Itayanagi Town Furusato Center - Kitatsugaru District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Itayanagi Town Furusato Center

住所 :

Motoizumi Fukunoda, Itayanagi, Kitatsugaru District, Aomori 038-3661, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 038-3661
Webサイト :

Motoizumi Fukunoda, Itayanagi, Kitatsugaru District, Aomori 038-3661, Japan
Ree YooU on Google

コテージは結構広いつくりになっています。 温泉、朝食はエリア内の別棟まで行く必要があります。
The cottage is quite wide. Hot springs and breakfast need to go to a separate building in the area.
ピンクリボン on Google

温泉、コテージ、レストラン、産直などがあり地元民たちにも利用されている。 トマト狩りは楽しかったです。
There are hot springs, cottages, restaurants, and direct delivery, which are also used by locals. I enjoyed tomato picking.
178 D on Google

りんごを使ったお土産ものが購入できます。 特にストレート果汁100%のりんごジュースは、現地で生産したりんごから作られた本物のりんごジュースなので、お土産にはもってこいです。 またりんごクッキーもとても素朴な味ですが、とても美味しいくおすすめです。 観光用のお土産屋では味わえない、本物のものが有ります。 また、バンガローがあり、コテージとして宿泊できたりバーベキューの施設もあるので地元民の憩いの場所となっています。
You can buy souvenirs made from apples. In particular, 100% straight apple juice is a real apple juice made from locally produced apples, so it is a perfect souvenir. Apple cookies also have a very simple taste, but they are very delicious and recommended. There are some genuine things that you can't taste at a souvenir shop for sightseeing. There are also bungalows, cottages and barbecue facilities, making it a place of relaxation for locals.
典康 on Google

取れたて毛豆買いに行きました。広い敷地内に直売所、温泉、公園、コテージ 足湯等が有ります。ふるさとセンター内の林檎の展示の種類の多さは圧巻です。直売所の前の駐車場は直ぐに満車となるので、奥のふるさとセンターの施設前の駐車場が便利です。周りにはいろいろな種類の林檎の木があり、散歩しながら見て歩くのも良いです。ふるさとセンターの前にもリンゴが100円で無人直売しています。施設の奥に行くと温泉や足湯、公園、コテージが有ります。そこで菓子作り等体験施設も有ります。家族連れには最適。通販で人気のいたや毛豆も有りました。
I went to buy freshly picked edamame. There are direct sales offices, hot springs, parks, cottage footbaths, etc. on the large site. The variety of apple exhibits in the Furusato Center is overwhelming. The parking lot in front of the direct sales office fills up quickly, so the parking lot in front of the Furusato Center in the back is convenient. There are various kinds of apple trees around, and it is good to take a walk while walking. Apples are also sold directly in front of the Furusato Center for 100 yen. If you go to the back of the facility, you will find hot springs, footbaths, parks, and cottages. There are also experience facilities such as making sweets. Great for families. There was also edamame, which was popular on the mail order.
良治山田 on Google

Maybe because it was Sunday, it was very crowded with families, but everyone was having a good time. Also, the hot spring ♨ wasn't very crowded, so I took a leisurely, slow, and long bath. Both inside and outside the facility were fulfilling and full of people spending all day. ?
原田祐治(はらちゃん) on Google

You can enjoy it at the facilities such as an apple garden, a direct market, and a bath.
sp no on Google

子どもの遊び場として賑わっていました。 温泉、足湯もありました。
It was crowded as a playground for children. There was also a hot spring and footbath.
いおは on Google

飲食店や体験施設、足湯、鯉の餌やりなど家族の休日にぴったりです。 宿泊できる施設もあるのかな? よく学校や幼稚園の団体が遊びに来ている印象です。 冬はイルミネーションが点灯しています。 敷地内のペットのお散歩などはNGだと思います。
Perfect for family holidays such as restaurants, hands-on facilities, footbaths, and carp feeding. Is there a facility where you can stay? I get the impression that schools and kindergarten groups often come to visit us. Illuminations are lit in winter. I think that walking pets on the premises is NG.

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