Inaho - Hamamatsu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Inaho

住所 :

1380-1 Oshimacho, Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3112, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 431-3112

1380-1 Oshimacho, Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3112, Japan
Yuji Naka on Google

先日来店して『老舗の味 かつ丼』を食べました。かつ丼とみそ汁、サラダと称するキャベツの千切りが出てきましたが、個人的には『キャベツの千切り』より『たくあん』のほうがよかった。
The other day I visited the store and ate a long-established taste bonito. The shredded cabbage, called bonito, miso soup and salad, came out, but personally, “Takuan” was better than “Chopped cabbage”.
冨永幸伸 on Google

昭和の食堂と言った感じ。 老夫婦二人で営む店なので、混雑時は 大分待たされる。店も小さく24人位が 最大収容人数か?ランチタイムは2時までだが、1時すぎが狙い目。 カツ丼を頼んだが、味はいいと思う。
It was like saying the dining room of Showa. Because it is a store operated by two elderly couple, when crowded I will be kept waiting for a long time. Store is also small and about 24 people Maximum number of people? Lunch time is until 2 o'clock but it is aim at too late. I ordered Katsu-rice bowl, but I think the taste is good.
Kaz Nakayasu on Google

Katsudon is a specialty. Set meal is good. simple is best.
紺色けろこ on Google

ラーメン チャーシューメン やきめし カツ丼 生姜焼き定食。女性にはちょっと多い量かもしれないが、成人男性ならちょうど良い量。セットによってミニサラダやスープがつく。味はやや濃いめか。チャーシューが柔くて歯が弱い人も安心。生姜焼きの肉も柔らかめ。麺は細め。 こじんまりした昭和感漂う下町の食堂だが清潔感はあって落ち着く。
Ramen Chashu Shumen Yakimeshi Katsudon Ginger-baked set meal. The amount may be slightly higher for women, but just right for adult men. Mini salads and soups are added depending on the set. The taste is rather dark. Even those with soft chars and weak teeth are safe. Ginger-baked meat is also tender. Noodles are thin. Although it is a small cafeteria in the downtown area with a sense of Showa, it is calm and clean.
カニ on Google

It is a long-established store that has been in business for 50 years. It is also advantageous in terms of cost performance ❗️
はあみ on Google

For lunch, you can eat soy sauce ramen and fried rice set for 700 yen including tax, and cospa is good. Ramen is thin noodles and is delicious like traditional Chinese noodles. However, it was impossible to drink the soup because it had a strong mouth. I wondered what is the difference between the fried rice in the set and the fried rice ?! Instead, the ingredients are plenty of roast pork, onions, and dried shrimp. Not to mention the roast pork, the dried shrimp was a nice accent and it was delicious.
おっさん on Google

こだわりのお店の味というより、家庭的な安心するお味です。 ごちそうさまでした。
Rather than the taste of a particular shop, it is a homely and reassuring taste. Thank you for the meal.
チャンネルおく on Google

老夫婦が営むお店。ラーメンとカツ丼が売りです。ラーメンがあっさりしながらもコクのあるスープが美味しいです。カツ丼の味付けはかなり濃い目で、カツ丼を食べたあとにラーメンを食べるとものすごく薄味に感じるくらい。ただ味はとても好きです。 サービスランチの焼き飯セットですが、チャーハンではなく焼き飯。食べるとわかります。味はとても良いです。
A shop run by an elderly couple. Ramen and katsudon are on sale. The rich soup is delicious while the ramen is light. The seasoning of the katsudon is quite strong, and even if you eat ramen after eating the katsudon, it feels very light. I just like the taste very much. It is a fried rice set for service lunch, but it is not fried rice but fried rice. You can see it when you eat it. The taste is very good.

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