Imazu lighthouse - Nishinomiya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Imazu lighthouse

住所 :

1-13 Imazumasagocho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8224, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879898
Postal code : 663-8224
Webサイト :

1-13 Imazumasagocho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8224, Japan
miya215 chihiro on Google

1810年創建。灯龍型では日本最古でいて、未だ現役。 昔は風雨でも厳寒でも、丁稚が油を2合携えて点灯していた様です。 小さな灯台ですが、なかなか味わいが有りました!
Built in 1810. It is the oldest lantern type in Japan and is still active. In the old days, it seems that the apprentice was lit with two oils, regardless of whether it was windy or cold. It's a small lighthouse, but it tasted pretty good!
鉄人ターミネーター on Google

先日、西宮市を通りがかった時に、今津灯台へ立ち寄りました。その時は、日も暮れていて、夜景を見る事が出来、とても綺麗でした。今津灯台(いまづとうだい)は、兵庫県西宮市今津西浜町に所在する民営(酒造会社の大関株式会社が運営)の灯台で、現役の航路標識として使われている灯台としては日本最古のものだそうです。(西宮市指定文化財。) [今津灯台附近の夜景の写真有り]
The other day, when I passed by Nishinomiya City, I stopped by Imazu Lighthouse. At that time, the sun was dark and I could see the night view, which was very beautiful. The Imazu Lighthouse is a privately owned lighthouse located in Imazunishihamacho, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture (operated by the brewing company Ozeki Co., Ltd.), and is the oldest lighthouse used as a traffic sign in Japan. It seems to be the one. (Nishinomiya City designated cultural property.) [There is a photo of the night view near Imazu Lighthouse]
岸川克仁 on Google

■今津灯台(いまづとうだい) 西宮市今津港に遺る灯台。安政5年(1858)に再建建立。高さ6m余り(基礎を含むと約6.7m)の木造袴腰付灯籠形。 銅板葺屋根で、竜山石の石垣基壇上に建つ。 灯火部分には格子が組まれてあるが、これは点灯に油皿を使用しる際、風雨を防ぐために油障子が貼られていた名残。 台石に刻まれた「象頭山常夜燈」の文字は、海上交通の守り神・金刀比羅宮に奉納された灯明台を意味している。地元の人々からは「灯篭」の愛称で親しまれる。 甲子園浜の埋め立て地区が見える今津港の先端に遺された今津灯台だ。かつて江戸時代には、西宮で造られたお酒を東へ運ぶ樽廻船などが‏出入りし賑わっていた今津の港の一角に建てられていた木造灯台。今津の酒造家「大関」の醸造元、長部家五代目の長兵衛により文化7年(1810)に建てられたものが起源で、「今津港に出入りする樽廻船や漁船の安全への願う」と祈願した。後に六代目文次郎によって再建されたものが、現在の今津灯台の原型。 現在、西宮市の文化財に指定されいる。
■ Imazu Lighthouse A lighthouse that remains in Imazu Port, Nishinomiya City. Rebuilt and rebuilt in 1858 (Ansei 5). A lantern with a wooden hakama waist that is about 6m high (about 6.7m including the foundation). It has a copper-thatched roof and is built on the stone wall base of Tatsuyama stone. There is a grid on the lighting part, but this is a remnant of the oil shoji that was pasted to prevent wind and rain when using the oil pan for lighting. The word "Zozuyama Nightlight" engraved on the pedestal means the lighthouse dedicated to Kotohiragu, the guardian deity of maritime traffic. It is nicknamed "lantern" by the locals. It is the Imazu Lighthouse left at the tip of Imazu Port where you can see the reclaimed area of ​​Koshien Hama. In the Edo period, a wooden lighthouse was built in a corner of the port of Imazu, which was crowded with barrel boats that carried sake made in Nishinomiya to the east. It originated from the one built in 1810 by Chobei, the fifth generation of the Nagabe family, the brewer of Imazu's sake brewer "Ozeki". I prayed. The prototype of the current Imazu Lighthouse was later rebuilt by Bunjiro 6th. Currently, it is designated as a cultural property of Nishinomiya City.
無粋人 on Google

Rather than the safety of the sea, I think the land lights are the most pleasing from the ships in transit. It's "Odaiba" where there is a battery installed by Katsu Kaishu nearby.
Craig Anczelowitz on Google

Cool old-school lighthouse- nothing else of note in the environs
Hiro O on Google

traditional lighthouse at Imazu sea side. u hard to find thus place without google map. the entrance is near yacht harbor.
Paul T on Google

Bit underwhelming really, but historically important. It used the guide small boats working in the sake industry along the river here. The beachside setting is very dirty and could do with a clean up. But this lighthouse has stood the test of time and is still operational today... Looks tiny compared to the flood surge barrier being constructed behind it.
Nat Fine on Google

An Edo-period lighthouse built to guide the sake ships that connected one of the most productive and prized sake regions to the markets of Edo. Ozeki, the parent company, still exists just a little way up the road. If you are interested in sake, also visit Nada ward in Kobe. I visited here because I have family connections to Spokane, USA, the long-standing sister city of Nishinomiya, where they’ve recently built and installed a replica of this lighthouse in a gesture of goodwill. As other reviewers have noted, the lighthouse itself is a bit underwhelming. I’d consider it more of a curiosity for those with particular interest in the area. Not perhaps something to go out of your way to see. The beach next to the lighthouse is filthy—though I did see a grandpa and some kids cleaning it up when I was there. The general area is very industrial, though if you continue a bit to the east there are nicer recreational parks to enjoy.

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