Imai Internist Clinic - Kyoto

4.7/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Imai Internist Clinic

住所 :

19-4 Kamikatsura Morikamicho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8226, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87889
Postal code : 615-8226
Webサイト :

19-4 Kamikatsura Morikamicho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8226, Japan
戸塚義英 on Google

I am always polite and kind.
きなこ団子 on Google

先生もスタッフさんもと丁寧で優しく、安心して治療を受けることができました。 院内も綺麗で快適です。
The teacher was also polite and gentle with the staff, and was able to receive treatment with peace of mind. The hospital is clean and comfortable.
たかい on Google

He listened to me and the nose that was closed after the teacher's treatment was open and impressive ... Nurse is also kind! He also performed an flu test. I am filled with gratitude…
笹山晃平 on Google

すごく親切に診断をしていただき、とても気持ちの良い内科でした。 先生はもちろん、看護士さんも丁寧でびっくりしました。 また、処方いただいた薬も良く効いたのか、翌日にはすっかり快癒しました。感謝です。
The diagnosis was very kind and it was a very pleasant internal medicine. Not only the teacher but also the nurses were polite and surprised. Also, maybe the medicine I had prescribed worked well, and the next day I was completely healed. Thank you.
えいさく on Google

受付のスタッフさんもドクターも明るくて親切です。そして待ち時間も少なめ。 久しぶりにいい病院と出会えました。
The reception staff and doctors are cheerful and kind. And the waiting time is short. I met a good hospital for the first time in a long time.
しいな on Google

先生も看護師さんも受付さんも、皆さん親切で、大変丁寧に接してくださいます。 症状が辛いときにお世話になりましたが、電話での受付から診察に至るまで、とても親身になってご対応いただきました。 近くで病院選びに悩んでいる人が居たら一番に推奨したい医院です。 これからもお世話になります。
The teachers, nurses and receptionists are all kind and very polite. I was taken care of when my symptoms were painful, but I was very kind to respond to everything from the telephone reception to the medical examination. If there are people who are having trouble choosing a hospital nearby, this is the clinic I would recommend most. Thank you for your continued support.
noob noob on Google

Great service and professional. Very friendly and helpful English speaking staff and doctor. No appointment necessary so just drop by (check the opening times/half-days before you do) Highly recommend it to anyone in need of a clinic in Kyoto.

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