Inoueteru Clinic - Adachi City

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Inoueteru Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-7-10 Takenotsuka, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0813, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 121-0813
Webサイト :

5 Chome-7-10 Takenotsuka, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0813, Japan
iかつ on Google

He had a careful consultation.
hiro S on Google

数年前、千葉県の病院では、何も検査なしに症状から咳喘息と判断されました。 風邪のたびに咳喘息が復活して、今回はこちらのクリニックを受診しました。 自分が行ったときは5人待ちくらいでそんなに何時間も待ち時間はありませんでした。 診察は、咳が止まらないと話したところ 気管支喘息の可能性もあるからと、レントゲンと何か呼吸の状態の検査をして、その結果を丁寧に説明してもらえました。 先生も明るく良さそうな方で、良いクリニックだと思います。
A few years ago, a hospital in Chiba prefecture determined that the patient had cough asthma without any tests. Every time I had a cold, my cough asthma revived and I visited this clinic this time. When I went there, I waited for about 5 people and didn't wait so many hours. The doctor told me that the cough did not stop He examined X-rays and some respiratory conditions because of the possibility of bronchial asthma, and explained the results carefully. My teacher seems to be good and bright, and I think it is a good clinic.
きりあ. on Google

最悪です。星すら付けたくありません。 娘が急な発熱で診察していただきましたが… ・発熱と言ったのに身長、体重、頭囲、胸囲 を測らされました。 百歩譲って体重だけなら分かりますが発熱してて辛いのに全部測る必要あるのでしょうか…? ・質問されたことをきちんと答えたですが、何故か答えたことが分かっていただけなくて看護師さんを経由して話すという手間が何度も何度もありました。 ・私の質問のほんと最初のところだけ聞いただけでピシャリと冷たく答えを言われてしまいましたが、全く質問の意図とは違うことを言われたので「いや、そうではなく?」ということがありました。 ・娘はシロップ薬が苦手なのですが、薬の種類はどうするかということも聞かれず勝手に決められ…、変更をお願いする手間がありました。 ・1番腹が立ったことは、母子手帳をお預かりしますと言われ(普通他のところでは検診や予防接種以外預かりませんよね…?)、診察が終わり処方箋も貰って「お大事に」と言われましたが、病院側が母子手帳を返すのを忘れるということがありました。 その事を指摘し「母子手帳はとても大事なものですよね??」と受付の方に言いましたが「はい、わかりました」とだけ言い謝罪無しです。 普段は口コミなどは書きませんがあまりにも酷すぎたので…。
It's the worst. I don't want even stars. My daughter was examined by a sudden fever ... ・ He said he had fever, but his height, weight, head circumference, and chest circumference were measured. If you only give a hundred weight, you can understand if it's just the weight, but is it feverish and painful? ・ I answered the question properly, but I couldn't understand why I answered it, and I had the trouble of speaking through the nurse again and again. ・ I just heard the first question in my question, but I was told the answer was cold, but I was told that it was completely different from the intention of the question. was. ・ Daughter is not good at syrup medicine, but without being asked what kind of medicine to do, he decided on his own ... and had to ask for a change. ・ It is said that you will keep your mother and child notebook when you are angry (normally, you will not be able to leave it for anything other than screening and vaccination ...?) I was told that the hospital forgot to return the mother and child notebook. I pointed out that and told the receptionist, “Mother and child notebook is very important, is n’t it?” I just said “Yes, I understand” and no apology. I don't usually write reviews, but it was too bad ...
試製対空戦車タセ on Google

子供が調子が悪くなり、いつもかかりつけの病院が休診日だった為慌てて駆け込みました。 院内に入った時点で受診中の患者さんを怒鳴り付けている声が聞こえてきました。 「お前」や「~~じゃねぇんだよ!」 など言っている声が聞こえてきたので怖くなりましたがそれでも子供が元気になるならと待ってみました。 受診を終えて出てきたのは赤ちゃんを抱っこしたお母さんらしき人でした。 泣いていらっしゃったので、少し時間がかかっても安心できる病院を探そうと並ぶのをキャンセルし帰りました。 いつから怒鳴っていたかはわかりませんが私達がきたときには怒鳴っていたので15分以上だと思います。 受診する前からこんなに怖い思いをしたのは初めてです。 受付の看護婦さんは丁寧だっただけに残念ですがもう行きません。
My child got sick and I always got hurry because my hospital was closed. When I entered the hospital I heard a voice shouting at a patient undergoing a consultation. I was afraid because I heard a voice saying "you" or "~ ~ not!" Still, I tried waiting for the child to become healthy. I came out after seeing the doctor was a mother who held a baby. As I cried, I canceled lining up trying to find hospitals that can be relieved even if it takes some time and went home. I do not know when I was shouting, but when we came we were shouting, so I think it's over 15 minutes. It is the first time that I felt so scary since I was consulted. I am sorry just because the receptionist's nurse was polite but I will not go.
taku magu on Google

院長先生はとても子供にもとても優しく親切な対応でしたが、子供の六ヶ月検診の時にいたオジイチャン先生は最悪でした。 体重・身長・発育、標準ど真ん中で育っている息子に対して、帝王切開で産んだことを知るとネチネチと嫌味を言われました‥ (↑予定日に破水してしまい、促進剤を使いましたが中々降りてこず、緊急帝王切開で産みました。) 産道を通ってない子は免疫がないから病気になるとか、必ず発育に問題がでてくるからと。。 これから定期的にフォローするから通院しろと言われましたが(別にどこも悪くないです)本当に不快で、すぐに診察券を破棄しました。 後日、病院から電話があり、看護師さんから【先生が、検診のことを母子手帳に記載するはずが書き忘れたのでまた来院してください】と。。 もう絶対に会いたくなかったので断りましたが、あんだけ長々嫌味だけ話しておいて基本の仕事も出来ない先生なんだとおもいました。 一人目でしたし、しばらくは思い出して落ち込みましたが、いまでは4歳の息子は発育・身長・体重全部ど真ん中で風邪も滅多にひかない健康優良児です!!
The director was very kind and kind to the children, but Dr. Ojiichan who was at the 6-month checkup for the children was the worst. My son, who was growing up in the middle of weight, height, and growth, was in the middle of the standard, and when he knew that he was born by Caesarean section, he was said to be disgusting. (↑ I broke the water on the scheduled date and used a promoter, but it did not come down very well and gave birth by an emergency Caesarean section.) Children who do not pass through the birth canal get sick because they have no immunity, and there is always a problem with their growth. .. I was told to go to the hospital because I would follow him regularly (I'm not bad anywhere else), but I was really uncomfortable, so I immediately discarded the ticket. Later, there was a telephone call from the hospital, and the nurse said, "I forgot to write about the medical examination in my MCH handbook, so please come back to us." .. I refused because I didn't want to see him anymore, but I thought he was a teacher who couldn't do basic work by talking about dislikes for so long. It was my first time, and I was depressed for a while, but now my 4-year-old son is a good health child who rarely catches a cold in the middle of his growth, height, and weight! !
。 NNK on Google

かかりつけですが、もう行かないと決めました。 その理由として 2019年の8月に体調がいきなり悪くなり こちらで検査→軽い膀胱炎の症状と診断 体調がそれでも回復せず、その2日後に もう1度検査しました。 その検査から2〜3日経っても体調が一向に 回復せず、むしろ悪化の一方でした。 母親がその様子を見て心配になり、こちらに 電話をしたところ、検査結果が既に 出ており、しかも入院レベルの結果でした。 どうしてそんな重大な事になっているのに 電話をよこさなかったのか聞くと 検査担当の医師がいないから電話を しなかったという理由でした。 その結果、救急車で大学病院へ運ばれ 伝染性単血球症で緊急入院が決まりました。 その病院の先生も、少し遅ければ危険だった と話しておりました。 検査結果で重症と出ていた、命に関わる 問題だったのにそれを連絡なしに ほったらかしにするのはいかがなものかと 思います。最悪ですね。下手したらここの 病院のせいで死んでいたかもしれないです。 先生は優しそうな雰囲気の方なのに 本当に残念です。
It's my family, but I decided not to go anymore. The reason is I suddenly got sick in August 2019 Examination here → Diagnosis of mild cystitis symptoms I still didn't feel well, and two days later I inspected it again. Even 2-3 days after the test, my physical condition is all right. It did not recover, but rather worsened. My mother was worried when she saw the situation, so here When I called, the test result was already It was out, and it was a result of hospitalization level. Why is it such a serious thing When I asked if I didn't call Call me because there is no doctor in charge of the examination The reason was that I didn't. As a result, they were taken to a university hospital by ambulance. An emergency hospitalization was decided for infectious monohematosis. The doctor at the hospital was also dangerous if it was a little late I was talking. Life-threatening test results showed serious illness It was a problem but without contacting it How about leaving it alone? think. It's the worst. If you're not good, here I may have died because of the hospital. The teacher has a kind atmosphere It is really a pity.
下町のマンセル* on Google

3回目のコロナワクチン接種で初めてお世話になりました。 ストレス無く、スムーズに接種終了。 ありがとうございました。
I was taken care of for the first time by the third corona vaccination. Inoculation is completed smoothly without stress. Thank you very much.
J T on Google

このコロナ禍に先日娘が発熱して、前から行っているこちらの医院に電話で診てもらえるか聞いたら、症状を聞かれて予約ができて診てもらう事ができました。予約時間に訪問すると診察券はいらないと、保険証だけでいいとの事!娘は血液検査して異常なし、それからpcr検査 ネットで調べても娘の症状はオミクロンの症状なのに先に血液検査?少し違和感を感じてお会計、会計金額5千円超え!会計表が2500円で、その他電話問診2500円を手書きの領収書!電話??予約の時の症状の説明が!診察券もあるのに初診料になってるし、足元みてます。薬もくれませんでした。もう二度と行きません。 ちなみに嫁も同じ症状で小山耳鼻科で診てもらったら、抗原検査とpcr検査両方してもらって、鎮痛剤も出て1870円でした!
The other day my daughter had a fever due to this corona illness, and when I asked if I could call this clinic that I had been going to for a while, I was asked about my symptoms and I was able to make an appointment and see him. If you visit at the reserved time, you don't need a medical examination ticket, you only need your health insurance card! My daughter has a blood test and no abnormalities, then a pcr test Even if I check it online, my daughter's symptoms are Omicron's symptoms, but is it a blood test first? Feeling a little uncomfortable, accounting, accounting amount exceeds 5,000 yen! The accounting table is 2500 yen, and the other telephone inquiry 2500 yen is a handwritten receipt! phone? ?? Explanation of symptoms at the time of booking! Even though I have a medical examination ticket, it is the first medical examination fee, so I'm looking at my feet. He didn't give me any medicine. I will never go there again. By the way, when my daughter-in-law had the same symptoms and was examined by Koyama Otolaryngology, she had both an antigen test and a pcr test, and an analgesic was available for 1870 yen!

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