
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ろくごう整形外科

住所 :

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898888
Webサイト : http://rokugo-seikei.com/
街 : Tokyo

Takenotsuka, Adachi City, 〒121-0813 Tokyo,Japan
KUMA- 619 on Google

同じ区内の○田第一病院で救急で手術して そのあと丸投げされて以前お世話になった こちらの整形外科で治療&リハビリしてます 先生は多くの実績があるみたいなので 患者の方はかなり多いため待ち時間が 平均1時間ぐらいあります それだけ親切丁寧な対応で実績もあるので 混むのは致し方ない 次も怪我したならまたお世話になりたいです
Surgical operation at Taichi Daiichi Hospital in the same ward After that he was thrown round and was taken care of before I am treating and rehabilitating with this orthopedic surgery The teacher seems to have many achievements Waiting time because there are so many patients About an hour on average It ’s kind, courteous, and has a track record. I don't want to be crowded I want to take care of you again if you get hurt next time
遠藤由美子 on Google

元々は葛飾区四つ木1丁目のよつぎ整形外科にいた六郷先生が、独立して竹ノ塚に開院したのです。 初めて先生に会った時は、何てやさしいのかと、説明はとても丁寧でわかりやすい、安心して診察受けられます。 母が、毎月通っていますね。
Originally, Dr. Rokugo, who was a former orthopedic surgeon at Yotsugi 1-chome in Katsushika-ku, opened a hospital in Takenotsuka independently. When you meet your teacher for the first time, it is very easy to understand and easy to understand how easy it is. My mother goes every month.
K N on Google

綺麗な病院で丁寧な対応してもらいました。 待たされるのは患者が不安からか、あーでもないこうでもないと要領得ない内容または同じ内容を何度も何度も医師にしつこく話すため時間が長くなるからかと。(それに対して医師は的確に回答しているかと) 少なくとも私は簡潔に的確に症状をお話できるようにしようと思いました。 丁寧な対応をしてくれることにありがたく思います。時間が無いのであればほかの機械的に対応してくれるすぐ終わる病院をさがすのが良いのではと思います。
I had a polite response at a beautiful hospital. Whether the patient waits for anxiety, or isn't it awkward, or because it takes a long time to talk to the doctor over and over again with the same content or the same content. (Whether the doctor is answering exactly) At least I wanted to be able to talk about symptoms concisely and accurately. I am grateful for the polite response. If you don't have time, I think it's better to look for other hospitals that are ready to respond mechanically.
비니 on Google

When your family comes to the hospital despite a mistake in collecting medical expenses, please hand over the envelope. It ends with. I don't have a phone, and I made a typo. No consideration and unpleasant. I've been indebted for years, but I can't trust it, so I'll never go again.
ででん on Google

受付の方のお年寄りに寄り添う姿勢が素晴らしいです。 毎週通院していますが、腕の痛そうな方に介助してあげたり感動しました。 先生も話しやすく不安を消してくれるお話をしてくださいます。 看護師さんもテキパキして優しいです。 これからも通院させていただきます。
The attitude of the receptionist to be close to the elderly is wonderful. I go to the hospital every week, but I was impressed by helping those who seem to have pain in their arms. The teacher will also tell you a story that is easy to talk to and will eliminate your anxiety. The nurses are also nice and kind. I will continue to visit the hospital.
Kn-bb on Google

以前ここの近所の○田第一病院(今は第二での診療になってます)に五十肩と手首の腱鞘炎で時々通ってましたが、患者数の増加で忙しいらしくこの程度の症状ならろくごうさんへ行ってくれと突き放されてからこちらに通うようになりました。でもこれが正解でした。 確かに初診は待たされますが以前の病院に比べれば短く感じました。タイミングもあると思います。患者さんの状態によって受け付けた順番通りではない場合もありますので。 説明は的確で余計なことは言わない、でも丁寧に診てくれると私は感じています。しつこい肩の痛みも時間はかかりましたが注射で治してもらいました。 リハビリの方は予約が必要な施術もあるみたいですが、機械での治療は予約なしで受けられます。ただこちらも混んでる時に行くと待たされてしまうので最近はいつ頃混みますか?とかスタッフの方にそれとなく聞いて通う方がいいと思います。 院内は清潔感のある明るい感じです。地域性があるとは思いますが、たまにご高齢の患者さん同士で話が盛り上がってることもあります。今のご時世気になる方は受付に少し外の空気を吸ってきますなどと言って、気分転換がてらいったん外へ出るのが良いかと思います。外と言っても建物の中ですけど。外気は入るのでスッキリします。
I used to go to the nearby Oda Daiichi Hospital (now I am in the second clinic) for tendonitis of the frozen shoulder and wrist, but it seems that I am busy with the increase in the number of patients, and I have symptoms of this degree. I started going here after being pushed out to go to my grandfather. But this was the correct answer. Certainly the first visit was awaited, but I felt it was shorter than in the previous hospital. I think there is also timing. Depending on the patient's condition, it may not be in the order in which they were accepted. The explanation is accurate and I don't say anything extra, but I feel that he will give me a careful examination. The persistent shoulder pain took a long time, but I had it cured by injection. It seems that some rehabilitation treatments require reservations, but mechanical treatments can be received without reservations. However, if you go there when it's crowded, you'll have to wait, so when is it crowded these days? I think it's better to ask the staff implicitly. The hospital is clean and bright. I think there is regionality, but sometimes there is a lot of excitement between elderly patients. I think it's a good idea to go out once you have a change of mood, saying that those who are interested in the current situation will breathe a little outside air into the reception. Even though it's outside, it's inside the building. It is refreshing because the outside air enters.
yn oo on Google

Anyway, I have to wait. It's large and well-equipped, but only the director sees it, so I'll just wait. Patients come to the hospital all the time. I wonder why we don't have two doctors.
on Google

先生や受付の方などいい人ばかりです。 ただとても待ちます。 このご時世ですし、待たずに済むシステムを導入して欲しいです。 患者さんがご高齢の方ばかりなのが理由かもしれませんが、ネット予約など導入して欲しいです。
There are only good people such as teachers and receptionists. I just wait very long. It's this time of the year, and I want you to introduce a system that you don't have to wait for. The reason may be that all the patients are elderly, but I would like them to introduce online reservations.

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