Iryo Hojin Warakukai Yokohama Clinic - Yokohama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iryo Hojin Warakukai Yokohama Clinic

住所 :

アスカ第2ビル 7階 1 Chome-2-10 Kitasaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 220-0004
Webサイト :

アスカ第2ビル 7階 1 Chome-2-10 Kitasaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0004, Japan
山田太郎 on Google

他の方も言うように院長自身が病院に受診された方がいいレベル 患者の話を聞かない、問診テストの結果だけで治療を進める。態度が横柄。典型的な嫌な医者って感じでした ここは行くだけ無駄です。おすすめしません。
As the other person says, it is better for the director himself to see the hospital Proceed with treatment based on the results of the interview test without listening to the patient. Attitude is arrogant. I felt like a typical disgusting doctor This is just a waste. Not recommended.
on Google

内○教授の診断を受けてる者です。 毎回、診断で症状かどうかの質問されるだけで3000円ぐらいとられます。 アドバイスは自分から聞いても受けずらいです。 自立支援制度をもらうには1年ぐらいかかるそうです。 あーお金もったいねーじゃん。病院変えよう。
Inner It is a person who is undergoing diagnosis by professor. Every time, I can take about 3000 yen just by asking if I am symptomatic by diagnosis. Even if I ask advice from myself, I do not like it. It seems that it will take about a year to receive an independence support system. Ah I do not want money. Let's change the hospital.
Yoko K on Google

UPDATE:良い先生は離れて行ってしまったようで、今はやばいらしいとの患者さんからのSOSを聞きましたので★1にしました。犠牲者が増えませんように… アメリカの最新治療を求めて渡米する日本の患者さん達を治療しておりました。しかし、せっかく良くなった日本の患者さん達が帰国する時、日本の有名どころの精神科の主治医の先生が、精神科どころか内科医としても使いものにならないくらい酷いという事を痛感させられました。 殆どの患者さんが、栄養不足、ホルモン異常や、前の先生達に渡されたお薬の離脱症状による悪化などの内科的な問題で精神障害が出るので、そういう患者さんを減薬した後に戻せる所が日本にある事は、本当に嬉しい限りだ。他の有名所は、殆ど引き継ぎ様の手紙も見ないで、お薬をいきなり戻したりして、患者さんを離脱症状や多剤投薬で殺しそうにしたりするけど、ここの工藤先生は違う。そういう患者さん達を救ってきた人だと、心ある精神科医の先生達に真の名医であると紹介を受けました。自由診療で、細かい検査や栄養治療までできる所もあるけれど、皆さんがそんなお金を持っている訳ではないので、素晴らしい倫理観があり、腕がいい先生が、ある程度保険が利く場所で働いていらっしゃるというのは、本当にありがたいです。 こんな事を書いて、既に予約が難しいクリニックを余計に忙しくなったら申し訳ないですが、一人でも多くの方に工藤先生と、工藤先生の指導を受けた先生達に診てもらえる事を願っております。
UPDATE: A good teacher seems to have gone away, I heard SOS from a patient who seems to be outrageous so I made it to ★ 1. I hope the victims will not increase ... I was treating patients in Japan who want to go to the United States seeking the latest treatments in the United States. However, when Japanese patients who got better thankfully returned home, the teacher of the doctor of psychiatry of famous Japanese famous became aware that the psychiatric department, not only psychiatry department, but also internal medicine is so useless that it is useless. Because most patients suffer from mental disorders due to internal problems such as malnutrition, hormonal abnormalities and exacerbated by withdrawal symptoms of medications given to previous teachers, it is possible to return such patients after reducing their medication It is really nice to have a place in Japan. Other well-known places almost do not see the letter like taking over, I will return the medicine suddenly, I will kill the patient with withdrawal symptoms or multi-drug medication, but Professor Kudo here is different. As a person who saved those patients, I received an introduction that mindful psychiatrist teachers are real doctors. There are places where you can do fine examination and nutritional treatment in free medical examination, but because you do not have such money, there is a wonderful ethic and a good teacher is working in a place where insurance will benefit to some extent I really appreciate it. I am sorry if I write an unnecessary clinic already difficult to book by writing such a thing, I hope many people will be able to see Professor Kudo and teachers who received guidance from Professor Kudo I will.
HYE 975 on Google

I was worried about my relationship with my boss, and I went to see him two years ago when I became depressed. I took a leave of absence for about half a year, but thanks to you, I am now back to work. I have a medical examination mainly on Saturdays, but I am relieved that you always listen to me.
佐藤孝則 on Google

I was diagnosed with depression when I was in college and went to the clinic for half a year. It goes well with my teacher, and in about half a year I have recovered to a normal life. Now that I can get a job, I am very grateful to the director. I think it's a recommended clinic.
Yuichi Enomoto on Google

赤坂クリニックから引越しの為同じ系列のこちらにお世話になる事となりました。 カルテも共有できるからとの事だったのにここの院長は何も把握できてないばかりかなぜこの薬を出さなければならないのか?と。それは赤坂クリニックの診察で必要だと思ったから処方されたんじゃないのか!と言うと症状が無いのに飲む必要があるのか?と。症状の有無の診察もしないのに(できないのかも) あの偉そうな上から目線は一体何様なのか。自分の前の患者さんは泣いてでてきました。心の病気を診察する所なのにこれでは本末転倒。態と症状を悪化させたいのか。先生と言うより人としてE院長が診察受けるべき。金にめがくらんでるクリニックなので早速病院を変えます。予約するだけで1,000円(笑)マックで腹一杯食えるわ!こんなクリニックが存在して良いのか。 2021/6月 追記 山中院長がお辞めになって新しい院長が来たが「優しい先生で話をよく聞いてくれる」と記載がありこの院長だけが予約を少なく取っている。コレはいい先生だと思いいざ診察を受けたら話を聞いてくれるのではなくご高齢でタイピングが遅過ぎるからでした。話が進まなくこちらが時計を見ながら調整してたが最終的に「薬はいつも通り出しておきます」って診察してないやん。両親が急死しメンタルが壊れかけ助けてもらおうとSOSを出したのに症状についての質問は無し。今迄の経緯はカルテ見ればわかるでしょ?と言っても「もう一度お聴きします」と非効率且つ非合理的で驚く程酷い。受付で他の先生に再診察をお願いした時、何度か診察してくれた若い医師?が通りかかり受付の女性が話に行くとあからさまに嫌な顔をされ「予約がいっぱいなので無理です」と。山中医師がいなくなり週替わりに来る医師全員常識人とは思えない対応。おばさん医師も立派な本など執筆しているようだが無能そのもの。建設的、論理的な会話などできない。本当に医学部を卒業し国家試験に合格した医師達なのだろうか。言葉は悪いが”頭が悪過ぎる” こんな医師達の存在意義など無い!受付も「苦情は院長にお伝えさます」って院長の苦情を本人に伝えた所でどうなるん?本当に全員頭が悪過ぎる。
Since I moved from Akasaka Clinic, I will be indebted to this person in the same series. It was said that the medical records could be shared, but the director here couldn't figure out anything, and why should he give this medicine? When. I think it was prescribed because I thought it was necessary at the Akasaka Clinic examination! Do I need to take it even though I have no symptoms? When. Even though I haven't been examined for the presence of symptoms (maybe I can't), what is the point of view from above that looks great? The patient in front of me was crying. Although it is a place to diagnose a mental illness, this is the end of the story. Do you want to worsen your condition and symptoms? Director E should be examined as a person rather than a teacher. Since it is a clinic that is blinded by money, I will change the hospital immediately. Just make a reservation for 1,000 yen (laughs) You can eat a full stomach with a Mac! Is it okay for such a clinic to exist? Added in June 2021 Director Yamanaka quit and a new director came, but there was a statement that he was a kind teacher and he listened to the story well, and only this director made a small number of reservations. I thought this was a good teacher, and when I got a medical examination, he didn't listen to me, but because I was old and typing was too late. The story didn't go on and I adjusted it while looking at the clock, but in the end I didn't see the doctor saying, "I'll take the medicine out as usual." My parents died suddenly and my mental health was broken and I issued SOS to get help, but there was no question about the symptoms. You can see the history so far by looking at the medical record, right? Even so, "I'll listen again" is inefficient, irrational, and surprisingly terrible. A young doctor who visited me several times when I asked another teacher to see me again at the reception? When the woman at the reception passed by and went to talk, she made an unpleasant face and said, "I can't because I have a lot of reservations." All the doctors who come every week without Dr. Yamanaka are unbelievable. It seems that the aunt doctor is also writing a good book, but she is incompetent. I can't have constructive or logical conversations. Are they really doctors who have graduated from medical school and passed the national examination? The words are bad, but "too crazy" There is no reason for such doctors to exist! What happens when the receptionist tells the director of the complaint, "I will tell the complaint to the director"? Everyone is really too crazy.
腰痛姉さん on Google

20秒診療。 院長が突然来なくなって以来、変な医者しかいません。 自分は病院変えることにしました。 医師はたくさんいるけど全く連携取れてません。 患者に出す薬を患者に聞く頭のお弱い医師。 よく分かんないけど(笑)が口癖のよく分かんない女医(苦笑) 挙句自分達で処方した薬を把握しておらず、前回と同じ薬だしておけばいいですか?しか言わない。 何なら前回処方された薬が勝手に減薬された状態で記録されてました。 心療内科で抗うつ剤だけがある日突然ごっそり断薬されてるって(笑) 薬局側もおかしいからと問い合わせしてくれましたが、コロナの影響で電話往診だったが為に前回の減薬記録された内容しか処方出来ないと言われたそうです。
20 seconds medical treatment. Since the director suddenly stopped coming, there are only strange doctors. I decided to change the hospital. There are many doctors, but I can't cooperate at all. A weak doctor who asks the patient what medicine to give to the patient. I don't understand well (laughs) but I don't understand the habit of a female doctor (bitter smile) After all, I don't know what medicine I prescribed, should I use the same medicine as last time? I only say. If anything, the previously prescribed drug was recorded in a state where it was arbitrarily reduced. One day in the psychosomatic medicine department, there was only an antidepressant, and suddenly the drug was suddenly stopped (laughs) The pharmacy also inquired that something was wrong, but he said that he could only prescribe the contents recorded in the previous drug reduction because he had a telephone visit due to the influence of Corona.
K M on Google


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