
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アリさんマークの引越社

住所 :

Hoshidakita, Katano, 〒576-0017 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.2626.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Hoshidakita, Katano, 〒576-0017 Osaka,Japan
船場二朗 on Google

見積で来て頂きましたが、「名刺切らしててすいません」と。 やる気がないようで、見積時の粗品だけ置いて帰っていった。
I received an estimate, but "I'm sorry to have run out of business cards." It seems that there is no motivation, leaving only the crude product at the time of estimation.
辻岡康博 on Google

物を壊してもそのまま悪びれず謝らない、組み付けもでたらめチェックしない、最悪です。 電話が繋がらないので手紙で不具合場所を連絡しても連絡すら無い。 もう、最低です。 怒りを通り過ぎてあきれてます。
Even if you break things, don't apologize and don't apologize. Since the telephone is not connected, even if I contact the location of the problem by letter, I do not even contact. It's the worst anymore. I'm mad by passing the anger.
304哨戒中隊隊員 on Google

社員、バイト問わず程度が悪い。 ながらスマホしながらチャリ通勤するアホはおるわ、狭い道をビュンビュン飛ばすクズはおるわ全く社員教育が出来ていない会社です。 何度がクレーム入れてるけど一向に治る気配なし。 頼むから交野から出て行ってくれ!!
Whether the employee or the part-time job is bad. Aho who chats while doing a smart phone is awow, and a narrow road is bumble bye is a company where no employee education is possible. There are many complaints, but there is no sign of healing. Please leave me from the field to ask! !
酒井絵理奈 on Google

I was moving with a thoughtful and warm feeling. I moved several times with a mover other than Ali, but there was no mover who took care of me so far. I'm really thankful to you.
mana ten on Google

The branch office staff asked me to move, but my furniture and chairs were full of scratches. I don't know if I put a heavy object on it, but I was surprised that the desk was bent. Also, during the moving work, young workers screamed out loud in the common area of ​​the apartment, and the laughter was loud and complaints came.
SATO F. on Google

A few years ago, I asked for another quote and asked for a quote. There are other cheap vendors, so if you call me, I'll ask you to do so. Huh? I'm holding the track and making plans! What are you canceling now? Please don't do it! Even though I canceled it a month ago, I was shouted in a yakuza tone. About a week after I successfully moved to another industry, the intercom rings early in the morning, so when I went out, two trucks from the moving company were laid down and stopped, and good morning for a young man! When. .. .. e? Did you move? Speaking of which, is there a young man? That's right, it's a new construction. Why? When. For the time being, I went home as it was that day, but about a month later, another man came from the early morning with a face that I didn't eat next to the truck. I found that this was also harassment, so please take care! I'll talk to the police! Excuse me, I bowed down and went home. After that, nothing disappeared, but I still feel sick of harassing myself every time I watch a commercial on TV. No matter how cheap it is in the future, I will never ask, and I will tell the facts to the acquaintances who are moving!
Sor “shio_2037” 塩 on Google

I was requesting a quote, but I was sick due to lack of sleep for a few days, so I just called to ask for a change in the date and time, but I said that I was not feeling well because I did not listen to this story well. However, it was decided that the call was refused, and he said, "There are many such calls. Does it feel like it was decided by another company? I think that sales people are already heading ..." and said, "Sales people. I'll let you check it. "
安倍清明 on Google

過去数十年の間に、この引越し屋を2回使っていて良い業者だと思ってましたので、今回もお願いしましたが、、、。 今回の投稿は細かく詳細に記載しますので読みにくいかと思いますが、それ程の事があったんだとお察し下さい。 先ずは営業マンが来て見積もりから始まります、最初の見積もりでは○○万程の見積もり(1発目は高く言うので無視)値段交渉で○万まで下がりました(この日には他社の見積もりが予定されてたんですが、営業マンからの願いで他社には電話にて見積もりを断ってくれとの事で断りの電話を入れました)この日は、すぐさま持ってきてた段ボールとガムテープを置いて帰りました。 営業マンが来てから数日後、食器を詰める際に使うクッション(昔、2回の引越しを頼んだ際にも持ってきてた物)を貰ってなかったので営業所へ電話しましたが、数年前から有料オプションになったらしくて必要なら別途頂きますとの事。 有料オプションとは営業マンとの契約の際には説明は受けてなかったので、営業マンと話しがしたいので電話を下さいと伝えてその日は終わり。 1日過ぎ電話なし。 2日目も午前中には電話が無さそうので、こちらから電話をかけましたところ、電話を受けた人間が誰にも伝えてなかったみたいで、只々待ちぼうけを食らった無意味な時間。 その日は、営業マンが出社してるとの事だったので電話にて、契約の際の話と違う事も有ったし営業所のいい加減さもあってキャンセルを申し出たところ、直ぐに営業マンから電話が来まして、家の方に来て話したいとの事でしたので来て頂きました。 食器のクッションを持って現れ、営業所の電話対応や有料オプションの説明不足があった事のお詫びと契約の続行のお願いでした。結局は少しの値下げと、運ぶ作業はしっかりとやって頂けるとの事だったので渋々ですが契約続行になりました。 引越しの荷詰めも進んで行き途中、足りない段ボールを頂きながら詰めてましたが、思ってたより段ボールの数も多かったので引越し前に段ボール回収の段取りも話しとこうと営業所へ電話しましたところ、ここでまた初耳の有料オプション!(昔は段ボール回収は無料の好意でした) もうこの時期(引越し間近)で、今更の様に有料オプション?! 営業マンは一切有料オプションの話をして無かったので、口答説明しないのが営業のやり方なのか説明を受けたくて本部へ連絡しました。本部の人が言うには、有料オプションの説明はパンフレットを見ながら口答で説明するべきだったとの事でしたので、信用にならない営業マンとは話にならないので違う人をと伝えた所、支店長から電話させますとの事でした。 支店長からの電話の際にも、再三にわたって説明不足やいい加減な対応やとやってきてますが大丈夫?と、作業を心配して聞きましたが作業は大丈夫です!との事。(もうこの時期でキャンセルも出来ないし、しっかりとやって貰うしかないって感じでした) 引越し当日には、挨拶もちゃんとした作業員が数名来まして荷物運びとなりました。運びの際には何ら問題もない感じで手早い作業でしたし、当初から荷物は運ぶがホコリゴミは運びません!と言ってましたが作業員も雑巾ありますか?って聞いて来て、渡したところホコリ落とししてるように見えたので安心しました。運ぶ荷物も多かった事も有って夫婦2人では完全に把握して作業が終われませんでした。 引越し当日は、寝る場所の確保だけで手一杯。 翌日から荷解きしていこうと、1部屋づつ片付け始めました。 ここからが作業の荒さについてになります。 まずは運んだ事で汚れ・破損したんでは無いかな?って思われた物です。 ◉食器のが割れてた ◉布団や毛布の圧縮パックが裂けて、中身が出てた ◉水屋「食器棚」下部分の角がめくれてる ◉新居の押入れ内に、大きいのは拳だいのホコリが沢山あって、そこにむき出しの毛布 ◉座布団が4枚全てホコリ汚れだらけ ◉大型テレビはテレビ台に乗ってましたが、台は前後逆 ◉ブルーレイレコーダーやハードディスクは、梱包なしの積み重ねで段ボールに入ってた。1台は動作不安定に。 ◉新居のフローリング部分は荷物擦れの傷 上記記載分で分かるのは、とにかく作業が荒いと言う事でしょう。 人がやる事なので、破れたとか破損・汚れたとか、その時に分かってるんなら言って欲しかったのが1つ。 営業所へは一旦見に来て欲しいと願い、見に来ましたが「支店長がきました」前もってこちらからは言う出たんですが「今回の件は保証して欲しいから見て欲しい訳ではなく、荒い仕事の結果を知らせて、こちらへは何も無いじゃなく謝罪が必要でしょう」と、話して出たので踏まえて来てるものと思いましたが違いました。 来て数カ所を見るなり「保証は約款内で決まった物に限りますから」って、保証する為に見に来てって頼んで無いのに、なに言ってんの?ってなりました。 汚れた部分の見解は、「汚れを感じるのは人それぞれ違うので判断出来ません」だとか、破損した袋を見ても「運ぶ前から破れてなかったとは限りません」とか、傷も同様で証拠はないだとか。 作業不備の可能性も有るでしょうって話には、「作業には問題はなかった」としか言いようがない。納得頂けるように「すみませんでした」って頭を下げてましたが、謝り方に誠意は見られませんでした。どうなんでしょうね、、、 これ以上話すのも困難なので、帰ってくれって帰って貰いました。今回の件は本部にも連絡してた案件だったので、直ぐに本部へ電話報告しようと電話しましたが、直ぐに電話が切れたのでかけ直し「切れたのでかけ直しです」って伝えましてら、「しばらくお待ちください」って言ったので違う部署へ繋ぐのかと待てば、三度の電話切断。 その時に帰ったはずの支店長が戻り、玄関を叩く音玄関を開けると直ぐ様「私の言葉はアリさんの社長の言葉だと思って聞いて、二度と連絡をして来ないように!してくれば業務妨害として警察へ連絡します!」 何を意味不明な事を言いに戻った?意味不明やから帰って!本部と話すと言いましたが、本部も同じ見解ですから連絡しないように!って言うと帰りました。 ???何がどうなってこんな事になった?? 意味不明の為、本部へ確認したところ、既に私の名前は全国のブラックリストに載ってて悪質クレーマーとして対処する様になってる。 はぁ?はぁ?意味不明、、、。 この会社は、自社に不備が有りどうしようもなくなると、客を攻撃対象にして事を収めようとしてる? この件で何故か、私はブラックリスト?悪質クレーマー?どこからどうやったらそんな汚名を着せられる? こんな汚名を全国にって、名誉毀損でしかないですが? こんな会社が優良企業で引越し安心マークを付けて営業してると思うと恐ろしい。 この数年で何が変わったのか分からないですが、同じ会社に3回の引越しを頼んで分かったことは、年月が経つと企業体質も変化するんだと。 今回の出来事で分かるのは、個人で被害に遭い申し立てても、大企業には理不尽で返されても泣き寝入りなんだと言う事。私の出来るのは、実際に起きた事をここに書くのが精一杯。 ひとつ心配なのは、こんな悪意のある会社が私の個人情報を握ってる事です、、、 星は1ではなくゼロです。 最後に、何があっても個人では企業には勝てません。私と同じく嫌な思いをされる方が少なくなる事を祈ります。
I thought it was a good mover to use this mover twice in the last few decades, so I asked for it again, but ... This post will be described in detail, so it may be difficult to read, but please understand that there was such a thing. First of all, a salesman comes and starts with an estimate, the first estimate is about XX million (Ignore the first one because it is said to be high) It dropped to XX million in price negotiations (other companies' estimates on this day It was planned, but at the request of a salesman, I made a phone call to decline the quote to another company.) On this day, I immediately put down the cardboard and gum tape I brought. I went home. A few days after the salesman came, I called the sales office because I didn't get the cushions I used to pack the dishes (the ones I brought when I asked for two moves in the past). It seems that it has been a paid option for years, so if necessary, it will be charged separately. I didn't get an explanation about the paid option when I signed the contract with the salesman, so I told him to call me because I want to talk to the salesman, and the day was over. No phone call after 1 day. There seems to be no phone call in the morning on the second day, so when I called from here, it seems that the person who received the call did not tell anyone, so it was a meaningless time when I was just waiting. On that day, it was said that a salesman was coming to the office, so there was something different from the story at the time of the contract, and when I offered to cancel due to the sloppyness of the sales office, the salesman immediately called. Came and wanted to come to my house and talk to me, so I asked him to come. He appeared with a cushion of tableware, apologized for the lack of telephone support at the sales office and lack of explanation of paid options, and asked to continue the contract. In the end, it was said that the price would be reduced a little and the work of carrying it would be done firmly, so I was reluctant to continue the contract. As the moving process progressed, I was packing while receiving the missing cardboard boxes, but since there were more cardboard boxes than I expected, I called the sales office to talk about the cardboard collection setup before moving. , Here again the first paid option! (In the old days, cardboard collection was a free favor) At this time of year (moving soon), is it a paid option like now? !! The salesman did not talk about paid options at all, so I contacted the headquarters to get an explanation as to whether it was a sales method not to explain by word of mouth. The person at the headquarters said that the explanation of the paid option should have been explained by word of mouth while looking at the pamphlet, so I told the branch office that I could not talk to the untrustworthy salesman. He said that he would call me from the chief. When I call from the branch manager, I've been repeatedly asked for lack of explanation and sloppy response. Is that okay? I was worried about the work, but the work is okay! That thing. (I couldn't cancel at this time, and I felt like I had to do it well.) On the day of the move, several workers with proper greetings came to carry the luggage. It was a quick task without any problems when carrying it, and from the beginning I carry luggage but not dust! Did the workers also have a rag? I was relieved because it seemed to be dusting when I handed it over. The two couples couldn't finish the work because they had a lot of luggage to carry. On the day of the move, all you have to do is secure a place to sleep. From the next day, I started cleaning up one room at a time to unpack. From here on, it's about the roughness of the work. First of all, isn't it dirty or damaged by carrying it? It was something that I thought. ◉ The tableware was broken ◉ The compression pack of the futon and blanket was torn and the contents came out. ◉ The bottom corner of the Mizuya "cupboard" is turned over ◉ There is a lot of fist-sized dust in the closet of the new house, and there is a bare blanket. ◉ All four cushions are full of dust ◉ The large TV was on the TV stand, but the stand is upside down ◉ Blu-ray recorders and hard disks were packed in cardboard without packaging. One is unstable. ◉ The flooring part of the new house is scratched by rubbing luggage What you can see from the above description is that the work is rough anyway. It's something that people do, so I wanted you to tell me if you knew at that time that it was torn, damaged, or dirty. I asked the sales office to come and see it, but I said "the branch manager has come" in advance, but "I want you to guarantee this case, so I don't want you to see it. No, I would like to inform you of the result of the rough work and apologize instead of nothing here. " As soon as I came and looked at several places, I said, "The guarantee is limited to the ones decided in the contract", and I didn't ask to come to see it to guarantee it, but what are you saying? It became. The view of the dirty part is "I can not judge because each person feels dirt differently", or even if you look at the damaged bag, "It is not always the case that it was not torn before carrying it", and the same is true for scratches. There is no evidence. There is a possibility of work deficiency, so I can only say that there was no problem with the work. I bowed down to convince myself, "I'm sorry," but I couldn't see any sincerity in how to apologize. How is it ... It's difficult to talk anymore, so I asked him to come back. This case was a case that I also contacted the headquarters, so I called to report to the headquarters immediately, but I immediately hung up, so I called back and said, "I'm hung up, so I'll call you back." I said "Please wait for a while", so I waited for a connection to a different department, and the phone hung up three times. The branch manager who should have returned at that time returned and hit the front door. As soon as he opened the front door, he said, "I think my words are the words of Ali's president, so don't contact me again! If you do, I will contact the police as a business disruption! " What did you come back to say something that didn't make sense? Go home because it doesn't make sense! I said I would talk to the headquarters, but the headquarters has the same view, so don't contact me! I went home. ?? ?? ?? What happened and what happened? ?? Since it doesn't make sense, I checked with the headquarters and found that my name was already on the blacklist nationwide and I started to deal with it as a malicious claimer. Huh? Huh? It doesn't make sense ... Is this company trying to target customers when it can't help because of its flaws? Why am I a blacklist in this matter? Malicious claimer? Where and how can I get such a stigma? Isn't this stigma all over the country just defamation? It's scary to think that such a company is a good company and operates with a moving safety mark. I don't know what has changed in the last few years, but what I learned from asking the same company to move three times is that the corporate structure will change over the years. What we can see from this event is that even if an individual makes a claim for damage, or if it is unreasonably returned to a large company, he will fall asleep. All I can do is write here what actually happened. One concern is that such a malicious company holds my personal information ... The star is zero, not one. Finally, no matter what, individuals cannot beat companies. I pray that there will be fewer people who feel unpleasant like me.

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