
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酒趣

住所 :

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : http://www.chouchou-sendai.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–2AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–2AM
Tuesday 5PM–2AM
Wednesday 5PM–2AM
Thursday 5PM–2AM
Friday 5PM–2AM
街 : Miyagi

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan
荒川佳祐 on Google

Sake that goes well with delicious food, especially sake, is exquisite and delicious. Since it's cooked alone in a small shop, it may take some time to serve food, but it's still delicious enough to make you want to go. A restaurant where you can enjoy selected dishes.
takashi kawahara on Google

There is no waste in the menu structure, and no matter what you ask, it is delicious. The shop owners and regular customers were kind and the store was clean and the atmosphere was good.
ホーランドロップ on Google

Even if you eat anything, it is a delicious shop, but in particular the sashimi is exquisite The delicacy and politeness of the shopkeeper are also wonderful in the dishes
kaz kas on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気のお店です。店内は決して広くありませんが、たくさんの日本酒が置いていました。 メニュー以外でも好みを伝えると、何種類かお酒を提示してくれるのでそこから選ぶことが可能です。 個人的には辛口でないほうが好きなのですが、お勧めされた花陽浴 純米大吟醸はとても美味しかったです。 つまみ自体は特別これといったものはまだ見つけてませんが、日本酒を楽しむにはとても良いところです。
It is a shop with a calm atmosphere. The store isn't large at all, but there were a lot of sake left. If you give preference to something other than the menu, you will be able to present several types of alcohol so you can choose from them. Personally I prefer not to be dry, but the recommended Hanayo Bath Junmai Daiginjo was very delicious. The knob itself has not found anything special, but it is a great place to enjoy sake.
Hide on Google

満足でした^ ^ 2回目の訪問です。 一度は穴子の白焼きが鮮烈で。。。 さて、今回は残念ながら時期では無いと。。。 しかし美味しい料理に日本酒 私は日本酒にハマってるものの冷やでしか飲まず 熱燗の奥深さも堪能させて頂きました。 有難う御座います。 また時期を見て行かせて頂きます^ ^
I was satisfied ^ ^ This is my second visit. The white porridge of conger eel is vivid once. .. .. Now, unfortunately this is not the time. .. .. But for delicious food sake I'm addicted to sake, but I only drink it cold I also enjoyed the depth of the hot pot. Thank you. I will look at the time again ^ ^
杉野浩三 on Google

仙台で日本酒と言えば「酒趣」さん!! 仙台は日本酒を扱っているお店は多いですが、全国の日本酒を厳選して取り扱っているお店は多くなく、飲み方にもここまで丁寧にご提供されているお店は数少ないと思います。 料理もフレンチでの調理経験のある店主が、食材に妥協なくご提供されており、店主の大石さんに選んでいただいた日本酒との相性もばっちり!! 8席のカウンターのみのお店のため、お酒も料理にも向き合って楽しめるお店です! 隣に座ってた常連さんもとても良い方で日本酒からワインまでお酒好きがにじみ出ている御方でとても楽しかったです^^
Speaking of sake in Sendai, "Sake taste"! Sendai has many shops that sell sake, but there are not many shops that carefully select and handle sake from all over the country, and I think that there are few shops that have been carefully offered to drink. . The shop owner who has experience cooking in French is also offering the ingredients without compromise, and the shopkeeper goes perfectly with the sake selected by Mr. Oishi! Because it is a shop with only 8 seats counter, it is a shop where you can enjoy drinking and cooking! The regular who was sitting next to him was also a very good person who enjoyed alcoholic beverages from sake to wine and it was very fun ^ ^
Kota Yamakawa on Google

美味しいお酒と肴のお店がランチはじめました ランチメニューは「とうめしの定食」いっぽん! そーゆーところもすごくステキです メインの「とうめし」は甘さひかえめの大人っぽい感じで、しっかり硬めのお豆腐とほかほかごはんを一緒に味わう幸せを噛みしめられます そこに小鉢がふたつもついて800円? お値打ちすぎます!! とうめし定食と一緒にお酒を嗜んでる紳士がいたり、すごく羨ましくなりました?
A delicious sake and side dish shop has begun lunch The lunch menu is "Toumeshi set meal"! The place is also very nice The main "Toumeshi" has an adult-like feeling of sweetness, and you can chew the happiness of tasting firm tofu and other rice together. There are two small bowls for 800 yen ? It's too good value! !! There was a gentleman who enjoyed drinking with the Toumeshi set meal, and I became very envious ?
そう“そうびー” on Google

初めての仙台、娘と2人で訪れました。こじんまりしたお店ですが、外観も内装もおしゃれな雰囲気でした。お客様は、私たちの他に1人の常連さんらしき方がいました。 お店の方に、おすすめを聞いたところ、最近メニューを変えたばかりで 全部おすすめだと・・・ 初めての客だと気づいていると思いますが、会話をして頂けないし、たくさんのメニューからのおすすめも言ってくれない。私からすると、その土地のグルメを食したいと思っていたのですが、あまり楽しくはありませんでした。 常連さんがいくようなお店だったのかもしれません。
I visited Sendai for the first time with my daughter. It's a small shop, but the exterior and interior are fashionable. The customer was like one regular customer besides us. When I asked the shop staff for recommendations, I just changed the menu recently. I recommend all of them ... You may have noticed that this is your first visitor, but you can't have a conversation and they don't recommend from many menus. From my point of view, I wanted to eat the local gourmet food, but it wasn't very fun. It may have been a shop where regulars go.

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