Ichihara City Takataki Dam Memorial Hall - Ichihara

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichihara City Takataki Dam Memorial Hall

住所 :

467 Yoro, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0557, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 290-0557
Webサイト : http://ichiharazaidan.or.jp/takataki/news/33/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

467 Yoro, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0557, Japan
Ryudai Saito on Google

I visited with dam curry. It was just noon on Saturday, but I was able to enter the store without waiting. I could choose medium spicy, sweet or keema curry, but I ordered medium spicy and waited for about 15 minutes. Fried cutlet and smelt and salad are 920 yen. It was delicious, although it was expensive. After I entered the store, a group of three came, but the clerk told me that I would have to wait a long time and gave up. It seems that the processing power is not very high, and there is a feeling of winning unexpectedly fast. I was lucky to have a dam curry.
鈴木哲也 on Google

ダムカレー食べました、甘口と中辛それにキーマカレーにもできるそうです。私は中辛をたべました。 味はまあ普通のカレーです。 常連さんもいるみたいで雰囲気は良い。
I ate dam curry, sweet and medium spicy, and keema curry. I ate medium spicy. The taste is pretty normal curry. The atmosphere is good as there are regulars.
小出浩丸 on Google

昭和の香りが色濃く残るレストランと資料館。安い!盛りが良い! 汗まみれの釣り客、ハイキング客はここを目指すべし。おしゃれ感はほぼないけど、この価格なら納得。ここは目立たない観光名所?で昭和があります。 と、まあ私は絶賛していますが、一般観光客の方は過度な期待をしないでください。昭和50年代のなつかしい香りがするのです。 ラストオーダーは15:30頃。(ダムカード配布は今は休止しているみたいでしたが・・・よく分からないです。) 資料館も古いですね。そして暗い。う~ん、という感じですがしかたないかなあ。トイレはコロナ対策で屋外トイレのみ使用可能になっていました。なお、ここから山口の木造地蔵菩薩のお堂まではすぐ。市原市の数少ない日本一。特大サイズなので必見です。 余談ですけど・・・ ※展示資料にあった「白尾付近の川廻し」の古い航空写真ですけど、川の形からもっと南の上総大久保~芋原付近だと思われます。この辺りに養老川本流をまたぐ大きな川廻しが存在したということは知られていなかったのではないでしょうか? ※再訪して食事を頼んでみました。やはり安く手ボリュームがあります。汗だくで行っても違和感なしでした。
A restaurant and museum with a strong Showa scent. cheap! The prime is good! Sweaty anglers and hikers should head here. It doesn't look fashionable, but I'm satisfied with this price. Is this an inconspicuous tourist attraction? There is Showa in. Well, I praise it, but general tourists should not expect too much. It has a nostalgic scent of the 1950s. The last order is around 15:30. (Dam card distribution seemed to be suspended now, but I'm not sure.) The museum is also old. And it's dark. Hmmm, but I wonder if it can be helped. As for the toilet, only the outdoor toilet was available as a measure against corona. From here, you can reach the wooden Jizo Bodhisattva temple in Yamaguchi. Ichihara is one of the few cities in Japan. It is a must-see because it is an oversized size. As an aside ... * This is an old aerial photograph of "River around Shirao" in the exhibition materials, but it seems that it is near Kazusa Okubo-Imohara, further south from the shape of the river. Isn't it not known that there was a large river around here that straddled the main stream of the Yoro River? * I visited again and asked for a meal. After all there is cheap hand volume. I didn't feel any discomfort when I went sweaty.
松戸芭蕉 on Google

If you come here, you can get a dam card. In addition, the restaurant on the 2nd floor has a charming menu such as Takataki Dam Curry, a big fried shrimp set meal, and a locally produced Yoro Mochi Butadon! It's good that the price range is not high ... There are table seats and tatami mat seats in the back.
ろっかてい on Google

入口でダムカードゲットして1階の資料館を見て2階のレストランへGo。 定食、麺類などあります。 地元の肉を使ったメニューにも惹かれたが高滝ダムカレーにしました。 ビーフかキーマ、中辛か甘口を選びます。 わかさぎx2、豚ヒレx2がついてます。 カレーは普通でしたが豚ヒレは厚みのある肉で美味しかった。 ご飯の量が多くお腹いっぱいになります。
Get a dam card at the entrance, look at the museum on the 1st floor, and go to the restaurant on the 2nd floor. There are set meals and noodles. I was attracted to the menu using local meat, but I chose Takataki Dam Curry. Choose beef or keema, medium spicy or sweet. Wakasagi x2 and pork fillet x2 are included. The curry was normal, but the pork tenderloin was thick and delicious. The amount of rice is large and you will be full.
カリマタホーム on Google

The restaurant's dam curry, beef sweet fin cutlet and fried wakasagi are voluminous.
ヒロシ on Google

2階のレストラン のんびりと食事ができるので、たまに行きます お値段も安めで美味しいです
Restaurant on the 2nd floor I can eat leisurely, so I go there once in a while The price is cheap and delicious
義(ヨッチン) on Google

ダム機能、ダムの役割には発電 水道利用 灌漑用水 治水等々有りますが、このダムの役割は主に治水との事。 ダム建設前の地域写真を見ると、辺り一面田畑で肥沃な土地を窺えます。 ならば何故この地にダムを造ったのか? それはこの地に流れる川にあるのでしょう。 台風 大雨等で1度氾濫すれば辺り一帯の田畑を呑み込む力のある川を制御利する為のダム。 いつの時代にもダム建設には賛否両論ありますが、善悪白黒判断出来ないのも事実でしょう。 自分の目で観て色々感じる、その為にはダムだけでなくダム資料館の有効性は大きいですね。 こちらのダム資料館も食事処併設で、お座敷も在り、地域の老人達の憩いの場にも成って居ました。 ちなみにダムカードは、記念資料館2階のレストランで貰えます。
The function of the dam and the role of the dam include power generation, water use, irrigation water control, etc., but the role of this dam is mainly water control. If you look at the area photos before the dam construction, you can see the fertile land in the fields all around. Then why did you build a dam here? It may be in the river that flows here. A dam for controlling a river that has the power to swallow the fields around it once it is flooded by a typhoon or heavy rain. There are pros and cons to dam construction at any given time, but it is also true that it is not possible to judge right from wrong. Not only the dam but also the dam museum is very effective for seeing and feeling various things with your own eyes. This dam museum also has a restaurant, a tatami room, and a place of relaxation for the elderly in the area. By the way, you can get the dam card at the restaurant on the 2nd floor of the memorial museum.

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