角屋 一宮支店 - Toyokawa

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 角屋 一宮支店

住所 :

Ichinomiya, Toyokawa, 〒441-1231 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 441-1231
街 : Aichi

Ichinomiya, Toyokawa, 〒441-1231 Aichi,Japan
Noboru Tojo on Google

トンカツなどの入ったお弁当がボリューム満点で、そして美味しい! 唐揚げにエビフライ、日によって替わる煮物なども美味しいですね。 添えられたとんかつソースが日本食研製だったのもこだわり感じます!
The bento box with pork cutlet is full of volume and delicious! Fried shrimp, fried shrimp, and simmered dishes that change daily are also delicious. I also feel that the tonkatsu sauce that was attached was made by Nippon Shokuken!
優愛 on Google

ヤバ! チキンサンド食べたけど、めっちゃボリューミーで、でらうまかった 種類も多いのでサンドイッチ全制覇目指します。('◇')ゞ
Yaba! I ate chicken sandwich, but it was really voluminous and delicious Since there are many types, we aim to conquer all sandwiches. ('◇') ゞ
四加一樹 on Google

It was very delicious, but the fried shrimp was big and contained two, so I couldn't move until I was full and calm.
おおしまかろッく on Google

角屋さんのオードブルは冷めてもめちゃくちゃ美味い! 写真は二人前でそれぞれ価格は異なるけどどれも最高に良かった♪ お弁当も何度となく今迄に買って帰ってるけど、家に着く前についつまみたくなっちゃうんだよね〜〜(*´艸`)
Kakuya's hors d'oeuvres are insanely delicious even when cold! The photos are for two people and the prices are different, but they were all the best ♪ I've bought lunch boxes many times before, but I want to pick them up before I get home ~~ (* ´ 艸 `)
Melumichan Melumi on Google

一途にサイコロステーキ弁当のファンでしたが、ステーキ弁当の美味しさにハマりそれからはずっとステーキ弁当のファンです!柔らかくて美味しい? 電話注文しておけば待たずに持ち帰れるので安心ですよ。 あと煮物もパック詰めされて数種類置いてあるので好きな物を選べます(チョイス後レジに持ってく)。優しい味で煮物も抜群に美味しいです!揚げ物もトンカツヒレカツ等の他エビフライなんかも大きくて大満足です。
I was a fan of dice steak lunch boxes, but I've been addicted to the deliciousness of steak lunch boxes and have been a fan of steak lunch boxes ever since! Soft and delicious ? If you order by phone, you can take it home without waiting, so you can rest assured. Also, the simmered dishes are packed in packs and there are several types, so you can choose the one you like (bring it to the cashier after choosing). The gentle taste and the simmered dishes are outstandingly delicious! I am very satisfied with the fried foods such as pork cutlet and fried shrimp.
にゃんこますたぁ。 on Google

As expected, you can take out from side dishes to lunch boxes and sandwiches with a full lineup unique to butchers. Both the fried food and the meat are excellent, and I am grateful that you can get them with a little nice snack. I will buy some at noon when I get close.
赤子 on Google

ここは元々何屋だったんだろ?肉屋か何かだったのかな?それとも生粋のお弁当屋さん? 何しろ肉に関する惣菜やお弁当のクオリティーが かなり高いと思う。 豚カツサンドを食べました。肉厚でボリューミー。カツの肉が柔らかく、しかも脂っこくない。それでいて550円とは…。 巷で話題の、あの「フルーツサンド」が馬鹿高く思えるし、充実感や満足感が違います。(フルサンと較べちゃ駄目か…) パンも少し変わったパンでしょうか?外側がサクッとした食感も感じられました。 惣菜の、スライスされた焼豚も甘辛いタレでなかなか美味しかった。 でも正直な要望を言うなら、タレは別添えにして欲しいかな。 焼豚の肉だけでも充分美味しいと思うので、最初からタレがかかっていると ちょっと味が強い(濃い)。 ※スライスしていない塊のはタレがかかってないから、そちらを買えばよいのだろうが… ランチでコンビニで弁当選ぶよりも、間違いなくこのお店の方が「ご馳走」にありつけます!
What kind of store was this originally? Was it a butcher or something? Or is it a genuine bento shop? After all, I think the quality of prepared foods and bento boxes related to meat is quite high. I ate pork cutlet sandwich. Thick and volumey. The cutlet meat is tender and not greasy. Still, 550 yen is ... That "fruit sandwich", which is a hot topic in the streets, seems ridiculous, and the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction is different. (Can't you compare it with Full Sun ...) Is the bread a little strange? I also felt a crispy texture on the outside. The side dish, sliced ​​roast pork, was also very delicious with a sweet and spicy sauce. But to be honest, I'd like you to add the sauce separately. I think that the roast pork meat alone is delicious enough, so if it is sauced from the beginning, the taste will be a little strong (deep). * The unsliced ​​lumps are not dripping, so I wonder if I should buy them ... Rather than choosing a bento at a convenience store for lunch, this shop is definitely a "feast"!
K ・M on Google

ここのメンチカツやコロッケが家族皆んな好きで 通りかかる前に電話予約して受け取ります。原料高騰なので値上がりも致し方ないと思います。永く続いてほしい惣菜屋さんです。元々は豊川市にある有名な和牛も扱う老舗のお肉屋さんだと知人に聞いて寄る様になりました。 お肉好きな方には目がないと思いますし 野菜の惣菜もパックで売ってるので栄養も偏らないから とても重宝してます。あと、お弁当も?言わずと美味しいに決まってますね?ボリュームも負けてません。
The menchi-katsu and croquettes here are loved by the whole family, so I make a phone reservation and receive them before passing by. Since the price of raw materials is soaring, I think it is unavoidable to raise the price. It is a side dish shop that I want you to continue for a long time. Originally, I heard from an acquaintance that it was a long-established butcher shop that also handles famous Japanese beef in Toyokawa City. I don't think people who like meat will have an eye for it. Vegetable side dishes are also sold in packs, so nutrition is not biased, so it's very useful. Also, the lunch box is ? It's decided to be delicious without saying ? The volume is not defeated.

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