Ichijōdani Asakura Ruins - Fukui

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichijōdani Asakura Ruins

住所 :

Kidonouchicho, Fukui, 910-2153, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 910-2153
Webサイト : http://fukuisan.jp/ja/asakura/index.html
Description : Ruins of a historic 15th-century castle town, including residences & gardens, in a natural setting.

Kidonouchicho, Fukui, 910-2153, Japan
C W K on Google

I can't understand why this place isn't mobbed with people . Thankfully it's not. Really beautiful, natural location, and no kiosks or tourist schlock. Restorations really well done. And a place of incredible historical significance- once home to a whole city rivaling Kyoto in size until Nobunaga burned it to the ground!
Tim Jones on Google

A lovely, calm, informative place. The recreated houses are fascinating and you get a real feel for how life would have been. The staff are really friendly. A great place to spend 2 or 3 hours.
Robert Dykes on Google

(visits: 3) this is a recreation of an old village. Supposedly the only one like it in Japan. Across the street is more ruins. It's an absolutely beautiful area. There is lots to explore and hike but have not seen most of it. We just went to a special weekend event that was supposed to be a recreation of people.in the village. It was really so-so. Not many people acting. A couple were just selling local vegetables, pottery, and tea and simply dressed in period appropriate clothes. Some ladies where sitting on a bench talking about an fictional flood that washed a nearbye village away. And I saw one of my old students, but from which school I couldn't remember. When I asked him... He said he lived in THIS village his whole life and never went to school... Okay I get it you are in character..but otherwise his character was just standing there doing nothing. It was no extra charge so there is that.
Àhó Ónn on Google

Nice view and place. You can go this ruins site combined with the Asakura Museum. But the location between these two place quite far. Must plan wisely your trip. Recommend to go to the museum first, thereafter to the ruins sites.
mogi masaru on Google

Unlike big temple names such as in Kamakura or Kyoto this is one example that you never get disappointed. Very few come visit this temple but I'm sure it is worth going there
Joe Bloggs on Google

Anyone who likes the period of Japanese Warrior States will enjoy this place.
Shan Baker on Google

I very unique excavation site with a captivating samurai past. The gates to the ruins are particularly beautiful. There are many pretty streams and very large koi you can feed for 100 yen. The samurai village really got my imagination flowing. The town itself is beautiful. A Fukui must see.
李明洋 on Google

Ichijōdani Asakura Family Historic Ruins is one of the most worthwhile attractions in Fukui. Due to the inconvenient transportation of the ruins, we took a bus to the Ichijōdani Asakura Family museum and borrowed bicycles from the museum. The deposit for each bicycle was 1000 yen, and would be refunded after the bicycle was returned. In fact, museum also provided free shuttle service. The staffs of the museum were very kind and patiently guided us to the ruins.Then, we rode the bicycles among the fields and enjoyed the beautiful country scenery. We spended about 10 minutes to reach the ruins. The gate of the ruins was very elegant, and many tourists stop at the front of the door to take pictures. After entering the gate, we saw that many ruins of wells, walls, gardens and palaces were preserved on the ground. Following the stone steps, there was a platform with ruins of water and a bridge. It was said that when the castle was attacked, the castle owner bridge can destroy the bridge to prevent the enemies entering, which is the same as the design of Hikone Castle. Otherwise, there were some photographers taked pictures here.If you have enough time, I will suggest you to spend 2 to 3 hours to enjoy everything here. 一乘谷朝倉氏遺跡絕對是福井最值得一遊的景點。由於遺跡的交通不便,因此我們搭巴士到朝倉氏資料館,向館方借腳踏車,每台腳踏車押金1000日幣,還車後會退還。事實上,資料館也有提供接駁服務。館方人員非常和善,耐心地指引我們路線。接著,我們騎著腳踏車,漫遊在田野中,欣賞著漂亮的景色。約莫10分鐘就抵達遺跡。遺跡的大門非常雅緻,許多遊客停在門前不斷拍照。進大門後,我們看到地上保存著許多井、城牆、庭園和宮殿的遺跡,循著石階上去,有一個平台,上面存有水榭的遺跡,還有一座橋,據說當城堡遭受攻擊時,堡主可以將橋毀棄,這和彥根城的設計如出一轍。若您有時間,那麼我建議您花個2至3小時,在這裡慢慢欣賞。

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