
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大連餃子

住所 :

Ichigaocho, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0024 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887779
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ichigaocho, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0024 Kanagawa,Japan
Takahiko Kazama (kazam1205) on Google

店名に「餃子」とあるが、決して餃子専門店ではなく、ラーメン店でもない。思ったより、本格派の中華料理を出してくれる。 高級店ではないが、価格は安くない。なので、ランチ以外の時間に「中華定食屋」だと思って入ると、期待はずれになるかもしれない。 個人的には、もっと「辛さ」にこだわったメニューが多くても良い気がする。つまり、逆にファミリーは安心かもしれない。 とはいえ、支払いにカードは不可。大人数で沢山の料理を囲んで楽しもう、などと思うと多額の現金を持っていく必要がある。また、提携駐車場はない。自家用車利用の場合は、近くのコインパーキングを探す必要がある。
The shop name says "Gyoza", but it's not a gyoza specialty shop, nor a ramen shop. They serve authentic Chinese food more than I expected. It's not a luxury store, but the price is not cheap. So, if you think that you are a "Chinese set restaurant" at times other than lunch, you may be disappointed. Personally, I feel that there are many menus that are more focused on "spicyness". In other words, on the contrary, the family may be safe. However, you can't pay by card. It is necessary to bring a large amount of cash for a large number of people to enjoy a large number of dishes. Also, there is no affiliated parking lot. If you use a private car, you need to find a coin parking nearby.
水K on Google

リーズナブルで食べられる美味しい中華料理店。 ハーフサイズの料理も提供。
A delicious Chinese restaurant that you can eat at a reasonable price. Half size dishes are also provided.
福田あけみ on Google

My favorite food is very reasonable. Shaoxing wine was also delicious ? (= ^ _ ^ =) ?
ブービー2号 on Google

晩酌セットで生ビール、ピータン豆腐、豚肉とニンニクの芽炒めを注文。 味は悪くないけど、税抜き1180円は少し高く感じる。せめて小盛りのご飯が無料でつくなら良かった。 あと酢の容器の中にコバエが浮かんでいたのが気になった。 食べてる時もテーブルの周りを2匹飛んでいたのを潰したけど、飲食店ならもう少し気を遣ってほしい。
I ordered draft beer, century egg tofu, pork and garlic sprouts in the evening drink set. The taste is not bad, but 1180 yen without tax feels a little expensive. It would have been nice if at least a small serving of rice could be served for free. Also, I was worried that the flies were floating in the vinegar container. I crushed two of them flying around the table when I was eating, but I want you to be a little more careful at restaurants.
木村明 on Google

delicious. Is it the management of a Chinese couple? The couple's conversation is in Chinese. Is your husband cooking and your wife serving food? People who look kind and feel good.
がっかり星人 on Google

最近ランチでよくうかがってます 餃子美味しいです
I often ask for lunch lately Dumplings are delicious
Tee U on Google

担々麺にコクがあまり感じられません。 ただ、レバニラは美味しい。 ボリュームもあるし、シャキシャキジューシー(水気が多い訳ではなく、火加減が良いのかと☺︎)香りもあって、ここのレバニラのファンです。 エビチリもピリ辛濃厚で美味しいです。 この周辺に住んでた時は何度もリピートしてました〜❤︎
I don't feel much richness in the dandan noodles. However, Levanilla is delicious. I'm a fan of Levanilla here because it has a lot of volume and a crispy juicy (not so much water, I wonder if the heat is good ☺︎) scent. Shrimp chili is also spicy and delicious. When I lived in this area, I repeated it many times ~ ❤︎
SHOTA on Google

担々麺、半チャーハンセットを頼みました。 辛さは普通。どこか酸味を感じる担々麺でした! 半チャーハンも卵炒めご飯というかなんというか! 現金しか使えないのでお気をつけてー?
I ordered dandan noodles and half fried rice set. The spiciness is normal. It was dandan noodles with some sour taste! Half fried rice is also called stir-fried egg rice! Be careful as you can only use cash ?

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