ランドマーク - Nagoya

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ランドマーク

住所 :

Hoshigaoka Motomachi, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0802 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 464-0802
街 : Aichi

Hoshigaoka Motomachi, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0802 Aichi,Japan
Kazuhito Kanai (LowLIFE) on Google

昔の百貨店のレストランの雰囲気を楽しむ場所。 (逆にそういうのを楽しむ気が無い方は別の店に行くことをオススメします。) 味や提供されるスピードとかを度外視出来る方用の店と思えば良いかと思います。 ぶっちゃけ、味についてはそう美味しくないですし、店員のレベルも低いです。 でも、たま~に行くとそれなりに癒されます。
A place to enjoy the atmosphere of a restaurant of an old department store. (On the contrary, those who do not want to enjoy such things recommend that you go to another shop.) I think whether to think that it is a store for people who can overlook taste and provided speed. Bukkake, about taste is not so tasty, and the clerk's level is low. However, as soon as you go, you will be healed as it is.
松尾美子 on Google

ホールの対応が悪い。 メニューを片手でぞんざいに置いてゆく、女性店員がお客にタメ口、頼んだ料理のトレイをを適応な場所に斜め置き。 水を注ぎ足しに来るなどの配慮は、期待してはいけません。
Poor correspondence in the hall. Laying down the menu with one hand, the female clerk placed the mouth of the customer and the dish tray that he asked for at an appropriate place. Do not expect any consideration such as coming to pour water.
黒井豆之助 on Google

前述の通り、最悪の飲食店です。 ·手渡しされたメニューに使用済みお手拭きが挟まってる ·メニューの構成品が一部不足している状態で一方的に提供してきて、「今作っているので…」 ·伝票をテーブルの隅に置いていた使用済みお手拭きの上に置いていく ·お子様ランチだから?かは不明だが、同じ内容のメニューを頼んだのに配置がバラバラで届く ·注文から提供までの時間が30分以上 ·とんかつ御膳が値段(1,500円強)の割に硬く、衣も噛む前からバラバラになる腕の無さ 味·提供速度·値段·ホール対応等、トータルの顧客満足度は最低かと思われます(昔飲食で仕事をしていましたが、ここまで酷い店は初めて見ました)。 誰かに行くなと忠告することはあれど、勧めることなど絶対ありえません。久しぶりの外食でここを引いたのが運の尽きでした。
As mentioned above, it is the worst restaurant. ·Used towels are sandwiched between handed menus ·We unilaterally provided some of the components of the menu, and said, “We are making it now...” ·Place the slip on the used towel that was placed in the corner of the table ·Because it is a children's lunch? I don't know, but even though I asked for a menu with the same content, the arrangement arrives in pieces ·Time from order to provision is 30 minutes or more ·The tonkatsu set is hard for the price (1,500 yen or more), and the clothes don't fall apart even before you chew It seems that the total customer satisfaction such as taste, speed, price, hall, etc. is the lowest (I used to work for food and drink, but I saw a terrible shop for the first time). Although I advise people not to go, I can never recommend them. It was my luck to pull out here after eating out after a long absence.
パタヤビーチへようこそ on Google

The hamburger is handmade, juicy and delicious. Each dish is solid and good. A serious restaurant. The uncle of the clerk is kind.
大阪府 on Google

Fast but normal
みい on Google

I entered the store after 11 o'clock and ordered vegetable curry. I waited for about 30 minutes, but I think it was because the order had been placed.
Akiko Kimura on Google

粗びきハンバーグ肉汁たっぷり美味しくいただきました???と? 私は全部付いてる☺️のを注文 全て美味しかったですが! 白米がとても⤴️⤴️美味しかった??❤️
Coarse hamburger steak with plenty of gravy ??? and ? I ordered ☺️ with everything Everything was delicious! The white rice was very ⤴️⤴️ delicious ??❤️
森野熊夫 on Google

The meal at Oriental Nakamura's observation restaurant was a feast that was rarely eaten as a child. The interior has changed a lot, but the view is the same. The hamburger was also delicious.

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