Itabashi Dermatology Clinic - Itabashi City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Itabashi Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

板橋266ビル 2 Chome-66-16 Itabashi, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 173-0004
Webサイト :

板橋266ビル 2 Chome-66-16 Itabashi, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0004, Japan
高橋佑太 on Google

It's been 10 years since I came to Tokyo, and I've been to several dermatologists, but this is the most kind and well-diagnosed. As a result, I think it leads to appropriate treatment. Even if it heals slowly (doesn't change) in other dermatologists, it is stable due to the treatment of the teacher here. The downside is that it's crowded, but it's also a sign of trust. I recommend it.
佐々シバ on Google

The teachers' skills are certain. Both male and female teachers have good personalities. Reception is average or less. At least let's look at it and talk. Sometimes I get a very high-pressure attitude. Returning to the story, the teachers are wonderful. That's why I wait so much. I have to be lucky if it's my turn in an hour. I don't know how many hours my turn will come, so I can't schedule after the examination. If you do, you may not have time to cook dinner. As of now, the patient is saturated. It doesn't seem to have a reservation system.
bobo kenbo on Google

非常に混みます。曜日にもよりますが3時間4時間待ちも当たり前です。予約システムもありません。 混むのには理由があります。先生は流れ作業的な診察はしません。一人一人丁寧に話を聞いて診察してもらえます。早く終わる人もいれば相当長くかかる人もいます。 予約取れなければ診てすらもらえない病院が多い中、待てば必ず診てもらえます。待てばいいだけです。何日も先に予約を取るよりも当日に診てもらいたい。わたしが医者にかかる時はそういう時なので苦になりません。 受付の方の態度のコメントが見られますが、わたしは幸いそのような方にあたったことはないですね。
Very crowded. It depends on the day of the week, but waiting for 3 hours and 4 hours is a matter of course. There is no reservation system. There is a reason for it to be crowded. The teacher does not perform assembly line examinations. Each person can listen carefully and have a medical examination. Some finish early, others take quite a long time. There are many hospitals where you can't even get a medical examination if you can't make a reservation, so if you wait, you will definitely get a medical examination. All you have to do is wait. I would like you to see me on the day rather than making an appointment many days in advance. When I see a doctor, that's the time, so it doesn't bother me. You can see comments on the attitude of the receptionist, but fortunately I have never met such a person.
かな on Google

男性・女性の先生お二人共の診療受けたことありますがお二人共素敵な方です。些細な質問にも丁寧に答えて頂き助かっています。 受付の方に対するクチコミも多いですが、私は今のところ嫌な思いをしたことは無いです。 丁寧な診療なので待ち時間が長いですがそれでも先生の診療を受けたいです。 予約システムが出来てくれれば幸いですがそこを含めても星5です☺︎︎
Both male and female teachers have been treated, but they are both wonderful people. I am grateful that you can answer even the smallest questions politely. There are many reviews for the receptionist, but I haven't had any unpleasant feelings so far. Since it is a polite medical treatment, the waiting time is long, but I still want to receive medical treatment from the teacher. I would appreciate it if you could make a reservation system, but even if you include it, it is 5 stars ☺︎︎
すいみー on Google

口コミが良かったのでこちらを受診させていただきました。 他院の薬ではなかなか良くならなかったのですが、こちらで処方していただいた薬のおかけで痒みも鎮まり大変助かりました。 医師も女性の方に診てもらえたので相談もしやすかったです。 予約制ではないので待ち時間がかかるのが難点ですが、それ以外は良かったです!
The word of mouth was good, so I went to see this. The medicines from other hospitals didn't improve it, but the medicines prescribed here helped to relieve itching. The doctor was also seen by a female, so it was easy to consult. It's not a reservation system, so it takes a long time to wait, but other than that, it was good!
みさこ on Google

I had a good reputation on the internet, so I had a medical examination for skin problems. The interview with the female doctor was very polite and easy to understand, and she was treated immediately. The doctor's office was also very beautiful, and the receptionist felt good. If there is anything else, I would like to take care of it. It was crowded even in the morning on weekdays, but I didn't wait so long. It is on the 3rd floor of a building that is a 1-minute walk from Itabashi-kuyakusho-mae Station on the Toei Mita Line.
M I on Google

非常に親身・丁寧に診て頂けるので評判も良く、駅真上という利便性が高い立地から開院当時から年々混雑に拍車がかかり、また完全予約制ではないため最近は手狭な待合室で立っているスペースすらもなく更には半畳ほどのエレベーターホールにまで診察待ちの人が溢れている状態です。 すぐ診て頂きたい時も受付をして待っていれば必ず診て頂けますが1.5時間-2時間待ちとも思われる混雑時の一時外出も午前・午後ともに最終の戻り時間が決められているので、その時間以降はどれだけ混んでいても非常に密な室内に待機する形になります。 コロナ禍なので数人の緊急枠を加味した完全予約制または予約時間15分前メール通知サービス等を切実に導入して頂き安心して通える体制が構築されたらなぁと思います。
It has a good reputation because you can see it very kindly and carefully, and the convenient location right above the station has spurred congestion year after year since the hospital opened, and since it is not a complete reservation system, it is standing in a small waiting room these days. There is not even space, and even the elevator hall, which is about half a tatami mat, is full of people waiting for a medical examination. Even if you want to see me immediately, you can always see me if you wait at the reception desk, but since the final return time is set for both morning and afternoon when you go out temporarily during busy times, which seems to be waiting for 1.5 hours-2 hours. After that time, no matter how crowded you are, you will be waiting in a very dense room. Since it is a corona disaster, I would like to build a system that allows you to go with peace of mind by urgently introducing a complete reservation system that takes into account the emergency frame of several people or an email notification service 15 minutes before the reservation time.
meru saya on Google

普段は口コミは書かないのですが、皮膚科をお探しの方の参考になればと思い、レビューします。 私は肌トラブルが多く皮膚科を転々としており、やっとある院に落ち着いていたのですが、引越しの為に通えなくなってしまい…… 新居から一番近いこの院に、こちらの口コミの絶賛の嵐!が決め手となりお伺いしました。平日の午前中にお伺いし、運が良かったのか待ち時間もほぼなく女医さんに診て頂きました。 結論から言いますと、今まで足を運んだすべての皮膚科の中で一番良かったです。とにかく医師のお人柄が素晴らしく、処方内容も的確だったようで炎症もすぐに治まり感激致しております。 ここからは少しでも先生(女医)の雰囲気、良心的な診療・処方内容が伝わるように詳しく書きますね。 お優しい女医さんとの口コミを見て(勿論評判通りでしたが)勝手ながらおっとりした感じを想像していたら、早口マシンガントークの先生でしたので最初は驚いてしまいました(笑) 非常に分かりやすく丁寧な説明に親身なカウンセリングで豊富な知識を余すことなく授けてくださり、患者として信頼出来る医師であり、研究熱心な専門職のあるべき姿でした。 医師特有の偉ぶった態度も全くなく、それでいて患者のニーズに最大限寄り添ってくださる親しみやすい雰囲気の先生です。 夫婦共にとても優秀かつ心から医療に携わる事を志望したのだろうと思われる経歴(特に女医)で、その点にも惹かれて受診を決めましたが、地域医療に貢献する医師としての資質の高さ、最前の医療を提供すべく努力されている事とが垣間見え、期待以上でした。 受付の方に関する良くない口コミは、医師の対応が素晴らしすぎるので対比で素っ気なく感じてしまうのかもしれません。 薬局ではあまりのお会計の安さに驚き理由を聞いたところジェネリック医薬品の処方と言われ、先生のご指示だということでした。それならばと思い、どこか不安を感じつつも初めての当該医薬品の利用…… まだ一日半しか経っていませんが、今まで悩みに悩んでいた事が嘘のように綺麗に治ってきました。的確な処方であったことは言うまでもありませんが、使用方法を詳しく伝えて頂いた事も大きいと感じます。 これを受けて、先生は患者の懐事情にも配慮してくださっているのだと思い、感動致しました。もしお薬との相性が悪くても、先生なら必ず治してくれると信じて安心して通う事が出来そうです。 今までどんなに素敵な先生でも異性の先生には躊躇いがありましたので、女医がいるという点まで含めて本当に理想的で、また肌トラブルがあった時にはすぐにでも受診したいと思える院にやっと出会えました。 普段プレゼントがあっても口コミなど滅多に書きませんが、頼まれてもいないのにこんなに長文を書いてしまうほどには魅力ある医師でした。 相性はあるかと思いますし、大人気の皮膚科で普段は待ち時間も長いようですが(待合室もとても狭いです)、板橋で皮膚科をお探しの方には是非お勧めしたいです。
I don't usually write reviews, but I will review it as a reference for those who are looking for dermatology. I had a lot of skin problems and had to go to dermatology, so I finally settled down at a certain hospital, but I couldn't go because of the move ... This hospital, which is the closest to the new house, has a storm of acclaim from this review! Was the decisive factor. I visited her in the morning on weekdays, and she consulted a female doctor with almost no waiting time to see if she was lucky. In conclusion, it was the best of all the dermatologists I've ever visited. Anyway, the personality of the doctor was wonderful, the prescription seemed to be accurate, and the inflammation subsided immediately, and I am deeply moved. From here, I will write in detail so that the atmosphere of the teacher (female doctor) and the conscientious medical treatment and prescription contents can be conveyed. When I saw the word of mouth with a gentle female doctor (of course, it was as popular as it was) and imagined a calm feeling, I was surprised at first because I was a teacher of a fast-talking machine gun talk (laugh) He gave me a wealth of knowledge through intimate counseling with very easy-to-understand and polite explanations, and he was a reliable doctor as a patient, and he should have been a profession enthusiastic about research. He is a teacher with a friendly atmosphere who does not have the great attitude peculiar to doctors, yet he is as close as possible to the needs of patients. Both the couple were very talented and had a career (especially a female doctor) who seemed to have aspired to be involved in medical care from the bottom of their hearts. Well, I got a glimpse of the efforts to provide the first medical care, which exceeded my expectations. Bad reviews about the receptionist may feel casual in comparison because the doctor's response is too good. At the pharmacy, I was surprised at how cheap the bill was, and when I asked him why, he said that he was prescribing a generic drug, and that he was instructed by the teacher. I thought that would be the case, and while feeling some anxiety, I was using the drug for the first time ... It's only been a day and a half, but the things I've been worried about have healed like a lie. It goes without saying that the prescription was accurate, but I feel that it was also important for me to explain in detail how to use it. In response to this, I was impressed that the teacher was also considering the patient's circumstances. Even if it doesn't go well with the medicine, I believe that the teacher will definitely cure it, so I can go there with peace of mind. No matter how nice the teacher, the teacher of the opposite sex has hesitated, so it is really ideal including the fact that there is a female doctor, and I finally met a hospital that I would like to see immediately if I have a skin problem. rice field. I rarely write word-of-mouth even if I have a present, but I was so attractive that I would write such a long sentence even though I wasn't asked. I think it is compatible, and it seems that the waiting time is usually long in the popular dermatology department (the waiting room is also very small), but I would definitely recommend it to those who are looking for a dermatology department in Itabashi.

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