
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 太東海浜植物群落(ちば遺産100選)

住所 :

Isumi, 〒299-4503 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/kyouiku/bunkazai/bunkaisan/keikan/fuukoumeibi.html
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Isumi, 〒299-4503 Chiba,Japan
岡ちゃん on Google

Park in the wasteland. There is no toilet.
のらねこ on Google

日本で最初の国指定天然記念物。 スカシユリの時期に訪れました。 また、他の花が咲いた時期に訪れようと思います。 外房線長者町駅・太東駅から徒歩40-45分程度。
The first nationally designated natural monument in Japan. I visited during the time of Sakashiyuri. Also, I'd like to visit when other flowers bloom. It is about 40-45 minutes walk from Sotobo Line Chojamachi Station and Taito Station.
ありあり on Google

There is nothing in particular and the plants are red. It's a little difficult to understand, but it's good to enjoy the scenery and relax a little on a sunny day.
伊藤香奈 on Google

釣り人さんたちがたくさんいて、小さな魚(アジ?)を釣っているのを見かけました。 植物群落自体は、柵で仕切りがしてあるだけの簡素な作りですが、スカシユリが蕾を着けていたりと、それなりに楽しめました。 6月の後半の曇りの日に行ったのですが、海に面している地域だけ濃霧で、近くの小高い丘?さえシルエットでしか見えませんでしたが(^_^;)
I saw many anglers fishing a small fish (horse mackerel?). The plant community itself is as simple as it is divided by fences, but I enjoyed it as it was, with the lily buds wearing buds. I went on a cloudy day in the latter half of June, but it was a thick fog only in the area facing the sea, a small hill nearby? Even I could only see it in silhouette (^_^;)
生城山勇司 on Google

綺麗な所ですが、当たり前なんですが冬に行くと風が冷たい( *´艸`)
It's a beautiful place, but it's natural, but the wind is cold in winter (* ´ 艸 `)
Kenichi Okamoto on Google

道がかなりわかりにくく看板も近くにないので大変でしたが、一応車で近くまで行けます。 今年は天気が良くなかったのでスカシユリがちらほら咲いているだけでしたが、夏は花が咲いてきれいなようです。 天気が悪い日は波がすごいのでお気をつけて。
It was difficult because the road was not easy to understand and there were no signboards nearby, but you can get there by car. Since the weather was not good this year, only the lily of the valley was blooming, but it seems that the flowers are blooming in the summer. Be careful because the waves are great on bad weather.
akatsuki miyavi on Google

ある程度は予想してたけど、時期に咲く花がまだ蕾だったので花は見れず。 まぁ花が咲いてたとしても、わざわざメチャクチャ細い道路を車を擦る危険を犯してまで見に行く価値はないかな。対向車来たらヤバいとこだし。 あくまで天然記念物であって、観光地としての価値はあまり無いかと。
I expected to some extent, but I couldn't see the flowers because the flowers blooming at that time were still buds. Even if the flowers are blooming, it's worth going out to see the danger of rubbing a car on a narrow road. If you come to the oncoming car, you will see a cousin. It is a natural monument to the last, and it is not so valuable as a tourist destination.
まりもん on Google

2022.1.15撮影。 車内から日の出前の美しい景色を見ることが出来る貴重な場所。
Taken on 2022.1.15. A valuable place where you can see the beautiful scenery before sunrise from inside the car.

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