
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 滝見亭

住所 :

Ojiroku Kusube, Kami, Mikata District, 〒667-1501 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87997
Webサイト : http://www5.nkansai.ne.jp/res/takimitei/
街 : Hyogo

Ojiroku Kusube, Kami, Mikata District, 〒667-1501 Hyogo,Japan
ぽんこつ on Google

It is a very calm shop. We were able to enjoy lunch in a state like a loan on this day. The surroundings are surrounded by trees and it is very cool.
谷口なおみ on Google

びっくりの山奥!一度通りすぎた。他の車が入って行った細道~の先にあった。コースで頼んだが食べきれなかった。また来たいな 今度は娘同伴で。横の滝!かわゆいゆったり、まったり出来ます
The amazing mountain back! I passed by once. It was at the end of the alley where other cars went in. I asked in the course but I could not eat. I want to come back again This time with my daughter. Horizontal waterfall! It can be relaxed and relaxed
miffiだよ on Google

GW中に家族で立ち寄り、蕎麦定食を頼みました。 季節の山菜のたらの芽と川魚と胡麻豆腐と筍ご飯がとても美味しかったです。蕎麦もまた格別でした。 最高だったかもしれません。一度行った方が良いと思います。 トイレは場所柄不便でした。
I stopped by my family during GW and asked for a soba set meal. Seasonal wild vegetable sprouts, river fish, sesame tofu and bamboo shoot rice were very delicious. Soba was also exceptional. It might have been the best. I think you should go there once. The toilet was inconvenient due to its location.
Daichi Kohmoto on Google

おじろ(小代)の地のもの、旬のものを堪能できます。 山菜、川魚、但馬牛・・・。 心からおススメできるお店です。 久須部渓谷(くすべけいこく)に着いたらまず入店してお客さんの数をチェックし、滝をみるのを先にするか後にするか決めるとよいですよ! 空いているときは、料理や素材についてお店の方にいろいろと聞いてみてください。小代弁で丁寧に教えてくださいます!
You can enjoy local and seasonal foods from Ojiro (Ojiro). Wild plants, river fish, Tajima beef ... It is a shop that I can recommend from the bottom of my heart. When you arrive at the Kusube Valley, you should first enter the store, check the number of customers, and decide whether to see the waterfall first or later! When it's free, ask the shop staff about the dishes and ingredients. Please tell me politely with a small proxy!
ななこ on Google

これからの紅葉?最高です 但馬牛すき焼きや里芋のトチモチカブラ餡かけが絶品 栗御飯 デザートの栗羊羹も
The autumn leaves bowl is the best. Tajima beef sukiyaki and taro rice cake topped with chestnut rice.
*poco* on Google

静かな森の中の川の流れと鳥の鳴き声のみのお店。 川魚がとても美味しかったです。 3つの滝が近くにあります。
A shop with only the flow of rivers and the barking of birds in a quiet forest. The river fish was very delicious. There are 3 waterfalls nearby.
west m on Google

綺麗な渓谷の中にある食事処、料理は素朴ですが美味しいです。 ゆっくり食事するのにピッタリです。
The restaurant and food in the beautiful valley are simple but delicious. It is perfect for a slow meal.
旅中の秋 on Google

#兵库#香美町#小代#滝见亭# Beautiful food is a pleasure to travel. Sitting at the window overlooking the waterfall in the woods, enjoying the food made by local ingredients, is really pleasing to the eye. The family-run restaurant, the winter snow-capped mountain restaurant is closed, the whole family moves to the canteen where the ski resort operates, and the hot beef rice ramen is the main one. Too charming "nomadic" restaurant!

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