Akidai Sekimachi - Nerima City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akidai Sekimachi

住所 :

1 Chome-15-11 Sekimachikita, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 177-0051
Webサイト : http://www.akidai.jp/shop/

1 Chome-15-11 Sekimachikita, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0051, Japan
user on Google

生鮮品はここが一番安いことが多い。 野菜は大体ここで買ってます。 支払いが現金かPaypayのみでキャッシュレス決済がほとんど使えない点は要注意
Fresh produce is often the cheapest here. I usually buy vegetables here. Please note that cashless payment can hardly be used if payment is cash or Paypay only
Toshi T on Google

路駐が多いのは店のせいではないとしても、店の周りが通りにくく視界を遮るところがあるのは危険と感じてます。 商品は新鮮なものが多く、価格も他のスーパーより安いものがあります。 刺身や果物は、価格差が大きいのでアキダイまで買いに来ます。 サーモン、マグロはもちろん、珍しい魚もあります。 実家の両親もアキダイ知ってて驚きました。 最近買ったシャインマスカットや蓮根で、底面など視界に入らないところで痛みが激しい品が続いていて残念です。。 あとは、駐輪・駐車スペースが乏しいので、通行を妨げる路駐が多いのはやめてほしい。近隣住民の方からすると、耐え難いレベルなのでは?と思ってます。 また、駐輪場に自転車を置いてても、まったく違うところに移動されていることが何度かあり不快感を覚えました。 マナーが悪い客は、どこにでもいますが、それが目立つとは感じます。
Even if it's not the store's fault that there are many roadsides, I feel that it is dangerous that there are places where it is difficult to pass around the store and obstruct the view. Many of the products are fresh and the prices are cheaper than other supermarkets. As for sashimi and fruits, the price difference is large, so I come to Akidai to buy them. There are rare fish as well as salmon and tuna. I was surprised to know Akidai from my parents' parents. It's a pity that the Shine Muscat and lotus roots I bought recently have been suffering from severe pain in places such as the bottom that are out of sight. .. Also, since bicycle parking and parking spaces are scarce, I would like you to stop parking many roads that obstruct passage. Isn't it an unbearable level for the neighbors? I think. Also, even if I put my bicycle in the bicycle parking lot, I felt uncomfortable because it was moved to a completely different place several times. Customers with bad etiquette are everywhere, but I feel that they stand out.
竹浪登喜夫 on Google

最近お寿司を取り扱うようになりました。 なかなか美味しいです。 普通のレジ袋は有料ですが、お寿司の袋は無料で付いてくるので帰りに運ぶときも運びやすいです。
Recently I started to handle sushi. It's quite delicious. There is a charge for ordinary plastic shopping bags, but sushi bags are included free of charge, so they are easy to carry when you return home.
Rio GG on Google

The president, who is often interviewed on TV when the price of vegetables fluctuates, is the shop where he works. I often come to buy vegetables, but I have fish, meat and regular ingredients. I think it's a shop where the cheerful staff and fresh vegetables match.
堀之内誠 on Google

Akidai's main store with cheap and fresh ingredients. Cash only. Leave the old-fashioned atmosphere
onigiri miyan on Google

野菜もかなり安くて良いですね 近くにあったら間違いなく通います 楽しくなるお店です 鍋の材料買うのは、やっぱりアキダイ そして、真鱈の真子発見
Vegetables are also pretty cheap I will definitely go if it is nearby It's a fun shop After all it is Akidai to buy the ingredients for the pot And the discovery of Mako of Pacific cod
NORANEKO DESIGNノラネコデザイン on Google

日本一テレビに出演しているスーパーとして有名な激安スーパー。 いわれ大根1パック10円は、ほぼ毎日あります! 野菜、魚、肉、どれも安くて、普通のスーパーでは見かけないような珍しい魚介類が売ってる場合があります。 お支払いは、PayPayか現金のみ。
A supermarket that is famous as the supermarket that appears on the best TV in Japan. It is said that one pack of daikon radish is 10 yen almost every day! Vegetables, fish, and meat are all cheap, and you may find rare fish and shellfish that you won't find in ordinary supermarkets. Payment is by PayPay or cash only.
えりむら on Google

品揃えがよく珍しい野菜等もあるし、値段もお手頃で助かります。 しょっちゅうテレビクルーが来て撮影してるので、映りたくない人は気をつけて(笑) お店自体は広くないし、通路は狭いのでベビーカーはきついです。 袋詰する台も狭いのでちょっとわちゃわちゃします。 活気があって店員さんもフレンドリーなので、そういうのが嫌いじゃなければとてもいいお店だと思います。
There is a good selection of rare vegetables, and the price is reasonable. TV crews come and shoot all the time, so be careful if you don't want to see it (laughs) The stroller is tight because the shop itself is not wide and the aisles are narrow. The bagging table is also narrow, so it's a little messy. It's lively and the staff are friendly, so if you don't like that, I think it's a very good shop.

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