
1.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンヨー交通(株)

住所 :

Itsukaichicho Oaza Kamigouchi, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5151 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897888
街 : Hiroshima

Itsukaichicho Oaza Kamigouchi, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5151 Hiroshima,Japan
石丸保子 on Google

The customer service is really bad. What I don't like is that when I get on a taxi ticket and try to pay 1000 yen at the time of payment, I get asked "Isn't it fine?" It will be repeated! I feel terrible.
でこぽんみかん on Google

Really the driver's attitude is too bad! I would like you not to line up with Itsukaichi station square rotary. Follow other taxi companies! Do not line up in front of Itsukaichi Station if you do not know the location near Itsukaichi. It can not be reverse gilet towards the customer. Since I confirmed the driver's name properly, I will put a claim later!
タスクフォース on Google

ワンメーター良いかと聞いてのって、運転手は「うん」といって乗ったら、降りる際にクソがといってきた。クソタクシー二度と乗るか こいつら礼儀も知らんのか? 普段のルールも守れんやつが集まった会社だな。 会社もどんな教育してんだよ?
Asking if one meter is good, if the driver says "Yes", then a fucking said when getting off. Do you ride a fucking taxi ever again Do you also know this courtesy? It is a company where the regular rules are also kept. What kind of education does the company do?
サクマタカコ on Google

口コミを入れる為に星1付けましたが 本当は【マイナス‼️】にしたい気持ちです。 8月7日午前10時に五日市駅から 車番000709に乗車。 行き先がワンメーターで有ることを詫びて告げると途端に態度が悪くなり ガムをクチャクチャ音を出しながら噛み‥‥ 運転は荒い❗ 下車の際に千円札を出すと 『小銭は無いんね‼️』と言い捨て 『ないですよ!』と答えると舌打ちしながら 乗車の礼も言わずにお釣を後ろ手にわたして来た。 爽やかな夏の1日が台無しである❗
I gave a star to put a word of mouth Actually [minus‼ I want to do it. From Itsukaichi Station on August 7 at 10 am Take the car number 000709. If you apologize and tell you that your destination is one meter, your attitude will worsen While chewing gum, chewing it ... Driving is rough When you get off the thousand yen bill when you get off “There is no change. ️ “No! 』 I came fishing behind me without saying thanks for the ride. A refreshing summer day is ruined
n k on Google

I took a taxi for the first time and felt so uncomfortable. It was difficult to tell the destination from Itsukaichi station, so when I said, "Can you go to XX (place name) for the time being because it is difficult to explain the location?", "Around the XX center?" I was asked about a building that would be like this, but I just moved and didn't know the land, so I told the address "I'm sorry I don't know, but it's the address XX", but for some reason "So it's around the XX center ?!" Misplaced anger. I'm saying I don't understand and I apologize, but why am I sharpened? In the end, I was told where I was going, but I don't have to bother to say, "I've been driving here for more than 10 years, so I can't tell you where I am." It was very unpleasant to be told that I didn't like it. In the first place, what kind of education can be done to talk to customers by mouth? Isn't it embarrassing for a good adult to be so insane ... It seems that everyone has the same feelings when looking at the reviews of other people, but are you willing to improve? No matter how much time I need a taxi, I will never take this taxi again.
S S on Google

7/20 午前9:20分頃、西バイを西方面に突っ走って行ったタクシーが暴走族まがいの酷い運転マナーでどんな社員教育をしてるんだろ?とクチコミを覗いてみたら、その運転手というよりも、このタクシー会社自体が散々な評価で、ああ、なるほど、と確認。嫌な思いをさせられないように知人に この評価を伝えよう、、
7/20 Around 9:20 am, what kind of employee education is being done by the taxi that ran westward in the west by the runaway tribe with terrible driving manners? When I looked into the word-of-mouth, I confirmed that the taxi company itself was not the driver, but the evaluation was disappointing. To acquaintances so as not to make you feel unpleasant Let's convey this evaluation ...
清水和夫 on Google

他の人も書いているが、星を付ける価値もない位の三流タクシー会社!ドライバーも最低! 2/15の0時頃雨の中、五日市駅前からサンヨー交通のタクシーに乗った。 太った無愛想な女性ドライバー。乗った途端嫌な予感がしたが、終始不機嫌でタメ口。 道案内をしている間、道が狭いだの段差がひどいだのブツブツ文句ばかり。恫喝めいた暴言も吐かれ、怒りと怖さで降りようかと思ったがどしゃ降りだった為家に着くまで我慢した。 お金を払う時にも、小銭はないのか?とまたタメ口。 不愉快きわまりない!! 1からドライバーを教育し直し接客とは何たるかを教えて、客に対してのタメ口と暴言はやめさせるべき。 それが出来ないなら、こんな会社つぶれてしまえ!! これからは2度とサンヨー交通のタクシーは使わないが、今後の利用客の為にも五日市駅前に止めるのはもうやめてほしい!!
As others have written, it's a third-class taxi company that isn't worth the stars! The driver is also the worst! I took a Sanyo Kotsu taxi from Itsukaichi station in the rain around midnight on February 15th. A fat and unfriendly female driver. As soon as I got on it, I had a bad feeling, but I was in a bad mood from beginning to end. While giving directions, all the complaints were that the road was narrow and the steps were terrible. A ranting rant was also spit out, and I thought I should get off with anger and fear, but I put up with it until I got home because it was a downpour. Do you have any change when you pay? And again the tame mouth. It's unpleasant! !! You should re-educate the driver from the beginning, teach him what it means to serve customers, and stop talking and ranting to customers. If you can't do that, crush such a company! !! I will never use the Sanyo Transportation taxi again, but I would like you to stop stopping in front of Itsukaichi Station for future passengers! !!
うさぎさん on Google

星など不要。むしろ黒星を5つつけたい。他の方の言われている通り、態度が大きい乗務員がほとんど。とくに、見た目かなりえぐいババアには気をつけた方が良い。 五日市駅の方から帰る際、タクシーを使うときにこいつにあたった。こっちは乗客であるのに終始タメ口。逆ギレ。不愉快だった。いい歳したババアが接客もまともに出来ないのは恥ずかしくないのか。 人を不快にするような三流ドライバーは第二種運転免許を持つ資格などない。
No need for stars. Rather, I want to add five black stars. As others have said, most of the crew members have a big attitude. In particular, you should be careful about the appearance of Baba. When I returned from Itsukaichi station, I hit him when I took a taxi. Even though this is a passenger, it's a tame mouth from beginning to end. Misplaced anger. It was unpleasant. Isn't it embarrassing that a good old Baba can't serve customers properly? Third-class drivers who make people uncomfortable are not qualified to have a second-class driver's license.

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