minimini Ikeshita - Nagoya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact minimini Ikeshita

住所 :

Haruoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0848 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 464-0848
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Haruoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0848 Aichi,Japan
ことらドロイス on Google

The manager is too dirty. Of course, the store clerk who the store manager is educating is also a waste. There is no basic common sense, just a response that makes people foolish. Absolutely the condominium apartments should not be contracted. I regret very much.
瀧本勘太郎 on Google

懇切丁寧なご対応をして頂きました。 お陰様で良質なお部屋へ住み替える事が出来ました。
I was deeply gratified for your kindness. We were able to live in a good quality room.
梅田奈々 on Google

いくつか不動産会社を回ってここの取り扱いのお部屋にしました。 初期費用が安いお部屋が沢山ありましたよ! おすすめです。
I went around several real estate companies and made the rooms handled here. There were many rooms with low initial costs! it's recommended.
たんのん on Google

めちゃくちゃ丁寧な対応で、希望にあったお部屋を紹介してくれました! 主任の本田さん、入居者の立場にたった意見をくれて、とても好感を持ちました!家賃交渉もしてくださるとのことで頼もしいです(*´∀`)色んな仲介のお店に行きましたがこんなに時間があっという間で楽しいと思った内覧はこれが初めてでした!物件は迷い途中ですが、友達にもミニミニなら池下店が丁寧で絶対いいよ!と紹介しようと思いました(*^^*)仲介手数料かからなければさらに最高なのに(笑)でもおすすめです!ありがとうございました!
He introduced me the room that suits her wishes with a very polite response! Mr. Honda, the chief, gave me a positive opinion from the point of view of the residents, and I was very impressed! It is reliable because he will also negotiate rent (*' ∀ `) I went to various intermediary shops, but this was the first time I could see it so much fun in a matter of time! The property is in the process of getting lost, but if your friends are mini-mini, then the Ikeshita store is polite and absolutely good! I thought I would introduce (*^^*) It would be even better if there is no intermediary fee (laughs)! Thank you very much!
Green on Google

いい部屋をありがとうございました。 また、対応もしっかりされていて安心感がありました。
Thank you for a nice room. In addition, there was a sense of security as the response was solid.
つしみん on Google

They searched for me very kindly according to the desired conditions. Thanks to you, I am very satisfied that I can contract a property that I am satisfied with. I'm really thankful to you.
ch i on Google

I found a good house safely! There were many scenes where I couldn't do it, but I am very grateful for your kindness! I was very grateful because the lessons were quick.
いくいく on Google

とてもいいお部屋を紹介してもらいました。 お店の雰囲気もとてもよく、明るくむかえてくださり安心できました。担当の女性の方もとても親身に対応してくださいました。ありがとうございました。
I was introduced to a very nice room. The atmosphere of the shop was very good, and I was relieved that it was bright. The female in charge was also very kind to me. Thank you very much.

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