Inageya - Nerima City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Inageya

住所 :

1 Chome-6-15 Minamioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Postal code : 178-0064
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–9:30PM

1 Chome-6-15 Minamioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0064, Japan
びでおマンびでおマン on Google

The liveliness and cleanliness are perfect, the Margherita pizza and the fried chicken are all delicious.
高岡美和子 on Google

お魚の鮮度がよく種類が多いが、肉 特売のひき肉 脂を多く混ぜているのかハンバーグにしたら肉の食感がなく 口のなかで肉が溶けた感じがあった。いなげやでは肉を買わない方がいいかも。
The freshness of the fish is good and there are many kinds, but the meat was not textured when it was made into a hamburger steak, probably because it was mixed with a lot of minced meat, which was sold for sale. It might be better not to buy meat at Inageya.
マスタードあまーい on Google

It was good that the young female clerk who worked for many years and looked like a college student was very kind and helpful. The cashier was quick and it was polite to put the products in the basket. He looked closely and greeted me. I think it's a really good store.

品揃えは、まぁまぁかと思います。 レジの方はどの方も親切でテキパキされている印象です。 カートが新しいものにかわって、とても良い感じです。 お肉用の大きな袋を、沢山付けて下さるのが、ありがたいです。 支払いに、電子マネーを導入されるといいな。 ATMがあったのに、無くなってしまったのが、とても残念です。 お金をおろさなければならない時は、スグ近くの郵便局へ。
I think the assortment is ok. I have the impression that all the cashiers are kind and cheerful. The cart has been replaced by a new one and it feels very good. Thank you for attaching a lot of big bags for meat. I hope that electronic money will be introduced for payment. It's a pity that there was an ATM, but it's gone. If you have to withdraw money, go to the post office near Sugu.
kumaのんたん on Google

警備員さんのちょちっとした気遣いが嬉しいです? 雨がぱらついた時に自転車のサドルに袋を掛けてくれました❤️
I'm glad that the guards are a little concerned ? He hung a bag on the saddle of the bicycle when it rained ❤️
S. on Google

いつも前の方でレジをしているショートカット?で綺麗なお姉さんが好きで通っています。 爽やかでテキパキしていて気持ち良いです。
A shortcut that is always in front of you? I like my beautiful older sister and go there. It's refreshing and refreshing, and it feels good.
佐々木くらのすけ on Google

スーパーの造り(動線的レイアウト)は、店や銘柄によっても差があるのだろうが、ここは、時計回りだと思う。対象的なのは、上石神井の南側稲毛屋さん。ここの時計逆回りが落ち着く。とはいえ、私は、目的買いが主なので、ピンポイントで攻めるから、どちらでも良い。因みに、最初が青果物野菜フルーツから始まることを基準にしてのコメント。 夜になれば、駐車場は道路挟んで二箇所あり、問題なく駐められるのが良い。左折基本を考えて、どちらに駐めるかを選択すれば尚良。
The structure of the supermarket (flow line layout) may differ depending on the store and brand, but I think it is clockwise here. The target is Inageya on the south side of Kamishakujii. The counterclockwise rotation here calms down. However, since I mainly buy for the purpose, I will attack with pinpoint, so either one is fine. By the way, the comment is based on the fact that the beginning starts with fruits, vegetables, vegetables and fruits. At night, there are two parking lots across the road, and it is good to park without problems. It is better to consider the basics of turning left and choose which one to park.
Michel Granger on Google

Lots of choice. Clean and good service.

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