鳥放題 仙台一番町店

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳥放題 仙台一番町店

住所 :

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : http://www.torihodai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 3PM–12AM
Sunday 3PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : Miyagi

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan

値段も手頃で、オススメです。ドリンクの飲み放題ですが、オーダーするのではなく、自分でドリンクサーバー等でつぐ形態なので、オッサンにはちょっとわかりにくかったです。 でも、コスパは抜群です。また利用します。
The price is reasonable and recommended. It's all-you-can-drink for drinks, but it's hard to understand for Ossan because it's a form that you can drink with your own drink server. But cospa is outstanding. I will use it again.
ぱんだのすけ on Google

先日、友人の誕生日に利用させていただきました。前日の夜に誕生日プレートをネットで予約し、「遅いからやってもらえないよな…」と思っていたのですが、ラストオーダー終了後、サプライズプレートが!! 演出&ケーキがおしゃれ、店員さんも笑顔でお祝いしていただいたのでまた行きたいです! 対応が悪いなど特に感じはしませんでした!また利用させていただきます! ありがとうございました!!
I used it for my friend's birthday the other day. I booked a birthday plate online the night before and thought, "I can't do it because it's too late ...", but after the last order was over , Surprise plate! !! The direction and cake are fashionable, and the clerk smiled and celebrated, so I want to go again! I didn't feel that the correspondence was bad! I will be using this again! thank you very much! !!

鳥ほうだい‼️ 家族で来店予約しました‼️ 妹の誕生日会をしてお店からドリカム曲が流れて良かったですよ‼️?✌ 誕生日ご違いなら、是非、ご来店を?
Bird Hodai! ️ I made a reservation for a family visit! ️ I'm glad that my sister's birthday party was held and the Dreams Come True song was played from the store! ️?✌ If you have a different birthday, please come visit us ?
美紀 on Google

リピートは無いかな(´・・`) 店員さんも雰囲気もあまり良くないし 少し頼んだだけで品切れするし その割には高いし あまり美味しくなかった 床下掃除してないみたいで 食べこぼしとか凄くて ゾッとしました
I wonder if there is a repeat (´ ・ ・ `) The clerk and the atmosphere are not very good It's out of stock just by asking a little It's expensive for that It wasn't very delicious It looks like you haven't cleaned the underfloor The spilled food is amazing I was horrified
アリアのゲーム実況 on Google

予約前に確認事項があったので電話問い合わせしようとしたところ電話に出ず60回も電話しても一切電話に出ない!!! やる気ないなら閉業しろ!!!!!! こんな店に☆1つもつけたくないわ?
There was a confirmation item before the reservation, so when I tried to make a phone inquiry, I couldn't answer the phone, and even if I called 60 times, I couldn't answer the phone at all! !! !! If you are not motivated, close it! !! !! !! !! !! I don't want to put one in a store like this ?
お茶メン on Google

日曜に15時に初めて行きました 鳥放題自体初めてなのでここの店舗で思った事を書きます 接客はその辺の飲食店と同じで悪くはない(下の方に記載したこと以外は・・・) 注文の制限が食べ放題させる気ないだろうって感じのやり方で注文しなければいけないんだけど、もしかしてだけど食べ残しが多いって貼り紙と店員も食べ残しを結構気にしていたからその対策なのかな? ちなみに注文のやり方が、焼き鳥メニューAとB サイドメニューAとB共にAかBしか頼めなくて、頼んだ物が全て来たらもう片方頼めるor再度注文できるって感じ 一度に頼める量も正直少ない 注文してから焼いてるから来るのが遅いし少量しか頼めないから思ってるより食べられない サイドメニューと同時にガツガツ頼めば満腹にはなると思うが、焼き鳥のみ頼みまくっていたら全然食べられないかもしれない 仕事帰りじゃないからあまり食べられないかなと思っていたがむしろ少し余裕が残っていた そして会計時、公式サイトにあったクーポンを提示したら入店時に提示しないとクーポンが有効にならないって言われて一緒に来ていた先輩と2人でガッカリしてました 確かにクーポンには入店時って書いてあるしそれを見逃したのは悪いと思うが、それならそれで席に案内する前にクーポンありませんか?って聞いてほしかったわ しかも入店時以外で提示しても有効にならないって記載か説明をしてほしかったんだが 大体の店は会計時にクーポン出して支払いってパターンだからまさか入店時にとは思わないだろ? あぁ、味は良かったよ
I went for the first time at 15:00 on Sunday It's my first time to have all-you-can-eat birds, so I'll write what I thought at this store The customer service is the same as the restaurants in that area and is not bad (except for the ones listed below ...) I have to order in a way that I don't feel like letting me eat as much as I want due to the restrictions on the order, but maybe there is a lot of leftover food, and the sticker and the clerk were quite concerned about leftover food, so is that a countermeasure? By the way, the way to order is that you can only order A or B for yakitori menu A and B side menus A and B, and when all the ordered items come, you can order the other or order again. Honestly, the amount you can ask at one time is small I can't eat more than I expected because it's late to come because it's baked after ordering and I can only order a small amount I think that if you ask for guts at the same time as the side menu, you will be full, but if you only ask for yakitori, you may not be able to eat at all I wasn't on my way home from work, so I thought I couldn't eat much, but I had a little extra time left. And at the time of accounting, when I presented the coupon that was on the official website, I was disappointed with the senior who came with me when I was told that the coupon would not be valid unless I presented it when I entered the store. It's true that the coupon says when you enter the store, and I think it's bad that you missed it, but if so, do you have a coupon before you take your seat? I wanted you to hear Moreover, I wanted you to state or explain that it will not be valid even if you show it at a time other than when you enter the store. Most stores pay with coupons at the time of checkout, so you don't think it's when you enter the store, right? Oh, the taste was good
ぶれいく on Google

食べ飲み放題利用。 こちらでもまたまたやっちゃいました…豚トロ串丼♪ 今回はTKGで♪ あっさりとしてんまい♪ 反省点として、もう2本分豚トロ足せばよかった(TДT)(号泣) 今回はねぎまがほんとんまかった♪ ネギがいい感じに焦げてて…甘味と辛味が混ざり合ったネギ♪ 壁に「怒られない程度に暴れたい」と書いてあって…嫁と全くそうだと盛り上がったり(苦笑) スタンダードの食べ放題がいいね♪ 嫁はフレンチトーストがすごく美味しいと上機嫌♪ ワクチンも終わったし、緊急事態もまん防に変わったけど…あまり羽目外さずに…。 ごちそうさまでした♪
All-you-can-eat and drink. I've done it again here ... Pork Toro Skewer Bowl ♪ This time with TKG ♪ It's light and easy ♪ As a reflection point, I should have added two more pork toro (TДT) (crying) This time the Negima was really good ♪ The green onions are burnt to a nice feeling ... The green onions are a mixture of sweetness and spiciness ♪ On the wall, it says "I want to rampage to the extent that I can't get angry" ... I get excited when I say so with my bride (bitter smile) I like the standard all-you-can-eat ♪ The bride is in a good mood when the French toast is very delicious ♪ The vaccine is over, and the emergency has changed to prevent it ... but don't miss it too much ... Thank you for your feast ♪
清田にこる on Google

Very cheap all you can eat yakitori, if you stick with the standard course. Be aware though, you have to order at least one drink or add all you can drink. The ordering system is a bit of a pain and the service is a bit slow because of it. The food itself is good but not special.

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