Hoshinosogen Camping Ground - Mikata District

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hoshinosogen Camping Ground

住所 :

560 Ojiroku Joyama, Kami, Mikata District, Hyogo 667-1501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799777
Postal code : 667-1501
Webサイト : https://www.ojiro.or.jp/camp/

560 Ojiroku Joyama, Kami, Mikata District, Hyogo 667-1501, Japan
0712 mk on Google

とにかく広くて開放的。 スキー場なので傾斜があり、配置を考えないといけない。
Anyway, it's wide and open. Since it is a ski resort, there is a slope, so you have to think about the layout.
T M on Google

冬はゲレンデになってる広場がそのままキャンプ場になっているので、区画で仕切られたキャンプ場と違いゆったりと設営出来ますし隣キャンパーとも距離感があっていい感じです。 山の上といえど、昼間はかなり暑くキャンプサイトにほぼ木が無いので影がなくタープ必須です!夜間はかなり過ごしやすい気温になりロンTで過ごしました。天候も良く満点の星空で流れ星も見えた! ただ、ゲレンデなので基本的にゆるやかに傾斜していてイスやテーブルを設置してもどうしても斜めになってしまいます。コットで寝ましたが、寝てる間に少しずつずり落ちちゃいました… スキーシーズン中レストラン営業してる建物が管理棟になっていて、その中のトイレが夜間も利用出来ます。洋式温水便座式なのが嬉しいポイント。 焚き火は、焚き火台+焚き火マットが必要。焚き火台+マットセットレンタルや、焚き火マット単体レンタルも可能なようです。薪も販売していました。 アブ、ブヨ類が飛んでますので虫除け・防虫対策、痒み止め必須です。半ズボン+サンダルスタイルは要注意。
In winter, the open space on the slopes is used as a campsite, so you can set it up comfortably unlike a campsite partitioned by compartments, and it feels good to have a sense of distance from the adjacent camper. Even on the mountain, it is quite hot in the daytime and there are almost no trees on the campsite, so there is no shadow and a tarp is essential! At night, the temperature was quite comfortable and I spent time at Ron T. The weather was good and I could see shooting stars in the starry sky! However, since it is a slope, it is basically gently inclined, and even if you install a chair or table, it will inevitably be inclined. I slept on a cot, but while I was sleeping, it slipped off little by little ... The building where the restaurant is open during the ski season is the administration building, and the toilets in it can be used even at night. The nice point is that it is a Western-style warm water toilet seat type. For a bonfire, a bonfire stand + a bonfire mat is required. It seems that you can rent a bonfire + mat set or rent a bonfire mat alone. We also sold firewood. Since black flies and gnats are flying, insect repellent, insect repellent measures, and itching prevention are essential. Be careful of shorts + sandals style.
ちちょり on Google

冬の間はゲレンデと言う事で傾斜のおる場所でのキャンプになります、各エリアにテーブと椅子が設置されております、もっていく装備がへらせて便利です。 電源付きエリアをかりましたが、結構奥の方になるので若干トイレからは遠く夜は厳しいかな? 常駐の係員さんがおられるのでソロキャンプでも安心てました。 途中「クマ注意」の看板も、ありましたが防護策に電気を流しているという事で安心です。 夜中の星はとてもキレイで、周りの静かさにびっくりするくらい鳥の声や鹿の鳴き声が近くに感じてびっくりするくらいでした。 11月ということもあり、寒くなってきていたので自動販売機でカップラーメンとかホットの飲み物がおいてくれてたら良かったのです自動販売機は使用中止でした残念!でも、携帯の充電ボックスがあり忘れたり、電源エリア以外を借りた人にはすごくありがたいサービスでした。(有料)
During the winter, it is a camp on a slope because it is called a slope, and there are tables and chairs in each area, so it is convenient to bring the equipment. I took an area with a power supply, but it's quite far from the toilet, so it's a bit tough at night? There is a resident staff member, so I was relieved even at the solo camp. There was a sign saying "Be careful of bears" on the way, but I am relieved that electricity is flowing as a protective measure. The stars in the middle of the night were so beautiful that I was surprised to hear the sounds of birds and deer nearby, astonishingly the quietness of the surroundings. It was November, so it was getting colder, so I wish I had cup noodles and hot drinks at the vending machine. I'm sorry that the vending machine was discontinued! However, it was a great service for those who forgot to have a mobile charging box or rented a place other than the power supply area. (Paid)
田坂健一 on Google

ソロキャンプで利用しました。 管理が行き届いたファミリー向けキャンプ場だと思います。が、 ブヨ等の虫対策はしっかりした方が良いです。 明け方にハーフパンツとサンダル何かでウロウロすると、餌食になります。対策をしっかりすれば楽しい時間を過ごせると思います。 因みにキャンプ場までの山道は結構荒れてるので安全運転で!
I used it at a solo camp. I think it's a well-managed family-friendly campsite. but, It is better to take measures against insects such as gnats. If you hang around in shorts and sandals at dawn, it will be a prey. I think that you can have a good time if you take proper measures. By the way, the mountain road to the campsite is quite rough, so drive safely!
CAT WILD on Google

おじろスキー場を春季、夏季にキャンプ場として営業されておます。 キャンプ場は少し分かりにくですがYouTubeやなっぷというキャンプ場予約サイトを利用すると生き方が記載されております。 途中は山道なので運転には注意が必要になります。 キャンプサイトは傾斜地ではなくロッジ前等の平らな場所で運営されているのでテントの設営もしやすく設営後も傾斜に悩まされる事もなくキャンプを楽しめます。 ふわっふわの芝生なのでテントを設営後に寝転んでも痛くなく快適ですがペグは入りやすい反面抜けやすく風が有る時はペグが抜けやすいのでちょっと良いペグが必要かと思います。 管理棟やトイレも綺麗ですが1つ上の星のサイトのトイレはちょっと古さを感じますが綺麗に整備されています。 管理人さん達はとても良い方で何でも話しやすそうな方達で安心して利用出来るかと思います。 管理棟のある草原サイト付近のリフトの支柱にブランコが設置されておりハイジの様な高原ブランコを楽しめます。 ちょっとネックなのは受付開始は13時~ですがその時間に行くと受付待ちの車両で意外と待たされます。 私の時で約40分待たされました。 その待ち時間も車で待機するのですがかなりの急勾配に車を止めさせられるので車を止めて外で時間を潰すって事がしにくくなっています。 近くにスーパーマーケットやホームセンターはなくキャンプ場から約50分位の所にマックスバリュー、ホームセンター、EDIONが揃った複合施設が有るので来られる前にそこである程度、揃えられると良いかと思います。 夜は天気が良ければ綺麗な星空が見られます。しかし星空撮影は南に大阪、神戸の光害の影響を受けるので撮影には難易度が増します。
The Ojiro Ski Resort is open as a campsite in the spring and summer. The campsite is a little difficult to understand, but if you use the campsite reservation site called YouTube or Nap, the way of life is described. It is a mountain road on the way, so you need to be careful when driving. Since the camp site is operated on a flat surface such as in front of the lodge, not on a slope, it is easy to set up a tent and you can enjoy camping without being bothered by the slope after setting up. It's a fluffy lawn, so it doesn't hurt even if you lie down after setting up the tent, but it's easy to get in, but it's easy to pull out when there is wind, so I think you need a good peg. The administration building and toilets are also clean, but the toilets on the next higher star site feel a little old, but they are in good condition. I think that the managers are very good people and people who are likely to talk about anything can use it with confidence. A swing is installed on the support of the lift near the grassland site where the administration building is located, and you can enjoy a plateau swing like Heidi. The bottleneck is that the reception starts from 13:00, but when you go to that time, you will be unexpectedly waited in the waiting vehicle. I had to wait about 40 minutes at my time. The waiting time is also waiting by car, but it is difficult to stop the car and kill time outside because the car can be stopped on a fairly steep slope. There is no supermarket or home center nearby, and there is a complex facility with Max Value, home center, and EDION about 50 minutes from the campsite, so I think it would be good to have some of them before you come. At night, if the weather is nice, you can see a beautiful starry sky. However, shooting the starry sky is more difficult because it is affected by the light pollution of Osaka and Kobe in the south.
匠工房スマイル on Google

The road to the campsite is tough, but when I arrived it was like another world. The correspondence of the staff at the campsite was also very good. There were some clouds, but I was able to try shooting the moon with an astronomical telephoto lens. Is this the site? It was spacious and comfortable enough to make me think.
かーぶ on Google

キャンプには行ってませんが、ロードバイクで登って来ました。 勾配がキツく登り始めから10%以上の勾配が頂上まで続く。 平均15%前後 最高勾配が19.9% 登り切ったご褒美には、綺麗な草原が待ってました。 キャンプ場の管理の方とお話も出来て楽しかったです。
I didn't go camping, but I climbed on a road bike. From the beginning of the steep climb, a gradient of 10% or more continues to the summit. Average around 15%, maximum gradient is 19.9% A beautiful meadow awaited me as a reward for climbing up. It was fun to talk with the campsite manager.
ATSUSHI NK on Google

I used the ⑥ site of the star site for 2 nights. The grassland site near the reception was on a slope, but the star site is almost flat and the price is 500 yen cheaper, so this is definitely recommended. As for the star sites, ① to ⑤ are power sites and ⑥ to ⑩ are non-power sites. The toilet uses the toilet of Taniyamaso. There are two sinks in front of Taniyamaso and one next to the ⑦ site. The size of the site is quite generous. The hardness of the site is soft and the wind can pass through well, so I think a long peg is good. There are also night shifters, so you can rest assured in many ways. The road to the campsite is a mountain road, but I think there were few places where it was difficult to separate.

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