Ikeshita Suzuran Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic - Nagoya

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikeshita Suzuran Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-4-24 Haruoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0848, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 464-0848
Webサイト : https://suzuran-758.com/ikeshita/

1 Chome-4-24 Haruoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0848, Japan
堂本拳多 on Google

長く続く腰痛で通っています。 鍼治療を始めてからかなり痛みが減って、仕事やプライベートでも落ち着いて動く事が出来ています。 趣味のソフトボールも続けられていますし、友人や同僚たちに安心して勧められる接骨院です。 陽気な先生たちもいらっしゃって、こちらの趣味の話題なんかも愛想良く聞いてくれます
I have a long-lasting backache. Since I started acupuncture, my pain has decreased considerably, and I am able to move calmly at work and in private. I continue to play softball as a hobby, and it is an osteopathic clinic that I can recommend to my friends and colleagues with peace of mind. There are also cheerful teachers who listen to the topics of this hobby in a friendly manner.

もともと腰痛があり、自宅のポストに投函されていたチラシから無料体験させて貰いました。 無料とは思えないくらいしっかりと問診や検査をしてもらいその上で骨盤のズレを指摘されました。 納得できる内容と説明で施術後に症状の変化も自覚できたので取り敢えず一か月回数券で骨盤矯正をしています。 完全に姿勢を整えるには、まだ回数がかかるらしいのですが効果も実感出来ているのでこれからも引き続きお世話になろうと思います。 昔から、運動は苦手で運動不足だった事もあり先生から「健康意識が低い」! と、やや強く指摘されましたが、漠然と「運動して下さい」では無く腰痛の原因である筋肉を効果的に鍛える方法など私の体力に合わせたできる範囲の運動指導からして貰えるので少しずつ運動する意欲も出てきたと思います。
Originally I had back pain, so I gave it a free trial from the leaflet posted in my mailbox. I was asked to do a thorough interview and examination that I couldn't think it was free, and then I was pointed out that the pelvis was misaligned. I was able to notice the change in symptoms after the treatment with the content and explanation that I was satisfied with, so for the time being, I am correcting the pelvis with a one-month coupon. It seems that it will take some time to get the posture completely adjusted, but I have realized the effect, so I will continue to take care of it. Since long ago, I was not good at exercising and I was not exercising, so my teacher said, "Health awareness is low"! It was pointed out a little strongly, but instead of vaguely "exercise", I can get it from exercise guidance as much as I can according to my physical strength, such as how to effectively train the muscles that cause back pain, so little by little. I think I've also become motivated to exercise.
平岡直樹 on Google

無料体験から膝の痛みで来ました。 他のところで見てもらったこともありましたが、中々良くならなかったです。 初めてここへ来て初回の時に痛みがかなり軽減しこんなにスムーズに歩けるようになったのは 久しぶりです。 保険も使えて金銭的にも安くしてもらえています。 今は保険の鍼治療も一緒にしています。 他にも骨盤の歪みを指摘されましたので、 今後もしっかりと見てもらうために通って行きたいと思います。 自分にはとても相性が良く通いやすいです。 おすすめの接骨院です。
I came from a free trial with knee pain. I've seen it elsewhere, but it didn't improve. The first time I came here, the pain was considerably reduced and I was able to walk so smoothly. long time no see. You can use insurance and get a cheaper money. Now I also have insurance acupuncture. Other than that, the distortion of the pelvis was pointed out, so I would like to go there so that I can see it firmly in the future. It goes very well with me and is easy to go to. Recommended osteopathic clinic.
大谷真芽子 on Google

I asked because I wanted to correct after childbirth and the word of mouth on the net was good. I was nervous because it was my first osteopathic clinic, but the teacher explained me very carefully and I was able to receive treatment without anxiety. My body hurt and I was wondering where to go, but I'm glad I chose this place! I want to continue to correct it, so I go there. Recommended for those who are wondering!
山中尋泉 on Google

とても親切丁寧にです。会社で突然の腰痛に襲われ、整形外科に行ったら、レントゲン撮影し、背骨が歪んでいます。と言われました。 受付でロキソニンと湿布もらい、それで終了。改善しないので、すずらん整体に来たみました。 少しずつですが楽になってきています。いろいろ教えて下さって、姿勢も意識できるようになりました。
Very kind and polite. I had a sudden backache at work, and when I went to orthopedics, I took an X-ray and my spine was distorted. They said. I got a loxonin and a compress at the reception, and that was it. It doesn't improve, so I came to Suzuran Seitai. Little by little, it's getting easier. By teaching me various things, I became aware of my posture.
村瀬雄一 on Google

横浜から転院して引き続きお世話になっています。 右肩の痛みで来たのですが、寝返りも打てないほどのものが9割方痛みを感じないくらいになりました。本当に感謝です。
I have been transferred from Yokohama and continue to be indebted. I had a pain in my right shoulder, but 90% of the people who couldn't even turn over did not feel any pain. I really appreciate it.
柳谷このみ on Google

眩暈がひどくて病院を探していたところ、予約無しで、すぐ診ていただき助かりました。 苦しかった日常生活が楽になりスッキリしました。
I was so dizzy that I was looking for a hospital, but I was saved by seeing him immediately without making a reservation. The painful daily life has become easier and refreshing.
むらむらたつおみ on Google

針の治療がとても良くて感激致したしました。 足の捻挫も回復しており、とても順調で素晴らしかったです。
I was very impressed with the treatment of the needles. My leg sprains have recovered and it was very smooth and wonderful.

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