Ikunokogen Country Club - Asago

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikunokogen Country Club

住所 :

1784-29 Ikunocho Tochihara, Asago, Hyogo 679-3331, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87979
Postal code : 679-3331
Webサイト : http://www.ikuno-cc.com/

1784-29 Ikunocho Tochihara, Asago, Hyogo 679-3331, Japan
小山威佐雄 on Google

There is a powerful downhill hole and it makes me feel like I've flown so much that it's about 250 to 260 yards, and it's about 200 yards. The green-blue roof is heavy and seems to have a history
えいでんさん on Google

景色が良かった。季節柄紅葉も綺麗でとても良かったです。 歴史とレジャー感も感じられるゲストハウスも味があります。 大阪空港界隈から1時間半とアクセスも悪くはない。 とても良いゴルフ場でした。
The scenery was good. The seasonal autumn leaves were also beautiful and very good. The guest house, where you can feel the history and leisure, also has a taste. Access is not bad as it is an hour and a half from the Osaka Airport area. It was a very good golf course.
向井康則 on Google

After all it is cool because it is a plateau. The course is short, but you can enjoy it quite a bit.
ニコニコルーレット on Google

2020年12月12日土曜日の本日、初ラウンドしました。 クラブハウスはレトロ感溢れていて趣きある昭和な感じです。昭和=古い!ではなくレストランや施設の中はめっちゃおされ〜です? 景色も抜群に良いですし、スタッフさんの接客も申し分ない。←朝から写真良いですか??のお願いにも親切にウッドデッキからも綺麗ですよ。と案内してくれましたよ。お陰さまで、とても気分良くラウンド出来ました。 コースは打ち下ろしが多く、風の影響を受けやすいと思います。またグリーンは難しい。。。止まらない、速い、ラインも読み辛い…私が下手くそなのかな(笑)少しトリッキーやけど自身を持ってオススメ出来るゴルフ場です?
The first round was held today on Saturday, December 12, 2020. The clubhouse is full of retro and has a tasteful Showa era. Showa = old! It's not the inside of restaurants and facilities ? The scenery is outstandingly good, and the staff's customer service is perfect. ← Is the photo good from the morning? ?? It's also beautiful from the wooden deck. He guided me. Thanks to you, I was able to make a very comfortable round. The course is often downhill and I think it is easily affected by the wind. Also, the green is difficult. .. .. It doesn't stop, it's fast, it's hard to read the line ... I wonder if I'm not good at it (laughs) It's a little tricky, but it's a golf course that I can recommend with myself ?
Tそら on Google

Overnight at Nestmori Resort in a country club. It feels good to be surrounded by nature.
大野輝義 on Google

The weather was good and the temperature was good. Caddy also enjoyed playing golf well.
大西浩之 on Google

約一年ぶりにラウンドしましたが、思ってたより気温が高くてビックリしました。もう少し涼しい印象が有りましたから、まぁ朝一番のスタートだったので何も気にせずに回れました。コースも整備されで良かったです。後はレストランのメニューを増やしてもらいたいですね。 冬場はクローズになるので、それまでには行きたいコープですね。
It was the first round in about a year, but I was surprised that the temperature was higher than I expected. I had a slightly cooler impression, so it was my first start in the morning so I could go around without worrying about anything. It was good that the course was also maintained. I want to increase the restaurant menu. The winter is closed, so it's a corp you want to go by.
橋脇正 on Google

ティグランドはマット多い! グリーンは、とにかく早いです 3パット多い!注意する事!
There are many mats in Tigrand! The green is fast anyway 3 more putts! Be careful!

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