トイレはそれなりに清掃しているのでしょうが、病室内のサッシレールや棚等はゴミや虫の死骸が貯まったままです。 病棟のトイレは男女兼用で扉が無くカーテンのみ、落ち着いて用を足すことが出来ません。 売店は離れの建物に自動販売機がある程度で歩行出来なければ飲み物を買うことも出来ず、その他の必要な物は外部で購入してもらうしかありません。 【医師について】 あくまで脳外科で有名な病院との比較になりますが、レベルは低いと言わざるを得ません。 泉病院では原因不明の脳出血との診断でしたが、比較した病院では同じ画像を診て脳梗塞とはっきり診断されました。 絶望と不安を感じて転院を相談しましたが、転院先から断られていち早く退院する事だけを考えていました。 担当医は入院当初の検査や診察はありましたが、以降は回診もなく一切姿を見せず看護師を通じて問い合わせをしても忙しいことを理由に返事をもらえませんでした。 一度直接話す機会があったのですが、自分の非を認めないどころか嘘をついてハイハイスイマセンデシタ的な上っ面の謝罪で呆れてしまいました。 自分の経験上、医師がちゃんとしている病院は看護師も事務方もしっかり教育されて信頼出来る病院ですが、医師がダメなら病院は烏合の衆でしかありません。 【事務部門・その他】 前述の通り烏合の衆です。 事務処理が遅い、その割に支払いは早く求めてくる理不尽なシステムです。 診断書は2週間の猶予を認めなければ発行してもらえない。且つ、期限を過ぎても何の連絡もない。医師が診断書を作成してから事務処理に3日必要とか何をしてるのでしょうか? 病院食は本当に不味いです。あれで毎食460円とかってどこのボッタクリですか? 病院の方針が高齢者の受け入れに力を入れてる様なので、社会復帰を視野に入れてる方は絶対にお勧めしません。
I will write from the standpoint of the patient's family, not the patient. [About hospital facilities] Above all, the building is old and not well cleaned, which gives an unsanitary impression. The floor, examination room, and toilet may have been cleaned to some extent, but the sash rails and shelves in the hospital room are still filled with garbage and dead insects. The toilet in the ward is unisex, there is no door, only the curtain, and it is not possible to calmly add more. If the vending machine cannot walk to some extent in a remote building, the shop cannot buy drinks, and other necessary items can only be purchased outside. [About doctors] It is a comparison with a hospital famous for neurosurgery, but I have to say that the level is low. At Izumi Hospital, the diagnosis was cerebral hemorrhage of unknown cause, but at the compared hospitals, the same image was seen and a clear diagnosis of cerebral infarction was made. Feeling despair and anxiety, I consulted about the transfer, but I was only thinking about leaving the hospital as soon as I was refused by the transfer destination. The doctor in charge had an examination and a medical examination at the beginning of hospitalization, but after that, he did not show up at all and did not receive a reply because he was busy even if he made an inquiry through a nurse. I had the opportunity to speak directly once, but instead of admitting my fault, I lied and was amazed at the apology of the high-high suimasendesita. In my experience, a hospital where doctors are decent is a hospital where both nurses and clerical staff are well educated and reliable, but if doctors are not good, the hospital is only a crowd of people. [Back office / others] As mentioned above, it is the people of Karasui. It is an unreasonable system that requires payment quickly for the slow paperwork. The medical certificate will not be issued unless you allow a two-week grace period. Moreover, there is no contact even after the deadline. What does the doctor do, such as three days for paperwork after the medical certificate is prepared? Hospital food is really bad. Where is the rip-off of 460 yen per meal? It seems that the hospital policy is focusing on accepting elderly people, so I definitely do not recommend it to those who are considering rehabilitation.

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