
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact stepper1985

住所 :

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
街 : Miyagi

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan
岡田宏治 on Google

It was a delicious sake and a nice space. It is a shop where you can have fun drinking with customers who are together without shoulders and elbows.
hiro “Kuwa” kuwa on Google

いろは横丁のビルの2Fにある雰囲気のいいバー。 道路と道路沿いの壁面に看板もあるので分かりやすいかと。 階段を上がるので少しだけ入りづらいですが、非常に居心地の良いお店です。 季節のフルーツのカクテルが美味しいです。 若くて気さくなマスターの細やかな気配りが素敵です。
A nice bar on the 2F of the building in Yokocho. Because there is a signboard on the road and the wall along the road, it is easy to understand. As we go up the stairs, it's a bit hard to get in, but it's a very cozy shop. The seasonal fruit cocktail is delicious. The attention of the young and friendly master is wonderful.
佐藤じ on Google

It is more expensive than the outskirts of the city. It's not the price of a side street. Instead, the taste is usually nothing. The inside of the restaurant has a heavy atmosphere, the menu is similar to what you see somewhere, and people who are particular about taste and customer service are advised not to go. Only the super regular customers who are close friends will be highly evaluated.
namidome h. on Google

Very cozy BAR. A handsome and research enthusiastic master produces a special cocktail. Mosque mules made with vodka filled with ginger in a bottle are recommended. We have a lot of whiskey. Although it does a decent job, it is very friendly so please feel free to visit. By the way, the shop is on the 3rd floor. Since there is no elevator and only stairs, please be careful of your feet.
さとうてつろう on Google

とても素敵なバーでした。 静かでゆっくりできました。 14時から開いてるそうで、早い時間から飲めるのもありがたいです。
It was a very nice bar. It was quiet and slow. It seems to be open from 14:00, and it is also appreciated that you can drink early.
さーもんうまい on Google

ウイスキーのラインナップが豊富だし、好みを伝えると2,3点ピックアップしてお勧めしてくれるのもうれしいし、若いイケメンのバーテンさんはすごく勉強されてるんだろうなと感じる。内装の雰囲気も落ち着いていてすごくいい。 難点は場所柄か客層が良くないのと、常連のおっさんにバーテンさんが雑にいじられてること。 接客時はもっとどっしりゆっくり余裕をもって喋ってくれたら最高。 コロナが落ち着いたらまた絶対行きます。
The lineup of whiskey is abundant, and I'm glad that if you tell me your taste, I will pick up a few points and recommend it, and I feel that the young handsome bartender is studying a lot. The atmosphere of the interior is also calm and very nice. The difficulty is that the location or the customer base is not good, and the bartender is being tampered with by the regular old man. It would be great if you could speak more slowly and with plenty of time when serving customers. I will definitely go again when the corona calms down.
ハイ9 on Google

美味い酒としゃべり 地元素材のフレッシュカクテルからヴィンテージウイスキーまで嗜好無くしても愉しめる、とてもとても貴重なお店。 3杯で4,200円
Delicious sake and chat A very, very valuable shop where you can enjoy everything from fresh cocktails made from local ingredients to vintage whiskey without having to taste it. 4,200 yen for 3 cups
Tsuyoshi KIMURA (glenkimkim) on Google

Must try classic cocktails and great whisky selections.

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