Ibaraki Labor Standards Inspection Office - Ibaraki

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ibaraki Labor Standards Inspection Office

住所 :

2 Chome-5-7 Kamichujo, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-8530, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 567-8530

2 Chome-5-7 Kamichujo, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-8530, Japan
Hitomi on Google

ゲバゲバ on Google

私は2回お世話になりましたが2回とも丁寧に対応して頂けました。 2回とも女性の方でした。
I was indebted twice, but I was able to respond carefully twice. I was a woman two times.
714 ragdool on Google

加納さんと言う方に担当して頂きました。 こちらの質問に一つ一つ丁寧に分かりやすく説明して頂けました。 とても、親切丁寧な対応でした。 また、何かありましたらお世話になろうとおもいます。
I was in charge of a person called Kano. I was able to explain each question carefully and in an easy-to-understand manner. It was very kind and polite. Also, if there is anything, I will try to help you.
RAIMU R120 on Google

People who have labor problems should go to the consultation, but before going to the consultation, summarize the points firmly and put in some knowledge about what the Standards Inspection Office will do and how it will work. It is better to think that the place where you can move even if you have excessive expectations that you should go will move, and if you do not have knowledge about labor issues, there are many things that can only be missed! ️I think it's a big problem to go to the supervisory office, but the supervisory office also has various projects and the tolerance is beyond the limit. You should understand the meaning of having. If you look at the statistics and know how many companies are subject to administrative sanctions, you will not have the sweet idea that others will act as you wish. You should also know about the Labor Bureau, and if you have knowledge about the Ministry of Health and Welfare, it will make sense. I want you to recognize that most of the time you are disappointed when you think that it will be almost solved to the shape you think.
池田慎太郎 on Google

下の方も書いておられますが、 ここの【うめだ】という職員、全く仕事が出来ない。 それ以前に人としてダメダメ。 人を時間指定で呼び出しておいて、 1時間以上待たされた。 で一言の謝罪も無し。 こちらは敬語で話しているのに、終始タメ口。 露骨に溜息を付いたり、 おまけに手も当てずこちらの顔目掛けてクシャミを飛ばしてきておいて、すいませんの一言も無し。 見え見えの嘘を付くし、それを指摘してもヘラヘラ笑って誤魔化すだけ。 挙句の果てに開き直って、話と全く関係無い罵詈雑言を浴びせられた。 結局、本題に入る前に追い返されました。 こんなゴミに我々の血税が使われてると思うと反吐が出る。 税金泥棒とはまさにコイツのためにあるような言葉。 もう二度と行くことはないでしょう。
The lower one is also written, The staff here, [Umeda], can't work at all. Before that, it's no good as a person. Call a person at a specified time I had to wait for more than an hour. And there is no apology for a word. Even though I speak in honorifics, it's a tame mouth from beginning to end. Blatantly sighing As a bonus, I'm sorry to say that I've been sneezing at my face without touching it. I tell a visible lie, and even if I point it out, I just laugh and cheat. After all, he reopened and was exposed to abusive miscellaneous words that had nothing to do with the story. In the end, I was kicked back before I got into the main subject. When I think that our blood tax is used for such garbage, I get vomiting. A tax thief is just like a word for this guy. You will never go again.
高井止 on Google

ウメダという職員の事を書こうと思ったら既に書かれてました^^; 職場で社長から骨折するまで暴力を振るわれて、 給与も全額未払いで、警察に言ったら殺すと脅されたので、 すがる思いで話をしに行きました。 「体罰ごときでいちいち相談に来るな」 「仕事があるだけ幸せに思いなさい」 「なんならここで体罰使ってアンタを教育してもええねんぞ」 「なんやその目は、正しい事言うてあげてるのに逆ギレか?」 「逆らったらアンタの会社の社長に電話するで」 以上の事を言われました。 ウメダという職員です、他の方も被害に遭われたようで... 当たり前ですがもう二度と行きません。
I was already written when I thought about writing an official of Umeda ^ ^; Being broken by the president at work and violent until it broke, My salary was not paid in full and I was threatened to kill when I told the police, I went to talk with a sad feeling. "Do not consult each time with corporal punishment" "Just be happy as much work as you can" "Why would you educate yourself with corporal punishment here?" "Everyone's eyes are saying the right thing but are you going backwards?" "If you go against it, call the president of your company." I was told the above. It is a staff called Umeda, others seem to have suffered ... It is natural, but I will never go again.
宮本貴司 on Google

ここのウメダとかいう職員、本当に無能過ぎです。 自分から時間指定して呼び出しといて、30分も待たされた、 おまけに謝罪なし、完全に殿様気分。 電話で「じっくりと話したいので来てください」とまで言っておいて、 適当にマニュアル通りのウンチクを聞かされ、 最後は上司まで連れてきて厄介払いされました。 賃金未払いに関しても「自分で何とかしろ」の一点張り。 電話では厳正に対処すると言ってたのにね、ただの嘘付き。 給与明細に不正があったのを認めたのにも関わらず、 「確かに違法だけど、私には直接関係無いですからねー 文句あるなら私じゃなくて雇用主に言えば? 相手から一発殴られるぐらいの覚悟はあるんでしょ? そうじゃなかったら諦めなさい、時間の無駄だから」 とても労基署の人間のセリフじゃないですよね。 一生忘れられないセリフです。 他の職員さんはどうか知らないけど、 ここの労基署はあまりオススメしません。 とにかく心底不快な思いをしました。 ウメダという中年の職員には要注意!
The staff here, Umeda, is really overkill. I called for a specified time and waited for 30 minutes, Moreover, there is no apology, and I feel completely like a lord. On the phone, say, "I want to talk carefully, so please come." I was properly asked for a poop according to the manual, At the end, I was brought to my boss and was troubled. As for unpaid wages, there is a point of "do it yourself". I said on the phone that I would handle it strictly, but it was just a lie. Despite admitting that my pay slip was incorrect, "It's illegal, but it has nothing to do with me. If there is a complaint, tell the employer, not me? You're ready to be hit by the other person, right? If not, give up, it's a waste of time. '' It's not the human line of the Labor Bureau, isn't it? It is a line that will never be forgotten. Other staff don't know We do not recommend the labor office here. Anyway, I really felt uncomfortable. Watch out for the middle-aged employee named Umeda!
てりてり on Google

Silver, which cannot keep up with the times, is assigned as a counselor. Moreover, it is a weakness that can not be understood by the company and can be argued by the company. Don't let an old man who can only clean up talk about troubles with the company in the meantime. Waste of taxes!

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