
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三金食堂

住所 :

Ichinomon, Sanjo, 〒955-0045 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11AM–1:30PM
Monday 11AM–1:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11AM–1:30PM
Friday 11AM–1:30PM
街 : Niigata

Ichinomon, Sanjo, 〒955-0045 Niigata,Japan
氏家文一 on Google

Looking at my grandmother, I enjoyed the heartwarming system. Char siu and katsudon are the best.
hirohiko ohtaka on Google

五目ラーメン?をお願い。事前におばあちゃんに聞いたら、息子さんがわざわざ厨房から出て来て教えてくれました。 チャーシュー、たまご、ほうれん草、シナチク、ナルト、ノリを乗せた、いわゆる燕三条系ラーメンではなく、アッサリしたラーメン。 美味しく頂けました。お値段もリーズナブル。 欲を言えば、シナチクが少し酸っぱい。次回行く際はシナチク抜きにしよう。
Please go to Gomoku Ramen. When I asked my grandma in advance, my son came out of the kitchen and told me. It is not a so-called 燕 Sanjo-style ramen with pork, eggs, spinach, sinachiku, naruto, and seaweed, but an assembled ramen. It was delicious. The price is also reasonable. Speaking of greed, Sinachiku is a little sour. Next time you go, do n’t let it go.
きよみ on Google

前から気になっていたレトロ感満載のお店にやっと入りました。昔懐かしさに子供の頃の中華そばを思い出しました。五目中華は美味しいチャーシューが大きいものが2枚! お給仕のおばあさまがかわいい?ごちそうさまでした。
I finally entered a shop full of retro feeling that I had been interested in for a long time. I remembered the old Chinese noodles when I was a kid. Gomoku Chinese has two large delicious char siu! The waitperson's grandmother is cute ? Thank you for your feast.
murata r on Google

美味しい中華そばを戴きました‼️三条と言えば背脂ラーメンですが、ここ三金食堂さんは昔ながらの中華そばで、背脂が苦手な私には非常に美味しかったです❗ お値段も中華そば600円(大盛り+100円)で格安でした‼️ 品を運んで来るお婆ちゃんもすごく優しい趣で、ファンになりました? 是非是非、次回も訪れたいお店です。
I got delicious Chinese noodles! ️Sanjo is backfat ramen, but here Sankin Shokudo is a traditional Chinese noodle, and it was very delicious for me who is not good at backfat ❗ The price was also cheap at 600 yen (large serving + 100 yen) for Chinese noodles! ️ The grandmother who brought the goods was also very kind and became a fan ? By all means, this is a shop I would like to visit again next time.
ひーさん on Google

I came for the first time?Showa retro atmosphere shop?The master and mother greet me smiling? Yes, I was satisfied unexpectedly. Be careful because the parking lot is only in front of the store.
ATS on Google

創業凡そ60年。お店の外観は ALWAYS ●丁目の夕日を思い起こさせます。 店内も同様ですが、古びた感はなく、キレイで感染対策されてます。 拉麺屋さんぽいですが、メニューは結構豊富で、洋食系も見受けられました。 チャーハンは、驚きの茶色。どうやら、ソースで味付けしているようで、ピリ辛。パラパラ系ではなくフワネチャ系です。 中華そばは、魚類系薄茶スープで中細ストレート麺。トッピングは、チャーシュー2枚に最近珍しいナルトなど美味しく頂いたのですが、メンマが・・・凄まじく・・・これはどうにも(^_^;)
Founded about 60 years ago. The appearance of the shop is ALWAYS ● It is reminiscent of the sunset in Chome. The inside of the store is the same, but it doesn't feel old and is clean and has infection control measures. It's like a ramen shop, but the menu is quite abundant, and Western food is also found. Fried rice is a surprising brown color. Apparently, it's seasoned with sauce and it's spicy. It is not a para-para system but a fluffy system. Chinese soba is a fish-based light brown soup with medium-thin straight noodles. As for the toppings, I got two char siu pork and Naruto, which is rare recently, but Menma is ... terrible ... this is (^ _ ^;)
rei sato on Google

グランメゾン サン・キン 昔ながらのショーワの洋食。 後世に残したい建屋も一見の価値あり。
Grand Maison San Kin Old-fashioned Showa Western food. The building you want to leave for posterity is also worth a look.
JP Doraebon on Google

【ポイント】 ・レベル高いかも 【感想】 外観にひかれて入店。内観も渋くて素晴らしいです(清潔です。)。おしゃべり好きなおばあちゃんがいます。オムライスを注文。ふと気がつくとフライパンけっこう長くふってる。その間もおばあちゃんとおしゃべり。オムライス来た!写真撮ってたらおばあちゃんに早く食べろと言われる? がわの卵は中華って感じのしっかり食感、中はパラパラでけっこうスパイシー、すごく美味しかったです!ほかのメニューも食べたくなる味でしたね。外観も味も好みで大満足でした。
【point】 ・ Maybe the level is high [Impression] Entered the store because of its appearance. The inside view is also cool and wonderful (clean). I have a grandma who likes to talk. I ordered omelet rice. When I suddenly noticed, I shook the frying pan for quite a long time. During that time, I chatted with my grandma. Omelet rice is here! Grandma tells me to eat as soon as I take a picture The egg of Gawa had a firm texture with a Chinese feel, and the inside was quite spicy, and it was very delicious! It was a taste that made me want to eat other menus as well. I was very satisfied with the appearance and taste.

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