Ichiriki - Hiroshima

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichiriki

住所 :

1-14 Enomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 730-0851
Webサイト : https://ichiriki-hiroshima.com/

1-14 Enomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0851, Japan
なかやまゆうじ(ゆうじろう) on Google

周辺のお好み焼き店としては、美味いの 一言! おでんも良い味でした。
It ’s delicious as an okonomiyaki restaurant in the area. A word! Oden also tasted good.
zeek 12jp on Google

ランチで利用しました。 やはり、焼いてる鉄板の隅で食べるお好み焼きは美味しい。 一人ぼっち飯でもコミックが充実してて楽しめます。 追記:お昼のピーク前なのに、生地をまとめて焼いて作って待機されてました。 やはり、お好み焼きはオーダーがあってから作り始めるのでは?って思い、☆2つに変更すると同時に再訪はないかなと
I used it for lunch. After all, the okonomiyaki that you eat in the corner of the grilled iron plate is delicious. You can enjoy a lot of comics even if you eat alone. Postscript: Even before the peak of lunch, I was waiting for the dough to be baked together. After all, do you think you should start making okonomiyaki after you have an order? I thought, ☆ I wonder if there will be a revisit at the same time as changing to two
Shizuka Kimura on Google

This is the okonomiyaki restaurant that I love most often. There is a tatami room and an iron plate counter. Cheap and delicious. at home. There are ladies baked with less noodles and cheese, and mens baked with more noodles.
Kazuhiko Nishimoto on Google

肉玉そばをいただきました。 とても風味良く焼き上がっています。 そばも適度にカリッと焼き目があり食感が良いです。
I had meat ball soba. It is very tasty and baked. The buckwheat is also moderately crispy and has a good texture.
kkk on Google

熱々の鉄板にできたてのお好み焼きを乗せてだしてくれます! また、インスタのアカウントフォローしたらドリンクも1杯サービスしてくれす^^ とても、美味しいお好み焼き屋さんなのでぜひいってみてください✨ 食べきれなかったら丁寧に包んでくださいます! 現金のみの支払いなので、小銭を用意してね(笑)
It will serve freshly made okonomiyaki on a hot iron plate! Also, if you follow your Instagram account, you will be served a drink ^^ It's a very delicious okonomiyaki restaurant, so please try it. If you can't eat it, please wrap it carefully! Since you only pay in cash, please prepare coins (laughs)
もぐもぐラクダ on Google

お好み焼きも美味しいし、1品料理もほんと美味しい✨✨✨ 今の時期おでんもやってるので、それ目当てで行きました!笑 店員さんも愛想が良くて、忙しくない時にカウンターで喋ってみたら気さくに話してくれます?
Okonomiyaki is delicious, and one dish is really delicious ✨ ✨ ✨ I'm also doing oden this time, so I went for that! smile The clerk is also friendly, and if you talk at the counter when you are not busy, he will talk to you ?
florentina poruschi on Google

Amasing food and hospitality. Staff is very friendly!
Lavie Australie on Google

This is a great place to experience H-Okonomiyaki! Best recipe we ever came across, kind and lovely service in a restaurant which looks like a family business. You can customise your okonomiyaki and it is fun to wtch it being made. You really want to be here on a cold night. There is an English menu and an English cheat sheet.

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