Hinomaru Taxis - Hiroshima

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hinomaru Taxis

住所 :

3 Chome-29-14 Yahatahigashi, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889799
Postal code : 731-5115
Webサイト : https://www.hinomarutaxi.net/

3 Chome-29-14 Yahatahigashi, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5115, Japan
Taku on Google

電話対応やドライバー共にこんな態度の悪いタクシー会社があるとは。 まず地元のタクシー会社で市内の大病院知らないとかある? 知らなくても無線で聞くとか調べる方法はあるでしょ!? こんな時期だから病院に近づきたくないのは分からんではないけど、目的地の1キロ手前で下ろそうとしたり、マスク越しにぶつくさ愚痴るのはやめて下さい。
There is a taxi company that has such a bad attitude for both telephone and drivers. First of all, do you know the big hospital in the city at the local taxi company? There is a way to find out by listening wirelessly without knowing it! ?? I don't know why you don't want to get close to the hospital because it's such a time, but don't try to get it down a kilometer before your destination or complain about bumping over your mask.
まる on Google

Sometimes the phone doesn't connect. I'll just ask for that, so please stop. Other than that, I said on the phone that only a specific man would give out 10,000 with a bad attitude, and even though I got consent, if I gave out money, huh. Bring it properly. I was told. I would like you to refrain from dealing with licking children in the future.
IK on Google

A taxi company that seems to have been bad for me using this taxi company. As soon as I heard the destination, I was obviously in a bad mood, probably because it was closer than I expected. No, it's not a moody level. It was sharp. After that, sudden start, sudden steering, sudden stop. Even though I didn't know the way, I asked him to yell. I returned the change to slam it, and after I got out of the car, I closed the door with a noise I had never heard and glared at me. A driver who is too wasteful. Instead of getting angry, I was laughing. A company that does not have the minimum education. Don't call yourself the "Hinomaru" taxi company that leaves such drivers unchecked. Give unfamiliar people a misunderstanding that represents Japan. It's a shame in Japan.
Ayaka I. on Google

初めて利用しましたが、行き先場所を伝えても返事はなく聞き間違いをしたようで違う場所に連れていかれました。区と町名もきちんと伝えたのですが、謝罪の言葉は一切ありませんでした。 櫻田博というタクシー運転手で、その後もまた違う行き先を勝手に解釈して、かなり遠回りしながら全く違う場所に辿り着きました。さらに運転もかなり下手くそで、酔って吐きそうでした。最終的にはこちらがGoogleマップを使用して目的地までガイドしました。下車後、本社に電話したところそんなタクシー運転手はいません。対応は全くできないですと言われ、仕事が忙しいので切ります、とかなり高圧的な態度をとられ一方的に電話を切られました。最低です。もう二度と利用しません。
I used it for the first time, but when I told him where I was going, I didn't get a reply and it seemed that I made a mistake and was taken to a different place. I told the ward and town name properly, but there was no word of apology. As a taxi driver named Hiroshi Sakurada, I continued to interpret different destinations without permission and arrived at a completely different place while making a detour. In addition, I wasn't very good at driving, and I was almost drunk and vomiting. Eventually, we used Google Maps to guide you to your destination. After getting off, I called the head office and found no such taxi driver. I was told that I couldn't handle it at all, and I hung up because I was busy with work. It's the worst. I will never use it again.
9644 htjhPMajt on Google

2022/04/08 22時頃 レッドバロン五日市店、木船交差点 ハゲデブオヤジが運転する小型タクシーの白プリウス677が岩国方面右折時に方向指示器がついてない挙句、そのまま車が外に膨らんで行きながら左車線に入ってきた こっちがブレーキ踏んで減速してなかったらタクシーの左リアドアに接触してたゾ そしてまた方向指示器をつけずにコスモセルフに入って行った あのオヤジは車運転させたら駄目だろ?
2022/04/08 around 22:00 Red Baron Gokaichi store, Kibune intersection White Prius 677, a small taxi driven by Hagedebuoyaji, did not have a turn signal when turning right in the direction of Iwakuni, and the car swelled out and entered the left lane. If I hadn't stepped on the brakes and slowed down, I would have touched the left rear door of the taxi. And again, I went into Cosmo Self without a turn signal. That old man shouldn't drive a car ?
天井鞠夜 on Google

お客さん乗せてるくせに私の車をずっと煽るし団地で無理やり追い越そうとしてくるの何? 高齢者乗せて安全運転出来んとかプロ意識無いんか?
What are you trying to overtake in the housing complex, even though you're carrying customers? Isn't it possible to drive safely with elderly people or not professionalism?
T B on Google

Even if you damage something, it won't hurt. I also grin when I apologize. I mean, I don't feel like apologizing and it's bad for each other. Is this the one that was pulled by the car and damaged? The taxi industry is just garbage.
kouko on Google

評判が悪すぎて一瞬どうしよう?!って思いましたが、予約電話対応の方も、ぶっきら棒ではありましたが、そこまで感じ悪いこともなくて。運転手さんは、とても優しい感じの良い方でした。車の中もイヤなニオイもなく良かったです。(よそのタクシー会社さんで、運転手さんは物静かで優しい感じの方で良かったんですけど。部屋干し雑巾で拭いたの?シート?!っていう臭いが車中に充満して辛かったことがありまして) 予約受付対応の方のぶっきら棒がもったいなくて、⭐️4つです。
What should I do for a moment because my reputation is too bad? !! I thought, but the person who responded to the reservation phone was also a stick, but it didn't feel so bad. The driver was a very kind and pleasant person. It was good that there was no unpleasant odor in the car. (It was good that the driver was quiet and gentle at another taxi company. Did you wipe it with a room-drying rag? Sheet ?! not to mention) I don't want to have a stick for those who accept reservations, so there are 4 ⭐️.

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