iU Johokeiei Innovation Senmonshoku University - Sumida City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact iU Johokeiei Innovation Senmonshoku University

住所 :

1 Chome-18-13 Bunka, Sumida City, Tokyo 131-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 131-0044
Webサイト : http://i-u.ac.jp/

1 Chome-18-13 Bunka, Sumida City, Tokyo 131-0044, Japan
滝沢春 on Google

I think everyone is doing their best, not losing to Corona.
和田哲郎 on Google

A university of infinite cutting-edge research with creative and motivated faculty members and Japanese IT authority as the president.
jin Masahisa on Google

墨田区初の大学キャンパス! 関係者の皆様、おめでとうございます♪ ピカピカの学び舎で、これからどんな 学生イノベーションが生まれるのか 期待をして伸び代を星一つつけてみました! 来年にはファイブスター間違いなし。
Sumida-ku's first university campus! Congratulations to everyone involved! In the shiny school building, what kind of future Is student innovation born? Expectation and tried to give a growth rate one star! Next year will definitely be a Five Star.
高島大 on Google

This place had a former Hikifune Junior High School where poor children were studying at night. At present, it is not yet completed, but I think it will open from next year, but the school name will be (Innovation Professional College).
曳舟次郎 on Google

旧曳舟中学校の跡地に開校しました。 20年近く使い道が決まらなかった土地だったので、地元民としては色々と期待してしまいますね。
The school was opened on the site of the former Hikifune Junior High School. It was a land whose use had not been decided for nearly 20 years, so I would expect various things from the locals.
廣中愛 on Google

まだ建設中なので評価は「普通」の☆3で。 東武亀戸線小村井駅から近いものの、改札口は大学の反対側のみで真っ直ぐは来れないので、直線距離は短くてもぐるっと回らないとといけないのがやや不便。とは言え近いですけどね。 押上駅や平井駅、亀戸駅から都バスで通うことも出来ますよ。 学生さんなら押上駅や曳舟駅、根性あれば亀戸駅まで歩くでしょうね。 校舎は南向き3階建て。日当たり良好。住宅用物件ならかなり良いですね。まだ建物が建つのでしょうか? 南側に広めに空き敷地があります。 隣の既にある建物には千葉大(の何学科か分からないけど学部単位ではなさそう)が入るそうで、高齢化のこの町に一気に若者が溢れそう。 いざこざが起きませんように…
As it is still under construction, evaluation is "normal" ☆ 3. Although it is close to Tomura Kameido Line Komurai Station, the ticket gate can not come straight only on the other side of the university, so it is somewhat inconvenient to have to go around even if the linear distance is short. That said, though it's close. It is also possible to go by Otogami Station, Hirai Station and Kameido Station by Tokyo Bus. If you are a student, you will walk to Oshiage Station and Kashiwa Station, and if you have the nature, you will walk to Kameido Station. The school is south facing 3 stories. Sunny. It is quite good if it is a residential property. Is there still a building? There is a vacant site on the south side. Chiba University (I do not know what department but I think that it will not be in the undergraduate level) will enter the already existing building next door, and it seems that young people will be overflowing at once in this aging town. I hope you won't get into trouble ...
Samuel Block (Wonderwall) on Google

起業を目指す学生が多いせいか、教室というよりスタートアップのコワーキングスペースを思わせる施設です。 スカイツリーが窓から一望でき、下町からのイノベーションやアントレプレナーの輩出を予感させます。
It is a facility that reminds me of a startup coworking space rather than a classroom, probably because there are many students aiming to start a business. You can overlook the Sky Tree from the window, which gives you a sense of innovation and the production of entrepreneurs from downtown.
Food Snob on Google

This place is open on Mon, Tues, and Thursday for public users.

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