
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact みのや生そば店

住所 :

Itahana, Annaka, 〒379-0111 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : Gunma

Itahana, Annaka, 〒379-0111 Gunma,Japan
吉岡里穂 on Google

もつ煮定食は辛味噌でモツはプリっとした感じで美味しですよ〜おまけ程度のウドン付きますが8?歳のおばあちゃんが1人で作ってますから〜とんでもなく時間が掛かったりもつ煮が冷たかったり する時も稀にあります その他のメニューも美味しですが余裕を持ってお出かけ下さい。
Motsuni set meal is spicy miso and motsu is prettier and tasty-it comes with extra udon, but 8? The old grandmother makes it alone, so it takes a long time and the simmering is cold sometimes. Other menus are also delicious, but please go out with plenty of time.
森岡隆一 on Google

知る人ぞ知る、絶品もつ煮。 各種定食もボリューム満点で凄く美味しいので 近くに用事がある時は可能な限り昼飯はここと決めています。 古くからのお店ですが衛生管理の行き届いた良いお店だと思います。
An exquisite motsuni that everyone in the know knows. Various set meals are also full of volume and are very delicious When I have something to do nearby, I decide to have lunch here as much as possible. It's an old shop, but I think it's a good shop with good hygiene management.
18 Gunma on Google

モツ煮と言ったら 自分はみのやです。 カツ丼も美味いです。 何を食べても美味しいです。
Speaking of motsuni, I am Minoya. Katsudon is also delicious. It's delicious no matter what you eat.
勅使河原秀秋 on Google

You can enjoy a delicious zaru soba set meal.
たつんど on Google

今日は もつ煮定食(もつ煮大、ライス大)を注文。 山盛りなもつ煮と、デカイどんぶりのライス⁉︎ 美味いけど、食べ過ぎたかな? でも、大満足なランチタイムでした‼︎
today I ordered a motsuni set meal (motsuni size, rice size). Heaps of motsuni and big bowl of rice ⁉︎ It's delicious, but did you eat too much? But it was a very satisfying lunch time! ︎
Mimura Masaaki on Google

First time visiting ??? The store is spacious ✨ Social distance was done ? I think that an elderly couple is running ? Slow ordering ↓ Menu is set meal ⤴️ Others, udon soba (warm and cold) price I think it's cheap ? Just... I feel like I'm lonely, lol, but it looks like a nice person ? A jelly after a meal ? An adult gave me a coffee jelly ? Everyone, please drop in ???
juu on Google

コロッケ定食 720円をいただきました。 行く度に何を食べるか迷ってしまうラインナップ。 コロッケは特段特徴があるわけではありませんが、揚げたて熱々で美味しいです。サラダにミニうどんも付いてお腹いっぱい。 お店も広々、店のおばちゃんも声が出ていて感じ良いです。
I received a croquette set meal of 720 yen. A lineup that makes you wonder what to eat every time you go. Croquette does not have any special characteristics, but it is hot and delicious when fried. I'm full with a salad and mini udon noodles. The shop is spacious and the lady in the shop is also very nice.
10 huji on Google

もつ煮定食が安くてうまい。 小鉢やうどんも付いているのでお腹いっぱいです。
The motsuni set meal is cheap and delicious. It also comes with a small bowl and udon noodles, so I'm full.

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