お食事処 喜源

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お食事処 喜源

住所 :

Iwasato, Inawashiro, Yama District, 〒969-3141 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Iwasato, Inawashiro, Yama District, 〒969-3141 Fukushima,Japan
ざわっち on Google

If you want to eat delicious miso-katsu set meal with Inawashiro, it was so delicious that you would want to eat miso-katsu set meal here. If you stop by Inawashiro, please come here.
たかきょ on Google

I got miso cutlet, but it was a rare type that was sweet and delicious.
Snow on Google

味よし!量よし!価格よし! とんかつは勿論ですが…個人的には唐揚げが美味しかったw
Good taste! Good quantity! Good price! Not to mention tonkatsu, but ... Personally, the fried chicken was delicious.
なべちゃん on Google

最悪です。 人数4人迄と書かれていた札を見落としていたのは悪いですが、入って人数を言った途端、客ではなく厄介者扱いで、「うちはそんな人数入れませんから」って言って顔も見ずにほぼ無視されました。 コロナ云々ではなく、人としての姿勢が最悪です。 田舎の人間だから?無愛想? そんなことは無いです。同じ地域の友人はステキな人ばかりです。猪苗代町は素敵な場所で良い店も多いですが、ここはやめた方がいいです。
It's the worst. It's bad that I overlooked the tag that says that the number of people is up to 4, but as soon as I entered and said the number of people, I was treated as a troublesome person instead of a customer and said, "We can not enter that number of people." It was almost ignored without looking at the face. The attitude as a person is the worst, not the corona. Because you're a country person? Unfriendly? That's not the case. All the friends in the same area are wonderful people. Inawashiro-cho is a nice place and there are many good shops, but it is better to stop here.
Y 230 on Google

I ate a ginger-grilled set meal. The meat was tender and the taste was very good! Also, miso soup, pickles, and shredded fresh cabbage are all perfect! I liked it so I went to eat the next day for lunch. I ate the sauce cutlet bowl, but the meat was also tender and delicious. Note: It seems that I am not good at serving customers and I am not amiable, but it is not unpleasant.
Kashiwa Tsukuba on Google

みそカツとエビフライを頂きました。 地元民と観光客で席がすぐ埋まります。 みそカツは衣の内側に味噌が入っています。 人にお勧め出来る美味しさでした。 ごちそう様でした。
I had miso cutlet and fried shrimp. Seats are quickly filled with locals and tourists. Miso cutlet has miso inside the clothes. It was delicious that I could recommend to people. thank you for the food.
Atsushi M on Google

Tastes good.
陳思樺 on Google

Excellent fried prawn with reasonable price. You may wait a while when customers are many.

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