四季風味 禅

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 四季風味 禅

住所 :

Ima, Kita Ward, 〒700-0975 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://shikifumi-zen.com/
街 : Okayama

Ima, Kita Ward, 〒700-0975 Okayama,Japan
アットマークすすむ on Google

お花見シーズンも間近の弥生終盤、ランチに訪れたのは今の「禅・四季風味」さん、前回訪問は...20年程前ですね、自宅からもほど近いのですがかなりのご無沙汰です! 店内はこじんまりした空間、カウンター・テーブル・座敷とフルラインナップですが席数は多くありません。同僚と二人、奥のテーブル席に着きます。 注文は昼膳(1620円)、待つこと20分弱で配膳、品数多いですね、どの小鉢から食べるか、悩みます^^; 揚げ物は白身魚のフライ、軽い食感サクッと揚がっています。刺身は蛸と鯛、量は少なめですがどちらも新鮮ですね。野菜の焚き合わせは柚子風味、さっぱり頂けます。烏賊子は青菜の和え物の中に、密度の高い食感は独特で美味しいです!! 居酒屋ランチとは一線を画す、割烹系の上質な味付けで満足感高いです!。
Hanami season also close to the end of the Yayoi season, I visited the lunch is now "禅 · Shiki flavor", last visit is. . . It's about 20 years ago, but it's close from home, but it's quite yourselves! There is a small lineup, a counter, a table, a room and a full lineup, but the number of seats is small. I get to the table at the back of the table with my co-worker. The order is lunchtime (16, 20 yen), wait for less than 20 minutes, and there are many items, I wonder which small bowl to eat from, ^ ^; The fried food is fried white fish, and it is fried with a light texture. Sashimi is salmon and salmon, the amount is small but both are fresh. The combination of vegetables is yuzu flavored and fresh. As for the rooster child, the high-density texture is unique and delicious in the green vegetable soup! ! I was able to draw a line with a pub lunch, and I am satisfied with the high-quality seasoning of the chopsticks system! .
HASIGO M on Google

The atmosphere inside the store is nice and fashionable. The color of the tableware is also good. I haven't cut out rice, miso soup, and pickles. The tea is also delicious. The food is very delicious except for sashimi. Sashimi is regrettable! ️
としひろボブ on Google

裏道のお店ですが、人気のお店を聞いて来てみた?✨ 少し値段が高いけど、それに見合う量と美味しさが有りました✨?✌️
It's a back street shop, but I heard about popular shops. It was a little expensive, but there was a good amount and good taste for it ✨?✌️
ひな on Google

There were many items and it was very delicious ?
k 1 on Google

I used it for lunch. I was surprised that the tea cup that was first served was cold, and the tea from Kyusu was warm, so I mixed it and drank it. I was surprised again because the menu did not come out asking "Is it okay to have lunch?", But I decided to have lunch because it was cheap and recommended. The food was elaborate. The sashimi was delicious and the white Japanese was refreshing. The pickles were delicious, and I felt like I could eat rice with just the pickles. The fried oysters were also small and had no bitterness, and the tartar sauce with a little onion in the center of the egg was applied, which was very delicious. Red sardines with enoki mushrooms cut into small pieces, tofu or scallions? It was delicious because it was cut into small pieces. Yam on your arm? The meatballs, broccoli, and simmered pumpkin with yuzu were included and it was very delicious. Chawanmushi is also eel? It was delicious with shrimp, fish fillet, ginkgo, trefoil and lots of ingredients. Annin tofu with blueberry sauce for dessert? Agar? cake? There was something like this, and it was a little hard and delicious. The elaborate Japanese food was very delicious. It's a little expensive, so I don't go there often, but I wanted to go there again. I think it's worth the price. The price at night is high, but I hope to go sometime.
市川周治 on Google

河豚が食べたくて、善を予約して、 お邪魔しました。評判どおりの旨さ。 てっさから始まり、焼き白子 てっちり シメの雑炊までのフルコース。旨い河豚を堪能させて頂きました。
Blowfish is want to eat, to reserve the good, I bother you. Effect of the reputation as expected. Starting from Tessa, full course until the porridge of baked albino Tetchiri humidity. We were allowed to enjoy the delicious blowfish.
しぃ on Google

お昼のランチ(*^^*) お料理のどれを食べてもとても美味しく好みの味でした。 炊き合わせも上品な味付けで美味しく、味噌汁がとても美味しかったです。
Lunch (* ^^ *) No matter which of the dishes I ate, it was very delicious and I liked it. The cooked dish was also delicious with an elegant seasoning, and the miso soup was very delicious.
美食家太郎 on Google

此方は私と家内が最も頻繁に伺うお店。 一つ一つが丁寧に作られ、マスターの心意気が 一品一品に込められています。 毎日伺っても飽きず、そして身体に優しい味わい。 またまた宜しくお願いします。
This is the shop that I and my wife visit most often. Each one is carefully made, and the spirit of the master It is included in each item. Even if you visit every day, you won't get tired of it, and the taste is kind to your body. I look forward to working with you again.

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