【成田 賃貸 売買】東洋コミュニティ成田西支店|積水ハウスシャーメゾンショップ

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 【成田 賃貸 売買】東洋コミュニティ成田西支店|積水ハウスシャーメゾンショップ

住所 :

Iidacho, Narita, 〒286-0041 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.toyocommunity.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6PM
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Iidacho, Narita, 〒286-0041 Chiba,Japan
Mayumi Yoshida on Google

この度はお世話になっております。 初めての事でどの様に進めて行くのかもわからない状況ですが、タイミング良くスムーズなご対応に安心してお願いする事が出来ました。こちらの要望に合った物件のご案内をしてくださり、的確なアドバイスもしていただけます。 担当の櫻井店長は相談しやすく、お部屋探し以外の事でも経験を踏まえて親切にご対応して下さります。 これからも宜しくお願い致します!
Thank you for your support. It is the first time for me to know how to proceed, but I was able to ask for a smooth and timely response. We will guide you to the property that meets your needs and give you accurate advice. The manager Sakurai in charge is easy to consult and will kindly respond to things other than finding a room based on his experience. Thank you for your continued support!
大野水彩 on Google

There were many things I didn't understand when I moved for the first time, and I asked many questions each time, but he responded very politely from the first room inquiry to the last contract. I was able to decide on a room with peace of mind, and I was really looking forward to my new life. Even if I have a chance to find a room next time, I would like to ask the Oriental community.
Sa Su on Google

急遽仕事で異動になり、部屋探しを始めました。 法人契約だったので、スムーズに進まず迷惑をかけてしまったのですが、協力して頂けたので 無事早めに引っ越すことができました! お店の方もみんな親切で安心できました。 この度は、ありがとうございました!
I was suddenly transferred to work and started looking for a room. Since it was a corporate contract, it did not proceed smoothly and caused inconvenience, but since I was able to cooperate I was able to move safely early! All the shop staff were kind and relieved. Thank you for this time!
tama on Google

I was worried about moving alone for the first time, but everyone responded kindly and politely, and I was able to decide on a house with great peace of mind! I would appreciate your favor if there is anything else.
K SHOMA on Google

引っ越しに際し何度か利用させて頂き、担当者の方は親身になって対応してくださりスムーズに家選びが出来ました。内見の際もアドバイスをして下さったりして自分の中でも家選びのポイントが出来ました。店舗としても皆様のご対応は素晴らしくすぐに飲み物が出てきたり、寒い日は温かいコーヒーも出てきて、担当者の方も店舗としても素晴らしいお店です。 もしまた引っ越しがあった時には利用させて頂きたいです。
I used it several times when I moved, and the person in charge was kind enough to help me and I was able to choose a house smoothly. He gave me some advice during the preview, and I was able to make a point of choosing a house. As a store, everyone's response is wonderful and drinks come out immediately, and hot coffee comes out on cold days, so it is a wonderful store for both the person in charge and the store. I would like to use it if I move again.
Tuyos Toku on Google

部屋探ししていたところ、ご縁があってこちらで賃貸契約しました。 親身になってご対応頂き、内見から契約、引越しまでスムーズに運ぶことができました。 機会がありましたら、また利用したいです。 ありがとうございました。
When I was looking for a room, I had a connection and made a rental contract here. We were able to carry it smoothly from preview to contract and moving. If I have a chance, I would like to use it again. Thank you very much.
Kei Kawamura on Google

Even though I was very late due to this mistake on the day I visited the store, I was able to respond politely and flexibly without making an unpleasant face. I would like to ask you again when you move in the neighborhood, such as giving a preview as much as possible or introducing a property that meets your request.
K Yoshida on Google

Immediately after I asked to consult about the property I was interested in by searching from the Internet, the resident was decided, but please propose the conditions from a broader perspective based on the position from the workplace and living conditions. I was able to meet a property that suits my wishes. After that, there was a problem with the property (property managed by another company), and I couldn't move in as planned, so I had to reconsider, but I was able to respond immediately and move as planned. I feel that I can be trusted by the polite response every time.

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