
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 稲荷神社(五田保稲荷)

Inaricho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0833 Chiba,Japan
磯脇淳一 on Google

It is a wonderful small shrine with foxes. There is no change box. It may be good for a little request.
J mikage on Google

街中のこじんまりとした神社ですが、手入れはされています。 本殿の彫刻も、少し見づらいけど、かなり立派なものです。 車を停める場所はなさそうです。
It is a small shrine in the city, but it is well kept. The main shrine's sculptures are a bit hard to see, but they are quite impressive. There seems to be no place to park the car.
おおくぼすえこ on Google

日本武尊命が東夷征伐のため……… この地主神に夷賊退治の無事達成を祈り誓いを立てた………と由緒書きがありましたから相当古い創建で由緒ある神社だと思います。 屈託のない笑い顔の母狛狐に会えますョ。
Japan's military reign is to destroy Toi ... I prayed to the landowner for the successful completion of the extermination of the pirate, and made an oath. You can meet Mother Komafox with a carefree laughing face.
えなひろ on Google

Right next to the shrine's torii gate, there is a bus stop labeled “Inaricho” on the Kominato Bus, and it feels like a time trip. There is a fine dragon sculpture at the top of the main entrance. There is also a monument of the birthplace of sweet potato starch.
Ak Taki on Google

I visited for the first time in 5 years. It is a shrine of Inari-sama. This time the main shrine was open, so it was nice to be able to see inside. It is a community-based Inari. It was good to be able to worship.
シュナシュシュ on Google

There were no sculptures on the walls of the main shrine, but there were many wooden noses. There was also a flower nose. On the roof, in the four corners, a fox sits a little and watches around.
尾崎幸春 on Google

静かな神社です。 小さいけれど、色々素晴らしいのがたっぷりあります。鳥居の横のご由緒書きを読むとたんなる稲荷神社では、ないことが判ります。 磐長姫命の石碑は、初めて見ました。 駐車場は、ありません。裏の住宅地に路駐か、イトーヨーカドーに停めるしかありません。
It is a quiet shrine. Although small, there are plenty of great things to do. If you read the historical notes next to the torii, you will find that it is not at Inari Shrine. I first saw the stone monument of Princess Bancho. There's no parking lot. You have no choice but to park in the back residential area or stop at Ito-Yokado.
中山家範 on Google

祭神は豊宇気比賣命・久久能知命 日本武尊が東夷征伐のため上総国へ赴く際、当地に「御駒(馬)」を放ち、この地主神に夷賊退治の無事達成を祈り誓いを立てたことから、この地は「駒ヶ原」と呼ばれた。 「駒原神社」として豊宇気大神を祀った。 その後、1126年 千葉常重が猪鼻に館を構えて以来、千葉氏の守護神として「御達報 稲荷」と称した。 1180年 源頼朝が太刀一振りを献上し祈願。以後社殿の修繕などは代々千葉氏が執り行う。 1673~80年に旗本:深尾八太夫が復興を図り、日蓮宗上行院を別当寺として当社境内に建立。 1795年 京都伏見稲荷大社より正一位五社稲荷大明神の神号を賜る。 1820年 社殿再建を開始 1859年 拝殿を建立 【現地案内板より抜粋】 寒川神社に向かう途中、房総往還のバス停の真ん前で発見。 拝殿の彫刻が、道路側からでも目を引きます。
The god of worship is Toyouki Himei and Kukunochi When Takeru Nihon went to Kazusa to conquer Dongyi, he released "Mikoma (horse)" here and made a prayer to the landlord god to successfully exterminate the bandits, so this place is "Koma". It was called "Gahara". The Toyouki Okami was enshrined as "Komahara Shrine". After that, since Taira Tsuneshige set up a hall in Inohana in 1126, he was called "Otatsuho Inari" as the guardian deity of Mr. Chiba. 1180 Minamoto no Yoritomo presents a sword and prays. After that, Mr. Chiba will repair the shrine for generations. Hatamoto: Hachitayu Fukao erected in the precincts of our company from 1673 to 1980 with the Nichiren Sect Jokouin as a separate temple. 1795 Received the deity of Inari Taimeijin, the first five shrines from Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine in Kyoto. 1820 Reconstruction of the shrine begins 1859 Built the hall of worship [Excerpt from the local information board] On the way to Samukawa Shrine, I found it right in front of the bus stop for going back and forth in Boso. The sculpture of the hall of worship is eye-catching even from the road side.

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