Iidabashipibuka Skin Clinic

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iidabashipibuka Skin Clinic

住所 :

Iidabashi, Chiyoda City, 〒102-0072 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://iskc.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM
街 : Tokyo

Iidabashi, Chiyoda City, 〒102-0072 Tokyo,Japan
虎がーる on Google

職場から近く時間予約が出来るので混んでる時間でも待たずに診てもらえます。あくまでも時間予約でありその時間にいなかったら☓なのでご注意ください。 診察室は2つあり先生が交互に見てるので進むのも早いです。 スタッフの方の対応もよく、先生が来るまでにテキパキ事前にやってくれるので素晴らしい連携だと思います。 足裏に出来たウイルス性イボを取るのに2ヶ月通いましたが2週間毎に液体窒素をやることですぐにきれいになりました。
You can make an appointment near the workplace so you can have a consultation without waiting even when it is busy. Please note that it is a time reservation only and if you are not at that time. There are two consulting rooms, and the teachers look at them alternately, so it's quick to proceed. The staff is very helpful and will do it before the teacher comes, so I think it is a wonderful cooperation. I took two months to get the viral warts on my soles, but every two weeks I got clean with liquid nitrogen.
Sabosan Ofuroskii on Google

I passed for about 8 months due to a scalp problem, but it didn't heal after all. When I moved to another dermatologist, my symptoms improved in 2 weeks and further improved in the next 2 weeks. Two months later, it's all better now. I regret having spent eight months here in vain. The teacher is a good person without any habit.
mor mor on Google

話をよく聞き、丁寧に説明してくれるとてもいい先生です。 ちょっと気になる症状でも安心して相談できます。
He is a very good teacher who listens to the story and explains it carefully. You can feel free to consult with us even if you have a slight symptom.
ありがとう on Google

I had been suffering from atopy of the scalp for many years, which was hard to heal even when I became an adult, but I was taken care of by my teacher and he was completely healed. Thank you very much.
Mad on Google

A kind teacher. I introduced it to an acquaintance who said that it could not be cured elsewhere, but all of them have been completely cured. it's recommended.
山田まり子 on Google

一年と3ヶ月の通院でした。 先生の状況の説明の仕方が丁寧で患者目線で安心感がありました。スタッフの方たちも優しくて、お子さん達への対応も手慣れていました。
I went to the hospital for one year and three months. The teacher's explanation of the situation was polite and I felt relieved from the patient's point of view. The staff were kind and I was accustomed to dealing with children.
Keiichiro Iwamoto on Google

他の病院での帯状疱疹ワクチン接種による腕の痛みの後遺症の相談をしましたところ、すぐに近くのペインクリニックに紹介状を書いて下さり、 快方に向かっております。スピーディーなご対応に大変感謝しております。 患者を大切にされている先生でないとできない事だと感じました。
When I consulted about the aftereffects of arm pain caused by shingles vaccination at another hospital, he immediately wrote a letter of introduction to a nearby pain clinic. We are heading for the better. We are very grateful for your speedy response. I felt that it was only possible for a teacher who values ​​the patient.
徐敏杰 on Google

The doctor is very considerate and skillful. I would highly recommend people to come!

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