
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact しなの鉄道森の小リスキッズステーションin軽井沢(中央ゲート)

住所 :

Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0102 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.shinanorailway.co.jp/karuizawastation/kidsStation/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:45AM–4:30PM
Sunday 9:45AM–4:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
街 : Nagano

Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0102 Nagano,Japan
zeng zhen on Google

The service was good
小林愛子 on Google

Free admission
MIDORI A on Google

子供と一緒に来ました‼️ 電車も見られて大満足な顔してました‼️
I came with my child! ️ I was able to see the train and had a very happy face! ️
N K on Google

Basically, it will cost money to play children at the Karuizawa Outlet, but if you are here, you can rest assured. You can enjoy it as if it were a well-maintained park!
i ram on Google

令和3年2月28日の日曜日に行きました。 県内から行ったのですが、 どこにあるのか分からず… 駅員さんに聞くと、やっていないとのこと。 サイトもしっかり見ましたが、 そんな情報はなく… 行く際には気を付けて! 確認してからがおすすめです!
I went on Sunday, February 28th, 3rd year of Reiwa. I went from the prefecture I don't know where it is ... When I asked the station staff, he said he didn't do it. I also looked at the site closely, There is no such information ... Be careful when you go! It is recommended to check it!
師田洋一 on Google

駅から直結でアクセス便利でした!! しなの鉄道は新型車両を導入して、新しい車両も見れてラッキーでした! 子供、2人と行ったけど楽しめました‼️
Direct access from the station was convenient! ! Shinano Railway was lucky to introduce a new car and see a new car! I went with two kids but I enjoyed it!! ️
長坂日野春 on Google

しなの鉄道の軽井沢駅の中にあります。子連れで電車を待つ時間に使ってもいいし、仮に雨で1時間弱を安く潰すとなれば非常に最適。写真映えするスポットも多数です。 トレイも木の匂いがする綺麗なものでしたし、子供は喜んでました。 しなの鉄道のグッズショップや酒屋さん、射的などもあります。
It is in Karuizawa Station of Shinano Railway. You can use it for the time you wait for the train with your child, or it's very suitable if you can smash a little less than an hour due to rain. There are a lot of spots where pictures can be taken. The tray was clean and smelled of wood, and the kids were happy. There are also Shinano Railway goods shops, liquor stores, and shooters.
まるまる on Google

雨天時も遊ぶことができるということで、行ってきました。 入場は無料でしたが、各ブースは狭く、雨天時対応のプラレールで遊べるスペースは夫婦+子ども1人で500円でした。プラレールの数やスペースは5家族もいれば満杯かな。 試みは面白いですし軽井沢という立地も考えてお金を取るのは別にいいのですが、問題はプラレールの数や管理。 遊べるレール数は少ないし、車両は多いけど電池が入っていなかったりと、もう少し管理を考えられた方が良いのではと思います。
We went because we could play even when it was rainy. Admission was free, but each booth was small, and the space where you could play on the rainy weather-ready plarail was 500 yen for a couple plus a child. The number of plarails and space is full if there are 5 families. The trial is interesting and it is good to take money considering the location of Karuizawa, but the problem is the number of plarails and management. The number of rails that can be played is small and there are many vehicles but there are no batteries, so I think it would be better to think of management a little more.

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