Hinodeseimen Sanjo - Sanjo

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hinodeseimen Sanjo

住所 :

3 Chome-20-1 Koya, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 955-0046
Webサイト : http://www.greatcompany.co.jp/hinode_k.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM

3 Chome-20-1 Koya, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0046, Japan
ロケット on Google

リニューアルしてガラッとラーメンの方向性が変わってサイドメニューも減りましたが久しぶりに再訪して見た所、から揚げが復活してて以前と変わらない味で嬉しかったです。 肉背脂煮干中華は煮干しの風味がかなり効いたスープで、背脂は一般的な燕三条系とは違い背脂の塊と言うか粒状の食感があるタイプで昔新潟にあったラーメン屋でも食べた事のあるのを思い出しました。 ただバラ肉のボリュームと脂と背脂のダブル脂で食べ進んでいく内にクドくなってきてスープまで完食はできませんでした…。 味はいいですが脂がキツイという人には普通の中華そばがオススメかと思います。 写真の1枚目はリニューアル前にあった背脂麻婆まぜそばとから揚げです。 から揚げだけでなくこっちのまぜそばの方も復活して欲しいところです。
After the renewal, the direction of the ramen changed and the side menu decreased, but when I visited again after a long time, I was happy that the fried chicken was revived and the taste was the same as before. Meat Niboshi Niboshi Chinese is a soup with a very effective sardine flavor, and unlike the general Tsubame-Sanjo system, the backfat is a type of backfat that has a granular texture and is a ramen that used to be in Niigata. I remembered that I had eaten it at the shop. However, as I continued to eat with the volume of lard and the double fat of fat and backfat, I became sick and could not finish the soup ... I think that ordinary Chinese noodles are recommended for people who have a good taste but have a hard fat. The first photo is fried chicken with backfat sesame mixed soba that was before the renewal. I would like to see not only fried chicken but also this mixed soba noodles.
笹崎和芳 on Google

煮干しをメインとしたスープで自家製麺 肉背脂煮干しそばと肉めしを頂きました。濃厚な煮干しのスープとたっぷりの背脂、麺は平打ちの縮れ麺、(大盛無料)チャーシューは脂味のあるバラ肉 美味しいんですが大盛にしたせいか、途中でお腹いっぱいにスープまで飲めませんでした。肉めしは炊き込みご飯、チャーシューの出汁がしみこみんでいて美味しく頂きました。
Homemade noodles with sardines and sardines. Thick sardine soup and plenty of backfat, noodles are flat curly noodles, (large serving free) Char siu is delicious with greasy lard, but probably because it was made large, soup full on the way I couldn't drink until. The meat was delicious because it was soaked with cooked rice and char siu soup stock.
坂本一彦 on Google

三条の「日の出製麺所」へ行ってきました。 つけ麺(中300g)と野菜餃子を実食。 麺は全粒粉でもツルツル、シコシコ 流石、製麺所を名乗るだけのことはありますね~‼️ つけ汁も濃過ぎず、麺との相性抜群で、美味しく完食致しました‼️ 多分ここのメニューは、何を選んでも美味しいと思いますよ~‼️ 野菜餃子も大変美味しかった~?
I went to Sanjo's "Hinode Seimenjyo". Tsukemen (medium 300g) and vegetable dumplings are actually eaten. Noodles are smooth and chewy even if they are whole grains There are times when you just call yourself a noodle factory! ️ The soup isn't too thick, it goes well with the noodles, and it's deliciously finished! ️ I think the menu here is delicious no matter what you choose! ️ The vegetable dumplings were also very delicious ~ ?
Yoshihisa Honda on Google

モチモチの太ちぢれ麺、バラチャーシューも美味しかった! クーポンで戴いた唐揚げも熱々ジューシーで最高です
The chewy thick noodles and rose char siu were also delicious! The fried chicken received with the coupon is also hot and juicy and the best
Hザマゼン太 on Google

いつの間にかリニューアルしてました。 以前よりメニュー減った? でも、煮干しの風味がうっま!背脂でか!平打ち縮れ麺うっま!です。
It was renewed before I knew it. Did you have fewer menus than before? But the flavor of dried sardines is delicious! Is it backfat! Flat noodles Umma! am.
こばちん on Google

肉背脂煮干し中華そば特特盛りにトッピング玉ねぎ煮玉子とライスを頂きました。 俺好みの味で美味かった?
We had topping onion boiled egg and rice as a special special dish of dried meat backfat and dried Chinese noodles. It was delicious with my favorite taste ?
Takumi Yamaguchi on Google

日曜のお昼に伺いました。 初めてだったので券売機に「おすすめ」とあった中華そば(大盛)を注文。2玉と書かれると量が結構あるのかと思いますがフツーの大盛りで安心しました。 豚でまとめられたスープ、チャーシューも美味しくいただきましたが、好みが出るのは麺ですかね。ちょっと固めに茹でられた平縮れ麺で歯応えしっかりしてました。 この日はお腹減っていたので満足感あって良かったです。 あと誰も悪くないんですが、テーブルが低めなのでラーメンをすすっていると腰が痛くなります笑 自分は身長180オーバーなのでご参考までに…ラーメンは基本重くてうつわ持てないのでテーブル高め(もしくはイス低め)が好きだなー。
I visited at noon on Sunday. Since this was my first time, I ordered Chinese noodles (large serving) that was "recommended" at the ticket vending machine. I think that there is a lot of quantity when it is written as 2 balls, but I was relieved with a large amount of futu. The pork soup and char siu were also delicious, but I think the noodles are what you like. The crispy noodles were boiled a little hard and chewy. I was hungry on this day, so I'm glad I was satisfied. Also, no one is bad, but the table is low, so if you sip ramen, your back will hurt. I like low).
岡部直樹 on Google

お昼時でしたがスムーズに入る事ができました。 駐車場は店舗の周りに10台弱停めれそうですが少し狭いです☹️ 券売機て食券を買う方式です。 期間限定のメニューを含め色々ありました、店内は綺麗めで好感触? 私は煮干し肉中華を注文、かなり煮干しが効いてるので好みかあるかも… クーポンで唐揚げサービスは嬉しい? ニンニクが効いてて美味かった? 連れは普通の肉中華でそちらは鶏系のあっさりスープで美味しかったとの事
It was lunchtime, but I was able to enter smoothly. The parking lot seems to be able to park a little less than 10 cars around the store, but it is a little small ☹️ It is a method of buying a meal ticket at a ticket vending machine. There were various menus including a limited time menu, the inside of the store is beautiful and feels good ? I ordered sardine meat Chinese food, and the sardines are quite effective, so I may like it ... I am happy with the fried chicken service with coupons ? The garlic worked and it was delicious ? The companion was ordinary meat Chinese and it was delicious with a chicken-based light soup.

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